know your land

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Rabid, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Found a sweet spring coming out of the slope in the neighboring land. If I ever had to leave home, I would head there. Not far but far enough.
    tulianr, kellory and Pax Mentis like this.
  2. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    *Cussin' @ a bear*

    Bear in the garden - june 9 - YouTube

    2x bears

    Trespassers will be marinated - deer

    Drinkin' with a snake...

    Bear false flag' - I miss my ole rottie/mastiff

    Truck #3 and trailer

    I'm surrounded on all sides by wildlife and small farms, 15min walk from glacier fed river with trout, 2 hr walk to big lake in the mountains yadda yadda...
    When i first started prepping I thought we had it made....
    Now days...I'm much more cynical.
    Vancouver is only 50km's not far enough to escape the zombie hordes in a big SHTF situation.

    jollyrodger13 likes this.
  3. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    My 4 year old Rott. Loves chasing the bear!! Can be a bit of a problem when mom bear turns and chases Rott. back to you.. A little comical as she chased him and he turning and chasing her back up the hill..
  4. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I assure you, my family and those I associate with should have no problem obtaining water in a crisis.It would not surprise me, if people went thirsty when water is right below their feet.

    Besides the obvious surface water available in your area, it would not hurt to educate yourself on the depth of ground water in your locale. Even if you do not have a current well, you can still figure out how the depth of the ground water in your area.

    In my area surface water is extremely plentiful, all year long. Living in a farm community, there used to be a lot of wells in this area but as the community grew the municipality required wells to be abandoned as the city grew pushing people to publicly supplied water.

    The water table in this area is quite low, one does not need to dig very far by hand and can find water. Though, I am not talking about an aquifer. We have an aquifer about 100 ft. below the surface.

    Check the USGS reports for your area, you might be pleasantly surprised.


    Users of this Website can view hydrographs of water-level data from wells located throughout the Willamette Basin, as well as tables of the measurements used to construct the hydrographs.

    1. Begin by clicking on the name of a basin below to bring up a map of wells in that basin.

    2. Then, by clicking on the well symbol of a well, you can view a period-of-record water-level hydrograph for that well, as well as a link to a table of water-level measurement data for the well. Alternately, there is a list of basin wells below the basin maps with links to hydrographs (PNG, JPG, and GIF formats) and data tables (TXT files).

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2013
    tulianr likes this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Looks like it ranges here between 30-80 feet, nothing lower than 90 feet below grade. something like this DIY rig should do it, if I need to sink a well. Thanks for the info.
  6. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Water well drill plans

    These plans show you everything you need to build to start drilling for water for your own backyard water well. Maybe even use the drilling rig for oil and gas exploration too. This rig uses 2 gas engines and is trailer mounted for portability.

    This simple design uses a small vertical shaft lawnmower engine and through a belt drive reduction turns a bit to drill through soil to a depth of 150 feet or more. The drill pipe is 1-½ Schedule 80 black pipe in 10 foot sections to ease handling during the drilling process. A secondary motor drives a water pump to both cool the drill bit and remove loose soil. An air compressor can be used intermittently, but is not necessary. The drill is easily transportable if plans are followed and fabricated on a bolt together utility trailer. Speed reduction is by belt sheave (pulley) reduction. The basic drive component is a modified wood lathe chuck. The basic indication that water has been found is that the water returning to the surface is cooler.

    Water may be drawn from the earth using the typical well pump from a maximum depth of 33 feet at sea level. This includes the height of the pump. Water at a depth greater can be drawn using a positive displacement pump with a mechanical operating rod. This type of pump is seen throughout the country as a western windmill.

    CLICK HERE for water pumping windmill plans.

    Very deep wells require a jet pump be placed below the water table to deliver the required amount of water. This well drill can be constructed using off-the-shelf items and standard steel shapes. It is a welded assembly mounted to a steel trailer frame available for less than $200. 2 gasoline motors of the Briggs variety power both the water pump and the drill. The rotating collar is similar to an oil drilling rig similar to a Foster Cathead. The rotary union for the water injection is unique and if necessary it can be replaced for less than $6.

