Message To Police

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Brokor, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Just their way of helping the troops to reaffirm their oath, one screw up at a time.;) It is Austin after all. Nothing more to be expected from there.
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    It is Texas, and I would hope for more..
    My son is an AF mp.. When he went to okinawa I told him to be kind to the drunk Marines.. They may very well rate some consideration..
    kellory likes this.
  3. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    There has been a lot of times I have said know and the Sheriff seems to send me on more and more calls / Investigations that are touchy situations. I think because he knows I am not scared to say no that is B/S and no matter what my decision is he always stands behind it even if he don't agree with it 100%. Like BT said I work for a Sheriff who does need the peoples support to keep his job, I also work for a Sheriff who is a down to earth well educated country boy who likes to put bad guys in jail. I arrested his daughter several years back and called him out of respect. His words were what did she do? I told him, he said take her a$$ to jail. I have seen him bring his family in under arrest and ask him if he wanted me to handle it and his words are no I would arrest anyone else for it so I’m going to arrest them for it. The people love him, he answers as many calls as the Deputies and he is 70 years old will out work most of the guys here. I think a lot of the problem with Law Enforcement today is the department heads have gotten politics in a place it shouldn’t be and then you have these young guys who come in and think they have found the holy grail in the badge at which time they develop the I'm God complex. This complex usually last until one dark evening they get a good country a$$ whooping while wearing the badge at which point they start to settle in and they start to see a different view point. Now in these big cities there are 10 to 15 Officers that show up and a 100 more if needed so they don't learn the lessons that a rural Deputy does. You can even see it in the new Boots coming out of the Academy they are all a different breed of yes men (robots) to the Government. I know where I stand on a lot of things that Big Brother is wanting to illegally force on the people but what scares me is it don't look good where a lot of others do seem to stand.
    [patr] [sawgunner] [peep] [flag] I do know that Fort Alpha Dog will always be open to my Brother Monkeys when they do come
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    Brokor, E.L., BTPost and 3 others like this.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Hey @Alpha Dog, I would hope that when your Boss gets ready to reTIRE, or dies in Office, that you would consider running for the Office. I can think of No ONE who better exemplifies the qualities of a Good Sheriff. A person with compassion, discression, and Respect for the LAW, and Badge. One that wouldn't put up with BS, from the Public, OR his Deputies. One that would Train his Deputies, with the "Protect and Serve" montra. I have known a lot of LEOs, Deputies and even a Sheriff or two, but what I see from your Posts, is that you work for a GREAT Man, and follow in his traditions. Please, give it some consideration, for your Citizens, as well as for your Department. My Opinion.... Others MMV.....
    E.L., oldawg and kellory like this.
  5. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Not for sure but I think he is trying to prep me for it lol.
    BTPost and kellory like this.
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    It is good to "Know" that there is another GOOD deputy and sheriff out there! Thanks @Alpha Dog...
  7. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    Alpha Dog, Like wise if it ever were needed know that we'd be there to cover your six.
  8. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    it's been 20 days since I posted and there's been an eazy 6 or more serious incidents of police misconduct around the greater Chicagoland area .... last Friday they arrested a ranking CPD officer who busted up a 89 year old man two weeks ago ..... old man probably will never walk right again ....

    after 5 months everyone is still waiting for any type of action against 7 LEOs who landed up killing a 95 year old man .... tazered him sitting in his Laz E Boy and then shot him at least three times point blank with shotgun beanbags .... if you get pulled over in their jurisdiction, it's almost a 50% crapshoot that'll be one of these guys .... no thank you ..... I avoid the area
  9. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    There will always be those that seek a position of authority for egocentric reasons...
    kellory and Brokor like this.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    True, and what's more, the fact that a greater number of people in America have grown up under police state doctrine, indoctrinated by government schooling, trained on XBox first person shooters, fed the same worthless GMO poisons and are hyped up on energy drinks, they just aren't right in the head. With lowered IQ's and violent mental issues, typical LEO's are accidents waiting to happen. This entire system is on self-destruct mode, and it makes the job much harder for good police like Alpha Dog and others every day.

    I first began scrutinizing the police in the 1990's, watching Alex Jones and his first film, Police State really opened my eyes.

    It has become much, much worse over the years. I, and many others have warned for years that the police have been militarized. Nobody ever suspected we were right, and that an occupying army has been constructed right under our very noses. With the advent of modern terrorism ™, the police state has become the reality only previously dreamt of by tyrants.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    mysterymet likes this.
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