Swarfy Goodness

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Valkman, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Thanks Buckball!

    Here's a few more pics, mostly of me grinding. Never had any of those before, so prepare yourself! :)

    Ready to profile - don't mind the long haired redneck!


    Profiling on the flat platen:




    Today ready to grind a Super Camp on the 10" wheel:




    A perfect start to a hollow grind!


    Woohoo! I worked early today so I could go to Bike Night tonight and my buddy's coming from Vegas. Hope you like 'em!

  2. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    You're welcome Valkman. Definitely a beautiful knife. Pommel has a good point for skull crushing if need be, sharpened half edge makes for easy stabbing. What is the width of the blade?
  3. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That top edge is not sharpened, and no one has yet requested that it be sharpened. I was suprised as I just sold one to a military contractor and I thought he might want it shapened but he didn't. Some places double edge knives are illegal so I have just left it to where it could easily be made a double edge.

    I start with 2" wide steel and take some off so I'd guess it's 1 3/4". I don't have one in front of me right now! :)
  4. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    It looked double edged, thus is why I stated it. I too am surprised that the military man didn't want it sharpened. Most soldiers I know would prefer that for possible combat as it's extra insurance. I use an M3 Trench Knife...old, but still fully functional. I made a post showing my knives. Recently applied new finish to the blades and pommels...but I am no pro :)
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Great looking knife; just one question....what the hell is "Swarfy"?
  6. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I was wondering the same thing.

    Nice lizard you have there on your arm. ;^)
  7. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    I'll take a guess at that...swarf in the sense means material removed by cutting or grinding. Swarfy could be a new adaptation meaning ground to perfection??? But I don't know diddly [dunno] Am just shooting blanks
  8. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Swarf is the piles of chips that build up on the mill when milling!

  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Ah. Googled swarfy, and all that came up were references to folks that use that name. Did NOT make the connection.
  10. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    I was close! lol
  11. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    For all 1 of you that have orders, lol, they've been sent to heat treat so Paul Bos can work his magic. I'll get 'em back in 2 weeks and the fun will start again!

    In the meantime I'm trying to finish 4 fighters - One guy ordered them and 2 Super Camps. I used that and the fact Enco was having a sale to convince the wife to let me buy a 760lb vertical bandsaw and I'll pay her back when I get paid for this order. Can't wait to have a nice bandsaw and throw this Harbor Freight POS out the window!
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    give that man a horse-shoe...or a had grenade!
  13. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    You have come a long ways since the first knives you started making, wish I had the funds to buy another. Always interested in seeing your craftmanship progress.

    If we ever make it down to visit our friends in Pahrump, we'll look you up. [chopper]
  14. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That would be cool!

    I sent 2 fighters to Iraq last year to be given to soldiers and I've now seen a pic of one soldier with a knife and got an email from the other one. Man what a feeling that is! Now I got a letter from the Sarge that gave them out and he wants one. He wants to know how much (after thanking me way too much for the knives) and it really puts me in a bind. If I could I'd make knives all day long for these guys for free, but I can't do that so how much to charge? Argh, this is killing me!
  15. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    I feel for you Valkman, I really do. Have the same problem when I charge my clients. Part of you just wants to do it for free to give them a break, but you got to live too.
  16. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I cannot charge this Sgt. for a knife - I just can't do it. A guy not only on active duty but in a war zone? I guess I take the chance of a bunch of guys wanting free knives but I've never heard of these guys asking for anything. I have a fighter that will work I think and a kydex sheath maker in my area who's offered to make me a free one to show me his work. I think with that combo and some shipping we can get a knife to him. Yes!
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