    This detailed set of cad assembly drawings for building a portable water well drilling rig is printed in black and white on roll paper and includes 3 pages printed on (1) 36" x 48" sheet.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Our plans are designed to be simple enough to be understood by the do-it-yourselfer but are NOT "step-by-step" instructions. Actual construction of items using these plans may require specialized engineering knowledge, tools and building/manufacturing/fabrication expertise. Although we appreciate feedback to improve our designs, we do NOT provide engineering advice or consultation services. By ordering these plans, you are agreeing to our DISCLAIMER and TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Please ASK ALL QUESTIONS prior to ordering plans because like computer software, PLANS ARE NONRETURNABLE AND NONREFUNDABLE.

    Download these plans now for just $5
    You can download these plans to view on your computer monitor and zoom in/out to view details but for printing, YOU MUST HAVE A 36" WIDE PLOTTER TO PRINT READABLE PLANS. Below are scaled down versions of the actual plans you get:


    PROCEDURE: After checking out you will be given a link where you can download your plans right away. If you have trouble with getting the download, please CLICK HERE to contact us.

    Click "Add to Cart" button below to order plans by instant download.

    water well drill auger drilling rig DIY kit project
  7. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member


    0' - 350'

    With the Simple Pump installed alongside your existing electric well pump, you're ready for any and all emergencies.


    Using a patent-pending pump rod design, the Simple Pump can deliver up to three gallons of water per minute from well depths exceeding 350 feet, with an output pressure of up to 100 psi (To pump up a pressure tank or up hill). An optional Solar or Wind powered 12-volt Motor Attachment (Fed with Battery) will pump 1/2 to 2 gallons per minute from wells up to 200 feet deep. Built for dependability and backed by a five-year replacement parts warranty. This Stainless Pump:

    • Can pressurize your house pressure tank. Take a shower, flush the toilet - all without electricity or a generator!
    • Fits inside your existing well case beside your electric pump system. You keep two functioning systems - electric and hand.
    • Is completely computer-machined by experienced craftsmen in our own aerospace-caliber machine shop for absolute quality control.
    • Features corrosion-resistant stainless steel components in a freeze-resistant design for years of trouble-free use.
    • Comes standard with a powerful 24" aluminum lever handle.
    • Is easy to install; most homeowners can do it themselves with no special tools!
    • A typical 100 foot installation is an easy two man job and can be completed in about an hour.
    • Five Year Warranty on materials and workmanship!
    • Simple Pumps feature machined components.
    How can two pumps fit down the same well?
    Modern domestic wells are generally constructed using 4", 6" or 8" casing. The casing is the large steel pipe that extends out of the ground. Your electric pump probably uses either a 1" or 1 1/4" pipe (called "drop pipe") extending to the pump. This leaves plenty of room for the Simple pump. If you are using our 4" cover, the maximum existing pipe through the cover is 1". The Simple system uses only 1" pipe. The Simple pump is smaller than the couplings on our 1" pipe. It is also spherical in shape on the bottom so that, as it is lowered, it is less likely to snag couplings on your electric system. Additionally, the Simple pump will be installed 20 to 70 feet above your electric pump, allowing for plenty of space for both.

    Solar Powered / Battery Electricpump.



    Solar Power Your Deep Weel Pump! We povide the complete kit to power by solar including panels & battery

    How deep should I install my pump?
    It is not necessary to install your emergency pump as low as your electric pump. Most wells have the electric pump set at 20 to 70 feet below the water level. The Simple pump can be installed safely at 36 to feet below the water level. The pumping effort is determined by the water level and not the pump level. Additionally, it is unlikely that the electric pump would be used at the same time as the Simple Pump. Therefore the water level will not be drawn down when the hand pump is being used. If you intend to use the hand pump at the same time that your electric is being operated, you will need to set the Simple submersible pump cylinder at a depth that the water level will not go below. The company last serviced or drilled your original well should be able to recommend a depth.

    Here is a a Schematic Diagram showing how you can easily pipe the outlet of the Simple Pump to the outlet of the Simple Pump into your house pressure system. The hand pump can deliver pressure to your home pressure tank. If you plan to connect to your house pressure system, get our ready to go check valve/gauge assembly.


