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Raising Poultry 7 PDF eBooks (.zip file) 2018-08-24

A Zipped File Of 7 Resources, Regarding Raising Poultry

  1. Asia-Off-Grid
    A list of the 7 titles included in the .zip file:
    1. A_Poultry_Mini-Manual.pdf (1971)
    2. AD04-Small-Scale_Chicken_Production.pdf (2006)
    3. AD34-Improving_Hatching_And_Brooding_In_Small-Scale_Poultry_Keeping.pdf (2011)
    4. Start_Your_Own_Chicken_Flock.pdf (1998)
    5. The_Basics_Of_Getting_Started_With_Chickens.pdf (1995)
    6. US_Army_MD0712_Poultry_i.pdf (?)
    7. US_Army_MD0728_Poultry_ii.pdf (?)
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