Adept Couple Building Northeast Off Grid Community & Seeking OTHERS

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by happylifenow2024, Jun 10, 2024.

  1. Awake & Adept Couple Building Northeast Off Grid Community & Seeking OTHERS, a Unique Business Partner, Land/Home Purchase

    Hello ME,

    My wife and I need to find our new home. Not just any home but the perfect fit for our needs. Being both about 30 years old and married for 11+ years we find ourselves in the most unique, difficult and at the same time most beautiful circumstance. After serving in the Marines, we became entrepreneurs together and have since been in an 8+ year saga of highs and lows and have played business at some of the highest levels in various industries ranging from Biosciences, Manufacturing, IP Technology, Indoor Agriculture and real estate to name a few. We are incredibly AWAKE & AWARE of what’s really happening in this realm. We are very spiritual people and to give you an idea we have the ability to travel outside our physical bodies.

    By direct 1st hand experience, we have amassed so much knowledge, truth and a diverse multitude of skillsets and have been polished by nothing other than making it through and past so many hardships. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and that’s certainly true.

    We have real solutions, ideas, applications, and revolutionary technology to literally cause massive positive change to humanity. We have upmost integrity, honesty, and the desire to serve others.

    Amongst other things we have the ability to solve and stop world hunger and have actively been pursuing that exact goal to this very day. We have found massive resistance and sabotage from the evil oligarchs that be. If you have something truly disruptive and able to put the power back in that hands of we the people then the powers at be will do whatever they can to stop it. We have fought for justice through the federal courts pro se for years only to realize how much of a scam and con that system truly is. We have been targeted and systematically sabotaged for doing what’s right and standing up against corruption. We have not and never will sell our souls. We are honest and Integrable people who have played by the rules and never cheated. As we tried to pursue justice nothing, but more and more retaliation came to us. Our records prove and back up are statements and are public for all the world to see.

    We now find ourselves being forced out of our home we have lived at for 8+ years and needing to relocate and start over. We are starting an off grid community in far northeast USA and are seeking others who want to join us. We are looking for a very unique business partner(s) to co-create things with including indoor food production facilities utilizing shipping containers based around our proprietary technology. We also have the unique ability to self-generate all our power needs, yes you read that right (FREE ENERGY). We are looking to connect with Like-minded individuals and make friends. We are looking to purchase land/home off grid or find a living arrangement with someone. If you believe the covid narrative and took the poison please don’t bother reaching out. If this letter resonates with you in anyway, or if you know someone, please pass it along and reach out to us. Let’s metaphorically meet for coffee and have a phone conversation.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2024
  2. Out in the woods

    Out in the woods off-grid in-the-forest beekeeper

    I came to Maine in 2005. I bought land in the Southern half of Maine, about 20 miles North of Bangor.

    Since settling here we have found a growing sub-culture here of off-grid homesteaders.

    I hope to see you at the Common Ground Fair in September. [this is an Ag fair that focuses on organic off-grid homesteading and draws a crowd of 65,000 people every year.]

    happylifenow2024 likes this.
  3. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Removed link and phone number for Opsec...
    chelloveck likes this.
  4. Off Grid Indoor Agricultural Production Seeking the RIGHT Partner

    Utilizing Proprietary Owned U.S. Patented UTILITY Lighting TECHNOLOGY

    Investment Range <$75,000- $150,000

    -Indoor Localized Food/Plant/Hemp/Microgreen Production

    -Ability to generate FREE POWER

    -Our technology allows us to grow anything cheaper then everyone, Literally!

    The TEAM and Project

    We are a small team of dedicated and unique serial entrepreneurs/ experimentalists
    and are looking to start a conversation with qualified Investors, Benefactors,
    Philanthropists, and like-minded Friends.

    The United States is being strategically dismantled by design, it’s disaster
    capitalism at its finest. The time to wake up and band together is NOW.

    The new NORM, Building Back Better comes at a HIGH cost, are you replacing your
    freedom with technocracy? It’s time to support positive disruptive technologies that
    can make a positive difference in this world!

    Current monopolies have driven our world into the travesties we’re experiencing
    today by way of pollution and destruction to our (THE PEOPLE) natural resources.
    They control the world's food supply, and the world’s money supply, and control all
    governments of the world through outright corruption and violence.

