A list of Medical Books You May Want to Get

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by WolfBrother, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. WolfBrother

    WolfBrother Monkey+++

    A List of Books You May Want to Get
    A list of books you might want to have/read/study before bad times happen. My opinion, start at the top and work down.

    If you can – take the full American Red Cross First Aid Course. Spend some money to purchase some stuff to practice with.

    Just remember – A BOOK a MEDIC does not make. It takes some training and practice/experience also.

    The following (including the take the Red Cross course advice) is more or less the order I would have a non-medical beginner follow.

    Survival and Austere Medicine: An introduction
    http://www.aussurvivalist.com/downloads/AM Final 2.pdf

    Where There Is No Doctor

    Where There Is No Dentist

    Books and Resources | Hesperian Health Guides

    The Ship Captain's Medical Guide

    The ship captain's medical guide - Publications - GOV.UK

    2007 Ranger Medic Handbook

    Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook (Book Only Edition) (Ring-bound)

    Robot Check
    AND NOW:
    Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
    Robot Check

    I have both (including the 1st edition companion CD).
    The 1st. has stuff the 2nd does not have.
    The 2nd. has stuff the 1st does not have.
    If you can afford it - my opinion - get both.

    NOTE HOWEVER, the original Special Force's medical guide was completely supplanted by the SOF medical handbook noted above. The following are some quotes about the original SF manual:
    “That manual is a relic of sentimental and historical interest only, advocating treatments that, if used by today’s medics, would result in disciplinary measures,” wrote Dr. Warner Anderson, a U.S. Army Colonel (ret.) and former associate dean of the Special Warfare Medical Group.

    “The manual you reference is of great historical importance in illustrating the advances made in SOF medicine in the past 25 years. But it no more reflects current SOF practice than a 25 year-old Merck Manual reflects current Family Practice. In 2007, it is merely a curiosity.”

    “Readers who use some of the tips and remedies could potentially cause harm to themselves or their patients.”

    I have that manual and I have the knowledge, training, and experience to know what the bad info in that book is. IF YOU DO NOT – don’t waste money/time on it.

    Fundamental Skills in Surgery [Hardcover]
    By Thomas F. Nealon, William H. Nealon
    Robot Check
    ISBN-10 : 0721664601
    ISBN-13 : 9780721664606
    Binding : Hardcover
    Pages : 468
    Publisher : W.B. Saunders Company

    Fundamental Skills for Surgery
    Richard Perry
    Robot Check
    ISBN13: 9780074713358,
    ISBN10: 0074713353,
    Division: Professional,
    Pub Date: OCT-08,
    Pages: 320
    Edition: 02

    Ditch Medicine: Advanced Field Procedures For Emergencies (Paperback)
    Robot Check
    http://www.webpal.org/SAFE/aaarecovery/7_medicine/Medicine - Severe/Ditch Medicine.pdf
    Hugh Coffee
    ISBN-10: 1581603908
    ISBN-13: 978-1581603903

    ALL of the following books are in use over the world by those who are not necessarily trained in surgery to perform any number of surgeries.

    These 3 books are in the “Buy these to round out your already extensive Medical Library” category.
    They are a bit pricey. .

    Primary Surgery: Non-Trauma v.1: Non-Trauma Vol 1 (Paperback)
    by Maurice King (Editor), Peter C. Bewes (Editor), James Cairns (Editor), Jim Thornton (Editor)
    Paperback: 656 pages
    Publisher: OUP Oxford; New edition edition (14 Jun 1990)
    Language English
    ISBN-10: 0192616943
    ISBN-13: 978-0192616944

    Trauma: 2 (Primary Surgery) (Paperback)
    by Maurice H. King (Author)
    Paperback: 381 pages
    Publisher: OUP Oxford (22 Jan 1987)
    Language English
    ISBN-10: 019261598X
    ISBN-13: 978-0192615985

    Primary Anaesthesia (Primary Surgery) (Paperback)
    by Maurice H. King (Author)
    Paperback: 288 pages
    Publisher: OUP Oxford (19 Jun 1986)
    Language English
    ISBN-10: 0192615920
    ISBN-13: 978-0192615923

    One additional book suggested by one whom I know to be knowledgeable. I do not have the book nor have I read it.

    It is on my list to get books.

    Atlas of Minor Surgery
    I.D. Cracknell & M.G. Mead
    Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company, 1 edition (June 1998)
    ISBN-10: 0443053049
    ISBN-13: 978-0443053047
    Pages: 86
    Bandit99, techsar, Tully Mars and 5 others like this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Tully Mars and chelloveck like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Thanks for sharing, @WolfBrother.....good resources to have, even if ($h)it's not hitting the fan. (y)
    Motomom34 likes this.
  4. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    If I may offer this - most of those books cited above assume the aid person has at least a EMT B or better training , is current on that training, has access to drugs that require a script and that if misused - can kill. The books also assume the aid person can call in a 9-line and expect evacuation to a medical facility. Most likely, worthless for the vast majority of the readers here without additional, professional training. The 'sick call' items (sections) are straightforward and may be of use.

    The shipboard medical book, current version, also assumes evacuation in almost every case. Compared to the previous version, the information is both sparse and assumes contact (via satphone or Marine VHF) with advanced medical providers. The diagnoses trees are well thought out and of real value. I have both copies, so have at least read these and much older versions - all of which are available for download on line. The same type of publication, from OZ, and the Brits, is a bit more hands on.

    The Where there is No (Doctor, Dentist, etc) series of publications are easy to read and well illustrated. These books assume little to no 'real' medical support or supplies, so are certainly worth the read. The series uses easy to understand language aimed at the layman or those with minimal training.

    A manual that may be a better use for more of the readers here is Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness & Travel Medicine 3rd Edition by Eric A., M.D. Weiss (ISBN-13: 978-0965976817) the earlier version may be found on-line. The companion Travel Medicine may be found on line as well. While PDF are good for home study, I recommend the paperback to carry with the first aid kit full-time.

    Use caution when downloading these documents, some sites listing these documents are virus traps.

    Check with your local Jr College or other post-secondary education provider to see if basic EMT classes are offered. Of course, the American Red Cross offers several different training classes, tho my experience with the RC is that the training can be 'spotty'. Professional training coupled with good documents does provide a usable skill set. Merely reading a book, OTOH, not so much. ALL medical related skills require practice / continuing education to maintain and be of use in an emergency.

    I always advise anyone who takes this path (training and buying supplies) to carefully study their local Good Samaritan laws. If the outcome of your 'help' is less than swell, you may be successfully sued, face criminal charges, or both - depending on the circumstances. This is something you should think long and hard about.....

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    techsar, Dont, Tully Mars and 3 others like this.
  5. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

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