I knew you would bite on that. Like a bass to a shiny spinner. The loony left has seized on this 2025 as thier latest life preserver. The convicted felon wasn't working. And thier minions of mentally handicapped supporters have recieved the latest propaganda download and eagerly drank the latest Kool Aid. Since it is a skill that they do not posses, or know how to use, let's indulge in a bit of critical thinking. 2025 is a policy paper created and issued by a conservative think tank. Something that many organisation's do, on both sides of the spectrum. It has nothing more to do with the official platform of either party than a policy statement issued from Antifa or the Ku Klux Klan. Anyone can create and issue these statements and neither party sponsor, promote or accept them. Trump has called much of the paper absurd and stated plainly that he does not endorse it. 16 of his "top" advisors helped create it? Or are there 16, former, members of his last administration? There are 100's of people associated with any administration. After that administration ends these people use that association to work their way into new jobs. Lobbyists, Think Tanks, other politicians administrations. But the left knows that thier brain dead, Zombie acolytes, will not consider any of that. They blindly accept the current talking points without question. The lemmings will follow the leader anywhere they are led. The GOP has released their official platform. And, gasp, it doesn't contain any of the scary, boogeyman rhetoric of this 2025 hoax.