Surviving a cruise.......?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Nickjlancaster, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Well, that would clear the decks a bit, but it might get you into a little 'hot water' [tf]
    On the other hand, the sharks would love you! [reddevil]
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Ajax, my friend I read your Post and see such words as "I find it really hard to believe" and "I don't doubt there are some problems they try to cover up "
    or "I've never heard that." and on.

    Cruise ships do not report the incidents among the crew members to the FBI or US Authorities unless it is a US Flag Vessel and unless an eyewitness is in a Cabin when an assault happens you won't see it on a report and Cameras are not in cabins. Rapes are the most often "in cabin" crime as is petty theft. No victim wants to report a rape and if you're hog tied and blind folded then you're screwed twice. Since most cruise ships have the extra wide crew's passageway along many levels it is but a step away from the Guest passageway and a quick exit for the THUGS.

    OTOH there are the usual pedophiles that do stalk the children of guest. Those reports seldom come to light and cause untold damage.

    FWIW I did prevent such predator actions on a US Flag ship. A bartender would provide young guest drinks, then assist them to the cabins, rape or otherwise have sex with them, while their stupid and unknowing parents were too busy ashore or at a ship's party. In this case my kids clued me in from reports they did hear from one young girl they had befriended. I went to the Captain and then made sure a sting was setup and observed the end result and made sure reports were filed.

    You really are a bit naive and I wonder if you might be a CRUISE ship REP?

    Yes, I do not like Predators of any kind but most especially those who attack children.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Fortunately, All the Inside waters of the Seattle, to Alaska Cruises are in either Canadian, or US Waters, and either the Canadian Or US Coast Guard has jurisdiction over these Foreign Flagged Vessels, for MOST of their voyages. When I was a FED, part of my Job was to conduct SOLAS Inspections on these Vessels, as they passed thru my Area. Part of those Inspections was to look at Maintenance and Operational Logs for Emergency Backup Generators, that powered the Navigation and Comms Systems. You ought to see the Skippers, JUMP all over the Chief Engineers, when I would Write them up for a Failed Backup Genset. That would get them "Tied to the Dock" until a ReInspection could be scheduled, and I would report such a failure to the USCG Port Captain, who would then send over a Boarding Party and EVERYTHING would get looked at, down to the laundry soap, and dishwashing detergent.... They put their BEST ships on that run, because they couldn't afford to get tied up for a week, waiting for a reInspection. .....
    kellory and HK_User like this.
  4. BIGmuddyBRONCO

    BIGmuddyBRONCO Old and Busted

    I did 3, 6-9(9 months was the longest one) month cruises on the USS George Washington. I had jets landing and taking off on my head every day(I worked the night shift) while I slept in our berthing(it was 1 deck below the flight deck...)
  5. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I did two trips from BC on those routes and the ships were top notch. None the less years of experience around the globe kept me always aware of, life boats, life jackest and exit routes. NEVER go on board any ship without a flashlight in your pocket at all times. Yes I know the latest ships have emergency lighting but does any one else know how dark it gets when all the lights and reflectors are gone? I do!
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    On the last two ships in Trouble, it was the Emergency Gensets that Failed, AFTER the Main Gensets FAILED... The Chief Engineer, AND Master, both, ought to FIRED, ASAP... No Emergency Lighting is the Emergency Genset, Fails...
  7. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yup, not like Mil Ships that have both battery back up battle lanterns and flashlight holders through out the ship.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    AND these Yahoos are Responsible for 5000 souls, aboard... both Passengers and Crew.... This is just plain negligence, on their part.... Just like that Idiot Skipper that ran his Cruise Shop in the Rocks, in the Aegean Sea, sight seeing, and then LEFT the ship, before everyone was Evac'ed.... That YoYo ought to be HUNG...
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I was on a night flight, when the plane landed and hooked up to the airport power, and shut down the engines....and everything went black! the airport power plug failed, and because the engines had shut down, there was no power at all on board. not even emergency lighting. pitch black, and people are starting to panic, kids are awake and screaming, lots of adults acting like scared kids. And the minimag flashlight that never leaves my belt, blossomed in the darkness, and people relaxed, and panic faded. Someone said "hey, in the dark, coach looks just like first class!" nervous laughter followed, and someone else replied, " has light!" Fear of the dark is a primal thing, when you know there is something wrong! :)
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We didn't have battle lanterns nor flashlight holders all over the place, tho' there were some in strategic locations. There was a sig to be collected on the hard card that showed you could find your way (blindfolded) from stem to stern, get to your watch station, and operate it as needed. That was a difficult set of sigs to collect. Kinda funny listening to nonqual pukes going "beep, beep" to let any other blindfolds know you were coming. You hear of all submariners knowing how to stand any watch on the ship. Pretty near the truth.
    BTPost and kellory like this.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Some Aircraft have APUs, that are started before they shutdown the Main Engines, and can supply reStart Power for the Mains. (737s are like that) But most of the Big Birds require External Power to Light Off the Engines. This is usually supplied by the PushBack Vehicle, and once one Main is running it can supply Air, or electrical Power to light off the others. In Flight Emergency Power, can come from Batteries, APUs, or in some cases a Normally stowed, but deployable Air Driven Genset. When all the Twirlly Things stop turning, it is time to reach out and make contact with your GOD, because you just might be seeing him SOON, and I think he likes some Warning.....
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yep, we had to wait for a airport vehicle to show up and restart the engines. it reminded me of the scene in the movie "Airplane" where they have to jump start the plane with an old Chevy and a pair of jumper cables. ;)
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    In the Mil I carried a much desired Pilots Flash Light, that type had the red filter that could be moved over the lamp. That flashlight and a TL29 were in a home made pouch, always on my belt and I often slept in my clothes. Nah I'm not paronid!

    As an added sig for the Dinks and NUBS the requirment now is to start out and go from Aux Air Manifold to Aux Air Manifold, of course using the required mask and often they may find NO AIR turned on at some sites. Or so I'm told!
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Erm, they are run by corporations that are beholden to the shareholders.
    Safety does not make them money, ergo, flagged under other nations with way lax regs.

    Cruise ships (yes i've been on a cruise but won't do it again) are fun, but the risks far outweigh they reward IMHO. I'd rather fly to a destination and enjoy the city/island/country. Than be bouncing from port to port and only having at most half a day to never really get to do anything not canned by the corporation.

    Confined space, no escape possible, poor medical facilities, foreign staff barely paid. Recipe for danger. I view them as a floating cattle car at best. Biological disasters waiting to happen at worst.

    And once you are in international waters .. maritime law. US Laws do not apply. You have no recourse (generally).
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  15. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    No, I have nothing to do with the cruise industry or own stock in any of them. I'm just using a little common sense. Again, I do not believe that several thousands of US citizens are being raped on a regular basis and nothing is ever reported and it all goes on undetected. At the least the people that are victims would raise cain about it and I have no doubt many media sources would be all over it.

    When you have 10,000,000 people sailing every year, 15-20 million including crew, it would be stupid to think no crimes are going to take place, all I am saying is that you have to look at the rate of crime compared to the number of people involved. Any place on earth is going to have some level of crime.

    I never stated that no crimes happen on cruise ships, you can't avoid the fact that there are evil people every where you go. But, to say that crime rates are higher than the worst USA cities with no proof or statistics to back it up but available statistics actually show the opposite is true is nothing but speculation.

    Even if there are no cameras in the cabins there are cameras in the hall ways and other ares including the employee areas and all decks.
  16. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

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