Hope is why we buy lottery tickets, bet on horses, believe in life after death and search the stars with telescopes to detect signals emitted by intelligent life elsewhere in the Cosmos. Topics include Drake’s Formula, Exoplanets & Astrobiology, Star Trek’s Progenitor, Einstein’s Formula, Voyager’s Records, the Roswell Incident, Close Encounters, links to websites, videos and books.
It’s ironic that our search for ET is being done when there is evidence that ET has already found us. Despite the evidence, however, people are still ridiculed for claiming they saw or had an encounter with a flying saucer. Eyewitnesses have credibility in a court of law, but it's the lowest form of evidence in the courts of science and common sense. It's not surprising, therefore, that skeptics are still saying,![]()
So, the article concludes with an epilogue on how to evaluate the evidence for and against.
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The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence 2024-06-01
Ironic that while we search for ET there is evidence that he has already found us!