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The Rise of the House of Rothschild COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTI 2021-05-21

The object of the present work, which deals with the period 1770-1830, is to trace the rise of the H

  1. FTM2 Tartar
    The object of the present work, which deals with the
    period 1770-1830, is to trace the rise of the House of
    Rothschild from its small beginnings to the great position
    it attained, culminating in the year of its great crisis.
    The material was collected for over a period of three
    and a half years, and only after much care has been spent
    on it do I now offer it to the public. It is submitted in
    the hope that it will be judged in accordance with its
    intentions. It is inspired by an intense love of truth, and
    it relates the story of an unseen but infinitely powerful
    driving force which permeated the whole of the nine-
    teenth century.
    The Author
    Vienna, July, 1927.


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