    It’s time to remove these oligarchs and their monopolies.

    A national surveillance State has emerged and now superseded our U.S.
    Constitution, controlled our academia, journalism, legal system, and entertainment,
    and continues to smother the population in mindless propaganda.

    Where to go from Here?

    We have solutions; with REAL hard science, and supporting intellectual property,
    and moral integrity.

    Let’s benefit mankind instead of enslaving it.

    On our Short-term objectives list is the real possibility for an increase in the caloric value of food!! To put simply imagine if we can grow a tomato that has 1000 calories? GAME CHANGER

    The Science “Abstract”

    Chemical energy is the base form of life and in the case of autotrophs,
    photosynthetic reactant species, (plants), capturing and storing the electron volts
    from photons (light) is how it all begins. These photons will be converted and stored
    as organic compounds known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide
    adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH).

    Within the wavebands of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR), certain
    wavelengths have a higher maximum potential energy-carrying ability. For this
    reason, each photosystem uses multiple proteins called photoreceptors to capture
    light energy. These protein molecules interact with the energy located in specific
    wavelengths to cause molecular collisions known as excitations.

    Utilizing this knowledge is what makes our Proprietary Technology so effective. We substitute traditional light sources with our proprietary technology that can deliver
    photosynthetic energy levels that are multiple times higher than that of the
    traditional sun, and in high amplitude, this creates massive amounts of photons
    with very high absorption spectra; consequently, plant proteins are able to adapt
    quickly and harvest this high potential energy.

    This biological conversion is called photosynthesis and transforms the
    electromagnetic energy of light into chemical energy storage by synthesizing
    organic compounds (carbohydrates) from inorganic ones (carbon dioxide and

    Through our proprietary methods of increasing the photon input, we can trigger
    stimulation to the electrochemical transmembrane gradient (potential energy) that can
    be used to drive a multitude of biological processes such as ATP synthesis, nutrient
    uptake, and action potential formation such as suppling additional ATP and NADPH to
    the Calvin Cycle.

    Our treatment provides a door into the micro-system of plant development with useful
    novelty for time/material formation and manipulation techniques to carbon fixation
    processes and rates not demonstrated in nature.

    Our Internationally patented technology delivers monochromatic light signaling to create very high potential environments for photomorphogenesis; this in turn raises the usability
    potential within the photoreceptor system, and forces chlorophyll pigments to adapt
    by increasing photosynthetic efficiency.

    · Our system generates almost NO HEAT

    · Our System uses less than 150 watts input and produces a 54-amp output!

    · Our system grows plant life faster and more robust and healthier than any other light.

    · Our system is Proprietary, and additional patents can stem from the original.

    · We can grow Plants indoor literally Cheaper than ANY competitor.

    · We can self-generate power!

    What we NEED:


    Hands on Partnership

    A partner that is AWAKE, Brave and NOT a SHEEP! Do not contact us if you believe in the covid vax and narrative.

    Zimmy likes this.
  5. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    What is your patent number so I can research it?
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Wait, Watts = amps x volts.
    so .. 150W/ 54A = 2.7v
    What in the heck am I going to run with 2.7v other than a string of LEDs?
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    It is my experience that one needs a greenhouse to grow successfully, reducing the water requirements and insect issues.
    I did an experimental aquaponic garden solar powered and cycled through a 40-gallon fish tank and a few fish.
    All things went well till animals invaded the garden and ate all the fish too. The experiment was successful so I'm not disappointed.
    I am on a limited income (retirement) so I have no capitol to invest. But if you hang around here there are a lot of smart folks here that can help.
  8. Partner Presentation 2024 PDF. Please Share.

    Attached Files:

  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    also, 75 - 150k investment? Ah, you are probably barking at the wrong tree.
    that's a huge ass solar array, power house with a 350 gallon diesel tank and a lister diesel generator, green house, used tractor, sawmill, a couple of conex containers plus a couple of acres and a shack.
    a microgreen grower.
    Take a guess what a prepper is going to select.
    Maybe try the left coast greenies or NYC greenies for seed money.
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