A people at War: Reservists and Irregulars in Ukraine.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chelloveck, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    This is an interesting YouTube video webinar on the involvement of Reservists and Irregular Forces in the present conflict in Ukraine. To the Ukrainian people, the conflict is a hot war: To Putin and his acolytes, both civilian and military it is a "Special Military Operation". The differences in terminology seem, to outside observers, somewhat absurd...but Putin's conflict nomenclature makes a distinction which affects the constraints upon which he can harness Russia's national manpower, to prosecute what is in actual fact, in international law terms, a war. A war which is a military invasion against a sovereign state, and an assault on Ukraine's territorial integrity.

    The ways in which both Russia, and Ukraine have harnessed the military manpower of their respective reservist and irregular forces, has importance, and lessons to be learned throughout the world, but of particular relevance to NATO and member states of the European Union. These lessons are also pertinent to nations facing the military expansionism of China in the Far East.

    The presentation posted above is, (judging by the accent) by the same person who hosts a regular high quality, well researched and presented military history podcast series called The Principles of War Podcast Professional Military Education Resources | The Principles of War Podcast The (approximately 30 minute) podcasts are interestingly presented and offer inciteful analysis of the various topics discussed. Well worth subscribing to. Special areas of interest are: Leadership Archives | The Principles of War Podcast , Mission Command Archives | The Principles of War Podcast, CoG Analysis Archives | The Principles of War Podcast , Military Innovation Archives | The Principles of War Podcast and Combined Arms.

    Other Perun videos relating to the Ukraine War:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki, 3M-TA3 and 3 others like this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Excellent! Thank you!
    Ura-Ki, chelloveck and sec_monkey like this.
  3. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    yep yep .. ..

    .. .. dat is interestin stuff n things, thanks fer sharin .. ..

    couple tings .. ..

    drones can be reel gud when used da right way .. .. dat is why we been talkin about drones fer years and years .. ..

    dis aint da end of da tank .. .. tanks is still gud when used da right way .. ..
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    Ura-Ki and chelloveck like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Russia continues to loose because they are stuck in the 1940's with Tank Warfare, something you would think they would be good at, but lessons they didn't learn are now haunting them! You NEVER deploy armor with out support! You never commit your forces to an area or a set route with out both infantry and now days, air support! You never lead from the front in Tanks! You never group your assets in a fixed position or a run! You NEVER EVER plan out your supply/resupply on a fixed time/goal! You never send your forces into a fight with out the proper equipment, supplies, training, support, or leadership with specific goals spelled out and Chrystal clear to all command elements! You never deploy with out first scouting your route or your targets, and you never use regular troops to do that! You NEVER EVER deploy your forces with out accurate, up to date, Real Time Intelligence of everything!

    You would think Russia would know all of this, and would have learned from past experiences, but it seems not to be the case, these are all basic level command teachings, first term junior officers are required to learn and master all these things before they ever pin on the tabs! Hell, most good Sargent's or better know all these things, and know how to do them the right way or even better, improvise!

    Lots of lessons to be learned here, all around!
  5. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    gud gud .. .. [winkthumb] [winkthumb] .. ..

