
Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Seacowboys, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I now have every piece for an M79 Blooper except the receiver. I will put in the paper work for a DD stamp and get one of Randy Shivak's receivers at Knob Creek. There will not be a safe opossum left in the neighborhood!
  2. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    This post is useless without pictures
  3. MbRodge

    MbRodge Monkey+++

    I agree sniper-66 totally useless without pics.
  4. S&P

    S&P E&E w/AR

  5. slots

    slots Monkey+++

    Just for a bit of fun...and to show my ignorance...
    It looks very similar to Arnie's Terminator 2 Grenade launcher :)

  6. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Guys!! I know what a freaking M79 looks like, I meant a picture of SCs M79 parts layed out!
  7. S&P

    S&P E&E w/AR

    Yes we know, it's called being facetious.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Looks a tad difficult to get a good cheek weld on that beast,.

    What is the effective range?
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Caliber: 40mm (40x46)
    Overall length: 737 mm
    Weight: 2.72 kg unloaded
    Effective range: up to 150 meters (point target), up to 350 meters (area target)
    The story of a "Thumper" or "Blooper" (both were unofficial nick-names for M79) began in 1951, when the US Army recognized the need to fill the gap between the maximum range of a had-thrown grenades (about 50 meters) and the minimum range of 60mm mortars (about 400 meters). By the 1952, the army had a desired projectile, made in the form of a 40mm hollow ball, loaded with HE charge and with a pre-fragmented shell, made from notched square wire, blazed together to form a shell. early tests were conducted using spring-powered launchers and cup-shaped grenade launcher adapters for M1 Garand rifle, all under the codename PROJECT NIBLICK. In the 1952-53 Picatinny Arsenal developed a short, stubby, rimmed cartridge case about 46mm long, with so-called "high/low pressure" system, to launch the 40mm shells. The high/low pressure" system consists of a small, thick-walled compartment at the base of the cartridge case, where propellant (smokeless gunpowder) is stored. This compartment is connected to the empty cartridge interior by several vents. The small compartment formed the "high pressure" area, necessary to achieve proper burning characteristics of a propellant, while the empty interior of the case formed the "low pressure" area, resulting in mild barrel pressures, and low projectile velocities. This system allowed for lighter and less expensive cartridge cases and barrels, while maintaining necessary ballistic properties. the resulting cartridge has been type-classified as M406 HE-FRAG. Springfield Armory (the former Government arsenal) began to develop several launchers for 40mm M406 ammunition, and by the 1960 the first hand-held, single shot 40mm grenade launcher has been officially type classified as M79. First production M79 units were issued to US troops in 1961, and before production in USA ceased in 1971, more than 300 000 of M79 launchers were manufactured in USA by several contractors. Copies of M79 were later manufactured in south Korea by Daewoo and in South Africa by Milcor. At the present time the M79 is no longer used by US army, although it still can be encountered in the hands of soldiers of many other countries, such as Australia, El Salvador, Israel, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some others.
    First widely used in Vietnam, the M79 turned to be a complete success. Reliable and quite accurate in the hands of a trained operators, it provided extremely mobile firepower to smallest of the infantry units. Following the successful development of the M406 HE-FRAG round, several other types of 40mm ammunition were rapidly developed, including smoke and illumination rounds, HE-DP (dual purpose, fragmentation/antitank), incendiary, buckshot canister (for close-combat and self-defense). The key downside to the M79 was that it required the grenadier to carry an additional personal defense weapon, such as pistol or a submachine gun. This inconvenience was the key reason for development of the M203 underbarrel grenade launcher, which superceded the M79 in the service since early 1970s.
    The M79 is a single shot, break-open weapon with rifled barrel. The barrel is hinged to the receiver and is locked closed by the rotating the lever at the tang of the receiver. 40mm cartridges of various types are loaded from the breech, then barrel is closed. Internal hammer is cocked automatically upon reloading. There is a manual safety, which automatically switches on when gun is reloaded. The trigger guard can be hinged sideways, so the gun can be fired in the winter gloves. The stock is made from wood, and the butt is fitted with the rubber recoil pad. Open sights consist of a hooded front sight and a n adjustable ladder-type rear (with windage adjustment), and is graduated from 75 to 375 meters in 25 m increments. It must be noted that trained operators often left the rear sight in its folding down position, and aimed down the barrel, still achieving good accuracy.

    I finally located a barrel but it cost an arm and a leg. I found a sight ladder yesterday at Crane Technologies and ordered it. Numrich had the stock, forearm, and forearm plate. J&T Distributors had the fire control parts except for the sear. Sarco had the sear. I am still missing the sight-ladder bracket. I have two hundred nylon cases that take a .38 blank and whatever I can come up with to load. I have a 18-.22 Beehive round (18 .22 LR in a single shot) AND A 40MM TO 12 GA. reducer. Smoke and gas rounds are pretty common to find but expensive.Flechettes are also available.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    NLOS capable for defense of a retreat. Range on approach roads and likely paths thru the woods behind the house. Not bad for BI guys.

    See also


    Thanks, sea, just what I was looking for.
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Well, we might be having a little difficulty in finding a receiver, per this letter from Randy Shivak today:
    Hello Captin Wallace, I have not started making any M79 receivers yet. I had posted my personal weapon on Subgun.com. though. I will be at the Creek in April table B13 hope to see you there. Randy "Mr. 40mm"

    <meta content="Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium)" name="Generator"> <style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline;} span.EmailStyle17 {mso-style-type:personal-compose; font-family:Arial; color:windowtext;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style> Hi Randy,
    I met you up at Knob Creek a couple of years ago. I came across your web-site and understand that you have started manufacturing M79 receivers. I am interested in purchasing one for a build. Are you planning on making the Knob Creek Spring shoot? Can you have one available for then? Would you be interested in a trade for a Federal Ordnance M14 NM with Boyd’s fancy walnut furniture?

    Best Regards,

  12. evilgijoe88

    evilgijoe88 Monkey+++

  13. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I know, I left one in the toilet today.
  14. S&P

    S&P E&E w/AR

    Sounds painful, my condolences.
  15. evilgijoe88

    evilgijoe88 Monkey+++

  16. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Or a handful of N0. 10 pellets? [coffee2]
  18. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Well, My new barrel will arrive this week and I just located a Kanarr un-issued receiver. They are asking $2700.00 for it and if it is as reported, I'll buy it. The receiver in this pic is an airsoft replica that is scale but will not accept the fire-control parts without some machining. I have the saw-off version that makes a very realistic display.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Just won a gunbroker auction on a new sight ladder and turns out the guy selling it has a number of other parts available that I might need. Also found another source for 40mm nylon hulls ($15.00 per 100) and ordered a couple hundred more for playing around with. This baby is coming together, I should have it ready to complete by the time my paperwork gets processed. Might even have it ready by Knob Creek spring shoot.
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