Ultimate Survival Knife

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Clyde, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  2. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  3. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Most of these knives work for me survival wise... (okay the Ka-Bar and the Gerber would probably work the best).
  4. aviationlifesupport

    aviationlifesupport Monkey+++ Founding Member

    wilkinson CSK

    hi mates ,

    there was no knife pictured in the link (but yes , it is the knife which is now pictured on the forum) :D
    its a bit of a sizey beast , much bigger than i would normally go for but its one of the few knives i have ever actively used which actually felt "right" in my gorrila like hands ,

    a beauty to use ,
    some guys buy to look at and others buy to use ,
    it is deffinately a knife for the serious user and out performs a lot of others i have used ,

    must be a favorite allready amongst US users as i have brought and traded 4 and packed em off to the states :)

  5. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    How much is that in US $ ?
  6. aviationlifesupport

    aviationlifesupport Monkey+++ Founding Member

    wilkinsons wilky

    hi mate ,

    i think thats around $300-$350 usd ,
    they come with lifetime warrenty and im here to tell you there "never need another knife" ethos is actually true, trust me !

    the old issue wilky survival knife with the wooden handle and leather sheath was a good bit of kit in its day , back in the time od green 58 webbing was on issue ,
    the most recent one i had was the new type with the full parkerised blade and the plastic handle (caused a few blisters at first but a good lump of L96 tape worked a treat to iradicate that problem)

    this is by far the best they have come up with yet ,
    there is also the lofty wiseman ultimate survival knife but dude , that thing is just too big and silly to go swinging around in the scrub !
    no wonder we knicknamed it the "turf cutter" ha ha ha

    the best trait of the new wilky is the fact it is nice and fatly weighted just right and it has a solid tang (even though the handle is removable)
    with the old golock jungle tree beater it had a tendancey to "bounce" every now and then whilst thrashing the S**T out of the undergrowth ,

    tomorrow i will figure out how to post pics and i will show all but i just got back from the states and im knackered silly

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