Mosby 2024 Class Schedule

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    2024 Mountain Guerrilla Class Offerings–
    Classes this year in Idaho Falls won’t begin until July, because I’ll be calving from mid-April through mid-June.
    13/14 JULY—Clandestine Carry Pistol
    Idaho Falls, ID
    Cost of class is $500. Deposits for this class are due no later than 1JUN.
    17/18 AUG—Practical Horse Packing for Pedestrian Preppers
    Idaho Falls, ID
    This is a new class. It will cover basic horse care and equipment for the inexperienced with horses or folks who don’t have much horse experience beyond arena riding lessons or day rides on trails. It will cover basic field care and first aid, as well as methods of securing horses in the absence of corrals and barns. We will discuss and practice different methods of packing loads on horses, including the use of panniers and mantied loads, and the use of different types of pack saddles, including using riding saddles as pack saddles.
    If you have zero experience with horses, or think the idea of using horses in a post-grid world is ridiculous, this is a class you need to take. This is NOT a riding class. There will be no riding in the class, although we will discuss setting up riding saddles for riding as well.
    This is not a field class. It will take place outdoors, but in an outdoors classroom environment. While camping is available on site, you don’t need to feel like you’re required to camp out.
    There’s no basic gear requirement for the class, except long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and closed-toes shoes, but students are encouraged to bring go-bags/GHB/rucks of choice for illustration purposes with loading.
    Whether you know nothing about equines, or are an experienced rider, you’re going to learn a lot in this class.
    Cost of class is $500. Deposits for this class are due no later than 1JUL.
    14/15 SEP—General Preparedness Rifle
    Idaho Falls, ID
    Cost of class is $500. Deposits for this class are due no later than 1AUG.

    Contact me at, or via Patreon IM, for details.

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