    dont give em no hints tho
    chelloveck and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Biggest problem I am seeing with Russia is a Central Command with little adaptive autonomy in the field. Second biggest problem IMO is there is no coordination between the elements. SO yeah basically everything you said LOL. Of course while all of this is going on the Big Winner is China.
    Ura-Ki, VisuTrac, CraftyMofo and 3 others like this.
  7. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I think the average Russian soldier is ill trained, ill equipped, and ill fed which leads to low moral
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Many were lied to, and many others are conscripts!
    The other thing to remember here, Russians and Ukrainians are brothers and sisters in this, you can't fight against the Slavs as a separate group and not kill Russians, and so, Putin's little special military action where he claims to free oppressed Russians is a great big stinking lie! His own people don't want this anymore then the Ukrainians, they are blood in many cases, and the only reason Putin is still breathing is fear!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    chelloveck, Gator 45/70 and johnbb like this.
  9. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I've read articles that say that Ukraine's army in the eastern part of the country has been encircled, or shortly will be, and are running out of everything...fuel, ammo, medicine, food, and men! However, no one knows for sure because I don't trust either side to tell the truth, and the media seems to all be cheering for Ukraine. The Civil War was better and more accurately reported than this circus! You would think that with the satellite imaging available to the military, government, and to civilians that we could follow individual soldiers in real-time.... but nooooo! The few maps are days old and offer little in the way of details. Somewhere, somebody is thinking that this is not really happening and is just something cooked up by Biden and Co. to distract the sheeple from concerns about inflation, Covid, etc.. I lost interest a long time ago!
  10. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    The toothless bear
    Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Talking to one of my coworkers who has relatives from both ukraine and belarus he said that the relatives in belarus are very pro putin and believe that his war is right and the ones from ukraine are very pro zelinski and believe that he is right. I agree that there is so much BS propaganda on both sides that I don’t know what to believe. What I do know is that this will lead to global economic collapse and famine on a world wide scale if things don’t change. I want to stay the hell out of it. I have friends over in europe waiting for it to kick off. This just sucks for everyone and was probably caused or encouraged by the globalist f tards so they can get their great reset. I sure hope this doesn’t get out of control and we all end up nuked.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I do believe that Russia's problem is not only about leadership, equipment and training but morale, a huge force multiplier. The Russians didn't expect such severe resistance, so we have the Ukraine forces fighting for home and hearth while the Russian forces are fighting for what? Remember a good portion of these troops are conscripts and they are going to die for what?

    Totally agree we are not getting any real facts of current situation on the ground as this has turned into a life and death war with both sides trying to control the narrative and ensure international support and opinion is in their corner. So, both sides put out propaganda, some real, some false... We'll never know the real truth until after the war and probably not even then.

    And, yeah it's a life and death war in that Putin must now win or suffer huge loss of face and public support while the Ukraine is fighting for their country's freedom without constraints and now for their lives. I think all know that Russia will not forget and forgive so...so they either fight them to an armistice via a stalemate or they suffer the horror of capitulation to a country that is infamous for its treatment of prisoners and conquered people. I don't believe there is any chance of Ukraine truly winning outright but if they can continue to hold out, and continue to send the body bags home, they have a very good chance of keeping their country, their freedoms, and their lives. Public pressure at home is about the only thing which will cause Putin to negotiate and it will have to be very severe so that means lots and lots of body bags...sadly.

    I just read on FOX that Congress just approved 'Lend Lease' for Ukraine which should prove to be a huge factor IF President Brandon uses it. Plus, it looks like NATO will be sending heavier weapons also...

    US Senate votes to resurrect World War II-era policy to help Ukraine amid Russian invasion | Fox News
    NATO urging members to send 'heavier weapons' to Ukraine in fight against Russia | Fox News
    chelloveck, Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If we would send over a dozen A-10 WartHogs, it would end the Russian Armor in a few days…
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  14. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    .. .. yep yep .. .. if we could .. ..

    .. .. aint got air superiority .. .. dat is bad .. ..

    .. .. cant train Ukrainian pilots ta fly da A-10 quick enuff .. ..

    .. .. dey [ Ukraine ] is usin da Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot which performs da same mission as da A-10 .. .. aint as gud as da A-10 .. ..

    da russi .. an .. air defense batteries is based in russi .. a .. plus belarus plus da black sea .. .. cant bomb em dere .. ..

    .. .. best way ta help em quick is ta buy em Su-25s from friendly countries den ship em over dere .. .. drones would be faster ta deploy .. .. dey is less vulnerable .. ..

    .. .. da best option is a buncha monkey drones .. ..
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
    chelloveck likes this.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Drums sounding in the Deep, word is, "we" might be rolling up to 100 older ( former USMC) M-1 Abrams tanks into the Ukraine for them to play with against the Russians, if true, this would be a YUGE game changer! I also hear a bunch of war planes are going to be sent, that the MIG deal might still go through despite any threats from Putin, again, YUGE game changer!

    Israel is rumored to have already supplied it Iron Dome defence systems and it looks like we have sent our patriot defence systems as well. We know Turkey has sent in it's killer drone systems and the U.S. and ally's have sent some serious drone tech as well!

