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Site Rules | Code of Conduct

Terms and Rules

  1. melbo
    Original CoC from 11-30-2006

    First, let me welcome you to our community. The staff would like you to know that whether your interest is in survival, guns, knives, or to just learn a bit about any portion of the above and maybe even do a bit of networking well that’s just fine with us. We hope you enjoy yourselves here.

    We have a Code of Conduct (COC) and ask that you please follow these standards. They are as follows:

    1. No personal attacks or insults
    . No posts whose intent is to inflame or otherwise provoke anger from another member (Flaming). We don’t mind if you disagree with another member of the board, we just ask that you keep it civil. We understand that in the heat of the moment we all get a little hot. Just try to remember that there is a good possibility somebody’s kid is going to be watching over their parent’s shoulder. We’re adults here so let’s try and act like it.

    2. No posting of racial, sexual, political or religious slurs.
    Civil debate on these issues is accepted. Malicious comments on or about them is not. This includes using slurs in your username, title, avatar, and signature line. We are visited by people from different countries, race, religion, males, and females; The staff members reserve the right to edit the above items and remove a members ability to edit them should they refuse to do so when asked.

    3. Posting pictures* or links to images which contain pornography, nudity (this includes any photo which contains a clear view of genitalia or female nipples), animal cruelty (this does not include hunting pictures), racism, sexism, or extreme violence. Such images will be removed and will result in a warning. A member’s ability to post may be stopped if they refuse to comply

    *If the post has images of extreme violence or photos of women and men that are scantily clad please post a warning in the title. These images will not be tolerated when randomly inserted into other discussions. Our site is not about the posting of scantily clad bodies... If a picture comes up now and then that has this content, that's fine. Remember to post a Warning for those at work/home about it. The Inferno has the same rules. They are a bit more relaxed but still apply.

    4. Posting or linking of illegal activities
    (i.e. purchases, modifications, stealing, copyright infringement, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Information or material that depicts or discusses illegal activities such as these or others with the intent to condone and/or commit them, including drug use, violence, and use of unauthorized copyrighted material and/or links to same are considered a violation of the site rules. These posts will be deleted immediately and the member will be warned.

    5. No posting of other people’s personal information
    (name, home phone numbers, addresses, unpublished e-mail addresses, etc.).

    6. Any post or link which threatens any group or individual
    or that advocates the overthrow of legitimate governmental bodies is strictly prohibited. The post will be deleted and the member warned.

    7. Posting discussions or topics with the intent to do the site harm will result in immediate suspension of the members account. Specifically creating topics meant to disrupt the day-to-day management, disrupt the ability of the site to function normally, and disrupt the member’s resources is prohibited.

    8. Posting the same topic over and over again or "spamming" is prohibited. Multiple topics with just slight differences in titles are not funny. There are times when several different members will post different threads on the same topic –– that is acceptable. It is not acceptable for the same member to do it over and over again. Those topics will be locked and the member will be warned. Spam advertisement postings will be immediately deleted and posting member will be banned. We don't do Spam. There are no three strikes rules for spammers as outlined below. If you think your post crosses the line, please contact an administrator or moderator for clarification before you post. We will review and get back to you as quickly as possible

    9. The moderators and the administrators here have rules to follow as well
    . None of us are gods. If you have a problem with one of us speak up. We will evaluate it fairly.

    10. Moderators will not delete threads unless they contain one of the above unacceptable COC violations. We will however lock them and send a private message to the person explaining why and politely asking them to not do it again. If the post contains a link or picture that violates the COC, the photo or link will be removed and the member warned.

    Please try to post your threads in the appropriate categories.

    We have a few areas that are not viewable by guests and search engines for certain topics. This is to try and stay uncensored by Work and Library Internet access.

    Do not be offended if Staff moves your thread into a better area for your topic.

    Do not be offended if Staff prunes your posts off of a thread and into a new one.

    Please do not 'Hijack' a thread into a totally different direction than was intended by the original thread author. If you start to stray beyond a reasonable margin, consider starting a new thread.

    We have established a 3 strike policy for COC violations:
    #1 The first violation of the Code of Conduct
    rules will result in a warning from staff. This may be a PM or a response to a post. The post or thread containing the offense may, at the moderator’s discretion, be moved, edited, or deleted. A PM describing the action taken and reason why will be sent to the member.

    #2 A second violation of the COC rules will result in an automatic 3-day ban. The member will be notified of why this action was taken and when their temporary ban will be lifted.

    #3 A third violation of the COC rules will result in an immediate and permanent ban. The offender will be denied any further access to this site.

    Any posts/threads or other activities that are borderline, but not in clear violation of the COC rules, will be evaluated by staff on a case-by-case basis.

    Any actions deemed necessary will be determined and agreed upon by staff. This may include a warning to the member (not considered a first violation).

    However, any repeat of the same offense, after being warned, will constitute a first violation.

    Any one "skating the line" will be issued a first violation after three warnings for borderline offences.

    In the event of a particularly egregious offense, a more severe response may be warranted. Staff will determine the proper response.

    Appeals process:

    Any actions of staff may be appealed by membership by sending a PM to any staff member and asking for a review of the action. This does not apply to temporary or permanent bans. These actions will be known and reviewed automatically by staff.melbo
    PJsander, Alanaana, techsar and 7 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Dunerunner
    Must read and Review
  2. VisuTrac
    Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the rules.
  3. Steverino
    as a former moderator (Showtime).. this is excellent....
  4. Fad Gadget
    Fad Gadget
    I agree 100%
  5. mcrai
    concise and fair
  6. TinyDreams
    Didn’t know I could rate this, it is very reasonable and easy to understand.
  7. IceRanger
    Perfectly reasonable and easily adhered to.
  8. Det25 10th WEA
    Det25 10th WEA
    Sounds ok / good to me
  9. arleigh
    Seems fair to me.
  10. Foxfire
    Clear and concise. Thanks and I agree.
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