    Drop Pipe Kit:Each kit includes 9 feet of 1" schedule 120 PVC , threaded on each end: 9 feet of 80,000 psi fiberglass rod with stainless steel ends forming the "sucker rod"; and a delrin rod guide. The sections assemble very easily. Lowering 100 feet with a pump takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Each 9 foot section weighs about 5 pounds. 100 feet with a pump will weigh about 65 pounds.PRICES

    Pricing and Purchasing: The Simple Pump kit (model 100L) comes complete with all necessary installation components: submersible stainless steel pump cylinder (shown in picture above),2", 4", 5", 6", 7"or 8" well-casing cover with clamp flanges, and an upper spigot assembly (shown above). The Drop pipe kit (model 109DP) includes a 1" schedule 120 PVC with coupling, delrin rod guide, and one 80,000 psi fiberglass pump rod with integral stainless steel fittings. Each drop pipe kit is sold as a 9' length kit, U.P.S. limits packages to 9' in length therefore we offer the drop pipe kits in 9' maximum and also in 27" and 54". Example: If an installation requires the pump to be at 60', then seven 9' kits or kits are required. (63') PRICES

    Pitless Adapter Kit (For ultimate freeze protection):
    A pitless adapter is commonly used on AC pumps for delivering water through the well casing at a level below the freeze line - usually about 4'. The Mfr. modified a high quality 1" bronze pitless adapter to include a 5/8" diameter chrome shaft which passes through a seal and guide. Their standard sucker rod is then attached to the bottom of the 5/8" shaft, along with their standard drop pipe. When this system is used, all water is directed through the pitless adapter and through the well casing below ground, where it can be piped to your house. The kit includes a 1" bronze pitless adapter with the 5/8" sealed shaft. Below it is a short section of pipe to accommodate connecting back to our standard drop pipe and sucker rods. To connect the pump head rod to the pitless adapter rod, a 6 foot section of 3/8" stainless steel all-thread is provided. Depending on the distance between the pitless adapter and the top of the well casing, the rod is cut to fit. Detailed instructions are included with the kit. It can be used with any model of Simple Pump, both hand and motorized. Here is a a schematic diagram of a motorized pitless system.
    [HASHTAG]#PA1[/HASHTAG] Pitless adapter kit.

    15 Day Return:Upon receiving your Pump system - If you are not satisfied with the quality or workmanship, return the pump, in its original packaging and condition, within 15 days for a full refund.

    Five Year Warranty:The Pump Company warrantees all parts of our system for a five year period to be free of defects in materials and workmanship. We will replace any component that is defective. The defective part must be returned to us along with proof of original purchase. We will pay for shipping charges for the replacement parts within the continental U.S.








    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Do I detect some well drilling experience?;)
  9. munchy

    munchy Monkey+++

    The original post kinda inspired me to wander the hills behind my place, been there before but not everywhere. This weekend I'm going on a three day walkabout, figure I'll take the 22 and a small ruck. Try to eat only wild plants and some (hopefully) small woodland game, as a bonus its scouting for deer season, although it would be a hell of a pack out with a buck.
    tulianr likes this.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Take a beer sled. or a toboggan with you, even a child's plastic long sled. and it can carry the deer or your gear. They also sell deer carts, (I make my own with wheelchair wheels.) and they will roll your burden in and out. You want pics, I can supply them.
    tulianr likes this.
  11. munchy

    munchy Monkey+++

    I have a cart I made but around my place the underbrush is so thick it's hard to walk offtrail let alone drag, its a rainforest if that tells you anything. I didn't draw tags this year so no open country hunting, I can actually deer hunt with a shotgun if I so desire cause its rare to get a shot more than 50-75 yards, unless hunting clear cuts and this area has none;)
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    There is also the option of dividing the meat, and hanging the remainder for a second trip. If you take a few of those break and shake instant cold packs, and a bag cooler, you should have no worries of the meat going bad before you can return for it.
  13. Power Ram

    Power Ram Monkey+

    I lived on 44 acres before I was cheated out of it ( story for another day). I had spend countless hours walking that acrege. I had turkey, deer, squirrle, and rabbits galore. I walked around the corner of the house one morning and was almost trampled by a 8 pointer and 2 does. I could feed Myself and My Family at the time. Back property line was a Game preserve, so that helped.
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