    Ukraine could actually win this, push Russia back, and drive them out of the Crimea for good! With a win, Ukraine gets to set any and all demands, and Russia can go Fuck off in the basement, never to raise a finger to Ukraine in an unloving manor, ever again! This would be a huge change, and I only hope we get leaders that are able to help Ukraine for the better, instead of the assholes that allowed this to happen in the first place!
    chelloveck and sec_monkey like this.
  16. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    da russi a .. ns .. have lost at least 5 Su-25s .. ..

    Ukraine has lost at least 3 Su-25s .. ..

    manned aircraft is too vulnerable .. .. at dis stage .. ..

    da M1 Abrams is reel gud stuff .. .. too gud .. .. we dont wanna send nuffin dat is gonna git compromised any more dan dey already is .. ..
    chelloveck and 3M-TA3 like this.
  17. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Assuming, of course, that Russia doesn't nuke Kiev! Do you REALLY believe that the West would risk nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine? The correct answer is, "NO!"!
    mysterymet and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. Re: post #17. I attended Storm Spotter training last week and the instructors commented on the number of attendees around the area asking them about HAM radio due to fear of Russian escalation to that level. Marv KD1OWA.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  19. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    wat da ya suggest den? surrenderin Pennsylvania plus Alaska plus Ukraine plus Poland plus all da rest of Europe ta vl a d cuz he is threatenin ta use nukular weapons?

    da correkt anwser is eff ya v la d .. ..

    nukular weapons is bad fer bussiness .. .. gud luck sellin nukular Ukrainian wheat .. .. or nukular russi an wheat after da fallout hits all of Ukraine parts of Europe plus parts of rus sia plus eventually da whole frakin planet .. ..

    dat is effin stupid .. .. even deir generals [ r u ] can see dis .. ..

    killin yer customers is also bad fer bussiness .. ..

    if dey use WMD [ nukular biological chemical ] dey is gonna be wanted international criminals .. .. dere aint gonna be nowhere dey can hide no more .. .. sooner or later somebody is gonna bring em ta justice .. ..
    chelloveck likes this.
  20. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I disagree with your analysis. Your links seem to be primarily of a superficial "whip the people into an emotional frenzy to support my cause" kind. I'm fairly confident that 97% of Ukrainian people voted to join Russia. They identify as Russian and have no internationally recognized borders. To themselves and the rest of the world they ARE Russian. Even Joe Biden said "Putin has invaded Russia". This FACT negates your entire argument. How can Russia invade itself?? Here's a documentary about this very issue made BEFORE the Biden crime family was caught committing treason.

    If you haven't watched this, whether you are for or against, you need to if you care about the Ukrainian Nazi people.
    Ukraine on fire

    You do, however, accurately parrot everything the local news propaganda has been feeding the masses with startling accuracy but fail to build upon that into a new direction. There is no way anyone can be right when both sides have 100% propaganda going at all times.

    The real question is what makes you think it is OK to support Nazis? What makes it OK for our governments to support Nazis and why do we let them? Ukraine is ruled by actual Nazis with an SS flag, Nazi uniforms, heil Hitler solutes, and you are posing an argument to support them. Do you also support Josef Kramer, Hermann Goring, Josef Goebbels, Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Mengele, and all of their violent atrocities? C'mon man. Either you are ignorant or have an agenda. Which is it?

    This whole Ukraine, wag the dog, story is a distraction from what is really important. At the local store there were 10 newspapers for sale and ALL of them but 1 had Ukraine propaganda on the front page. The one that didn't had proof that the Biden crime family was committing treason and accepting bribes from China. THAT is a real news story. Why isn't anyone talking about it? That seems to be just the kind of story that should be talked about by everyone but the volume on Ukraine is so loud that it is ridiculous and it is a completely pointless news story. Tell me one reason why it matters to anyone anywhere. Half of the commanders in Ukraine have taken bribes and been caught leaving the country but we keep sending them more tanks, guns,weapons, and money. Every time they try to surrender Biden sends them more guns and money. HE has an agenda and THAT is what we should all be laser focused on. Why? Does it have anything to do with his families long history of meddling in the area? Probably.

    I guess it is quite funny to see the jews in Hollywood openly supporting Nazis. What can you do besides laugh? And to think people actually take the world seriously.
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