Silver Price

Discussion in 'Financial Cents' started by SLugomist, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Suerto

    Suerto Monkey+

    Apologize guys, but, I got called to a job and didn't have time and be back at the house for another month.. So, wont be able to continue this discusion with accurate data..
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Some people seem to see a choice of either gold/silver or other barter me, PMs are just one facet of my preps.

    I don't look at PMs as basic survival needs...

    In reality, my preps are a little diferent than most. Due to reliance on heart meds, my personal best case scenario is probably about 2 years survival after SHTF if I manage to do everything right. My "long term" preps, such as PMs, are there for my family's use when the time comes to shift into rebuilding mode.

    We have food, we have shelter, we have a good piece of land...we even have backup locations with caches to give us a shot at survival even if we are forced to temporarily abandon our primary location. For short to medium term barter we have salt, sugar, coffee, tobacco, guns and ammo well above our 2 year basic stash for my wife and I, our 2 sons and 1 grandson in the area and the 7 others who will share our property if "the day" comes. The gold and silver are not really a survival prep, but a way to pass on "excess" to those who do survive.
  3. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    This is my point and quite honestly THE ONLY 100%, ALWAYS TRUE NO MATTER WHAT, point that can be made. I can confidently and arrogantly say that if you don't think of PM's as a storage of wealth for AFTER the fact, then your head isn't screwed on straight. This is not exclusive, but it must be inclusive of all other reasons. If this reason is not on your list, feel free to give me your pen so I can write it in..because me and melbo are right, and you're not. So there.. :)[own2]
  4. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I go back and say "SHTF" may NOT be what a lot of folks picture it......some sudden, cataclysmic event. While it may, the EVIDENCE I see says "Long, slow spiral downward".

    I cite as my example silver quarters.

    When I was in high school in the mid 60's, they were in circulation. They bought a gallon of gasoline, or whatever was 25 cents at the time. Cokes were a dime in the vending machines.

    If you saved 4,000 quarters, you had a thousand dollars, and you could take it to the bank and get 1,000 paper notes for it.....or you could give them a 1,000 paper dollars and they would let you lug 4,000 quarters out the door.

    Now, it takes nearly 20,000 paper notes to obtain those EXACT SAME 4,000 quarters.

    That is a 20 to 1 loss in purchasing power JUST IN MY LIFE TIME.

    Now, the end MAY come tomorrow morning.....but the ODDS are 'they' can string this out a WHOLE LOT longer than you or I think.....

    My advice: Put some real money away after you get preps in order JUST IN CASE the S-doesn't-HTF quite the way you thought, and your social security check doesn't buy eating dog food. :D
  5. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I stopped thinking of SHTF as an overnight thing years ago. It's going to be a slow burn all the way down and slow rise all the way up to whatever level the new normal 20 years from now may be.
  6. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    yup... longer and longer...
    Just got a couple of books on shoemaking and sandal making... b::
  7. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Good skills to have/get!
  8. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Thanks... found them and thought... Duh.... so I picked them up...
    Pretty practical designs and patterns.... easy to do sandals and designs...
    Like that kind of stuff anyway....
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    In a nutshell, the general idea is to pillage as much wealth as possible and have it condensed into the hands of the wallstreet tycoons and banking cartels (Goldman Sachs). The inescapable reality is that the economy will implode, sending global tremors which will inevitably require (an already prepared) solution. The new monetary system will come with tax burdens and carbon taxes which will further in debt the citizenry, even though the reports and the official story will be quite different. Experts and officials will proclaim it to be a huge success, and the trade-off will be 1930's disparity of inflated food, gas, and utilities in exchange for a "better" way of life. Of course, other nations will have a larger stake in the US of A, and nothing will ever be the same again. With this new system (NAmericas and later a global currency), many folks will claim it's better than starving or saving up tin cans for their next pack of cigarettes. The educated people will point fingers at the naysayers and call them nutjobs, and the heightened police state will become commonplace and routine. Most of the people will be of one "equal' class, working twice as hard for what they had twenty years before, and labor camps will be set up to ensure that "everybody is pulling their fair share". As the elites dine in five star heaven, and as the nation becomes one massive banking "borg" collective enterprise, the ignorant peasants will do as they are told or they will be quickly dealt with. The bottom line is...nobody really cares. Even if some folks do revolt, there will be just as many to turn them in or sabotage their actions. Everywhere you turn, be it the old lady down on the corner or the schoolkid out on the sidewalk -the glazed over eyes of jealousy and contempt will seek out any who do not conform to the policy set forth. And so it will be, a once great nation reduced to rubble and its citizenry being blamed for the subversive actions of a handful of wealthy banking elites. A place where every dollar earned is really only going to be twenty cents in the pocket and a voucher for more on its way. The land of the divided, where the only symmetry found is in the equal measure of disparity for the masses. A place not quite as bad as Africa or Haiti. It will be a country that is part of a world economic stage that has muscled out all competition and favors the slave labor in China over the profit of the individual and inheritance. And for the few caught in the middle who really do care, well...they have already become criminals, where any offense brings them indebtedness and a criminal record -who are they going to stop? Criminals do not have a leg to stand on, and they exist only at the sufferance of their new masters, taking orders and obeying, lest they be incarcerated again or worse. Entire families will be uprooted and forced to survive any way they can, and desperation has a common side effect which can inhibit any positive resistance to the governing forces that be. Everybody will have a battle to fight. The question which remains is, will they choose to stand together or will they simply fall in line?

    Remember how long the people have been fed GMO products. Remember what the treated water does to a person. Remember how weak and submissive and beaten down the people have become. Remember the very limited education many received and their technology based skill sets. Remember the dependency on electricity and city water and grocery stores. Remember the decadent lifestyle of the modern age, the lack of adequate alternative transportation and the manner in which it has been strictly limited and controlled. Remember the censored and controlled communications. Remember all of it and seriously consider your realistic options.

    Most people just don't care because they live in a dream-state. They can only help themselves. Gold, silver, bullets, seeds, food, water -all of it is essential. The more who prepare, the better the rest will be. But, what is to be done about the real problem at hand? It is a great burden to see the world in the state it is in. I do not know exactly what will happen, but I do know that the future has never looked so ominous and wretched as I stand amongst the crowds of zombies and parasites and quietly perform a gear check and as I anticipate the lights going out. It is nice to know that there are some, as I have found here at the Survival Monkey, that think as I think and have prepared to varying degrees for economic collapse. Letting go of the past is never an easy thing to do, just as preparing for an uncertain future can be equally, if not eminently more difficult to manage.

    I wish you all the very best.
  10. Suerto

    Suerto Monkey+

    Daum... Very well said broker, you have eloquently espoused my same thoughts and feelings on the matter.

    Had I attempted such a formulation as this, it would have entailed much more use of four letter words..

    Thank you for making me feel not alone in those thoughts and feelings.
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    With all respect Witch Doctor, This is exactly the point that Andy and I espouse. God isn't making any more Gold or Silver... I (we) don't value it in $FRNs anymore. We value it in ounces like you value land in acres.

    Anytime you acquire a resource, and 'pay' for it, you now have true wealth. Doesn't matter what the current fiat currency values it at. How much are $500 confederate notes worth today?
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I'm still waiting on peak gold. Could be "God isn't making any more of it" but they are finding it.

    Alaska Gold: The Gold Rush and goldpanning
    Trillion Dollar Gold Find | Scarletwhore

    Also do a search on the Pebble mine in Alaska. BF deposit.

  13. INRICK

    INRICK Monkey+

    WELL how much are morgans worth.
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