Men of Courage

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by rustyb380, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. rustyb380

    rustyb380 Monkey+

    I was recently given the book " The Resolution of Men" I cannot explain how powerful this book is!!!

    Background on this book for all those who do not believe in the workings of God.

    The week of Christmas my wife plays me a song that my 4yr old son said it was his favorite song, the song was "Coregous" by the Casting Crowns also very powerful song, I have always been a "mans man" you know the old cliche "boys don't cry" for the first time in many years I actually wept.

    My wife had bought me two books for Christmas, 1) a very nice study bible, 2) The Resolution for Men, she had no idea that this book was written in conjunction with the movie or the song, she just saw it and thought it would be something I would like "greatest women in the world".

    Now a little background on me. I have been going to church for the last 16-18 months with my wife and kids and like so many others out there it was just something to do before football, I had not given it any real thought.

    I have read the book now twice, turns out I was not being quit the husband and father God expects to me be, I firmly believe that God was speaking to me by way of my son, and wife by placing the song and book in their hearts. This may sound a little crazy but I wanted to share this with any of you who seem to be stuck in a rut at home please read this book it will change your life. Sorry for being so long winded.

    For those of you who do not believe I urge you to buy this book and read it with an open mind. All we have and All we do is because of HIM!!

    Joshua 24:15
    oldawgswoman, Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  2. robin48

    robin48 Monkey+

    It changed mine.

    Sent from my Skyrocket.
  3. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    After seeing this post I ordered it on my Kindle. Just starting to read it, looks great. I also really liked "My Utmost for his Highest". Very motivational.
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