SHTF School! GOOD!

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ISplatU, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    I do not know if this has been posted before, but it is good.

    It is a real-life story of Selco (fictional name) who lived through the Bosnian/Serbian wars.

    I read his story before, but this is put together in a web site school with new stuff from other contributers.

    SHTF School - Real Life Survival Experiences
    tulianr and Cephus like this.
  2. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    Good story, but I am already preparing for my dogs, as I have three- one pitbull/collie, pitbull/lab, and a deer chihuahua ( which the chihuahua is a good alarm and will quiet down if needed.). my lab mix is a good dog but doesn't listen to me much so I ignore her but make sure she listens still but my pit collie is nice she listens and understands- my lab is just too stuck up.
  3. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Selco is pretty good. I've been reading and listening to his blog for the last couple of months. He brings up a lot of things that you just never thought of before- because he lived through it already.

    I never thought to post his link on here because I was sure someone already did. How did I find out about SHTF School then?

    I haven't gone all-in and paid for a membership to his school, though. It isn't much, just $27 FRNs. I'm not sure how much more info you can get over what is already in his blog.

    Defenetly worth a read, he has made me go "hhhmmm" quite a few times.
  4. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    This Selco guy was a member of It was found that he was a fraud. Bosnian mans story of surviving year long seige. - Survivalist Forum. I am a member there also and remember that he was banned and all his post were totally deleted.

    I will not pass judgement about his philosophy, for he did reveal a lot of strong points about survival in general, but I would not spend any money to become a member of his web site. That information can found her for free.
    dragonfly and tacmotusn like this.
  5. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Good to know. Thanks for sharing.
  6. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Dam...and I've been reading a lot his stuff...Oh Well, it's not all bad!
  7. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I agree. We can learn from others, even if it is only their imagination we are hearing. Too bad someone feels the need to misrepresent themselves; but anything that makes me think is a good thing.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    There is always something to learn. ;)

    Perhaps to them, the recognition given to an author of fiction is less than what is given to a survivor of reality?
    tulianr likes this.
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