A book you might enjoy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    it's free as an Ebook...

    and given the history of the middle east, southern europe, and spain...

    and considering the things that ISIS did in africa and the middle east...

    and what seems to be happening in the EU...

    you might find it both entertaining and... intriguing ?

    Caliphate by Tom Kratman - WebScription Ebook
    Asia-Off-Grid, Bandit99 and Motomom34 like this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Never heard of this site, they have a whole free section. Free Library
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @OldDude49 Yes, I have read all of Tom Kratman books and all are excellent! Good choice! I don't think he writes anymore. He has a realistic, gritty style and his being a retire Army officer comes through loud and clear. Yeah, I wish he would write more but appears he is finished for whatever reason...probably because he made enough money (is that even possible in the USA?)...

    EDIT: Apparently, I was not entirely correct. Tom Kratman wrote an essay "Training for War" (2014) which I just downloaded but he hasn't done any Fiction for quite a while. He teamed with John Ringo on a few books and both authors have had extremely successful books so... Here is a short piece of his Bio. He went to Law School, finished, but hates it and refuses to practice it.

    EDIT: Wow! I am totally wrong. He just put out his 7th in his 'Carrera' series this past June. It's a bit pricey as Baen wants $15 for the eBook, it's not carried on Amazon yet.

    "Kratman is a political refugee and defector from the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. The mechanism of his defection was enlisting into the Army in 1974 at age 17, which deeply distressed his high school (Boston Latin, founded 1635) as they thought he had “higher and better things” ahead of him. He served two years as an enlisted grunt with the 101st Airborne and one and a half with the 193rd Infantry Brigade in Panama, getting 2 years of college done in the process (when he wasn’t in the field he was taking courses). At that point the Army gave Kratman a scholarship and sent him off to Boston College to finish his degree and obtain a commission. Tom graduated, cum laude, in 1980 and returned to the Army as an infantry officer. Tom served another three year tour in Panama, then more schooling at Benning, then 4+ years with the 24th Infantry Division near Savannah, Georgia."
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
  4. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Glade I posted it then [touchdown][touchdown]
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