Blacksmith Shop Practice
Buildings for manufacturing purposes are as a rule constructed more or less in accordance with recognized standards that have been adopted: on account of their adaptability for the particular class of work the) are to be used for. In plants of the larger machine-building concern and similar industries usually all buildings are of the same genera: style throughout with the exception of the blacksmith or forge shop which is often entirely different. Why this should be, no good reason is apparent from a practical point of view, as the style adopted h often less suitable for the purpose than that of the other buildings, and the result 1s that very often blacksmiths and forge men have of necessity to work under conditions that are anything but an incentive for the best results. Workmen, no matter what' the nature of their occupation may be, will do more and better work under pleasant and attractive conditions.
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Blacksmith Shop Practice (1910) 2015-01-10
Shop Practice