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Book Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl 2017-07-07

Enduring adversity and suffering through discovering meaning in one's life.

  1. chelloveck
    I recently read the book 'Man's Search for Meaning' written by Viktor E Frankl,; a survivor of the Holocaust who explains, among other things, the importance of finding meaning in one's life as a means of surviving / enduring adversity and unavoidable suffering. Rather than describe the content of the book myself, the following YouTube video clips do a satisfactory job of summarising the main themes and issues arising from Frankl's book.

    Frankl's book is a fascinating, easily read, and relatively short work, rich with profound wisdom.


    Edit: Viktor E. Frankl's Book, Man's Search for Meaning is also available as an Audio Book. The first 13 or so minutes consists of prefaces so start at Chapter1 for the meat of FRankl's experiences and the lessons that he learned in surviving unimaginable torment.

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