I think we're done

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Tempstar, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Today I was saddened when a buddy sent me a text and said pro Hamas college kids were marching around in Columbia SC. Carrying signs and shouting at cars. I've been watching these clueless idiots doing this on TV but that was up in the Northern wasteland, not here in my precious South. Another friend was over, a big and burly Marine from the Desert Storm era. He said he was sure glad it wasn't here so he wouldn't have to go to jail. From there our conversation wandered and I came to the realization that the United States as we know it will soon be gone. We used to target shoot in the back yard and piss off the back porch. Gasoline was good for a year, sometimes more. $20 would buy as many groceries as you could carry in in one trip or a full tank of gas. Cops were respectful and didn't walk around in military style battle rattle. College educated people were smart. Most people wanted to work to get ahead in life.

    No, I'm not just an old fart reminiscing about my youth, this was all less than twenty years ago. Before Obama, Whom I place the bulk of the blame on. It was during his administration that Government corruption was no longer apologized for or even hidden very well. During his time as leader of the country that Antifa and BLM rose to prominence, burned cities and trashed businesses with impunity. Now, with his puppet Biden in office for the past 3 1/2 years, his destruction of America is almost complete. The troops to start the wars have been allowed to cross our borders freely. I'm sure the plans are in place for the "disaster" that will subjugate us all to suspension of the bill of rights and gun confiscation, the last nail in the coffin before the funeral for Americana. It's coming and coming fast.
    DuxDawg, Alf60, Bandit99 and 6 others like this.
  2. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    I've been telling my friends this since the Patriot Act was passed... We are on a path of confrontation [patr], and none of this is gonna get solved peacefully... too many are unaware and too many don't care.... [seeno][hearno][sayno]

    ... but the ones who do measure wind speed in FPS. [gun]

    Brokor, Cruisin Sloth, SB21 and 6 others like this.
  3. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Where I live, you can still target shot and piss off the back porch, just pick a time when the neighbors are at work or in school, or it's dark. Hell, I could possibly piss off the front porch, as long as I don't make a big theatrical production out of it!:LOL: If you invited the neighbors over for a few beers you could most likely shot and piss anywhere and time you want!:ROFLMAO: However, I know what you mean, several years ago I was in town and saw a homeless guy sleeping in the doorway of a business...that was a first for me...and though, Damn we're getting to be a big city! Since then, they have become more common, and more and more resources are being devoted to them. Society is going to hell, and that is why we prep!
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Yea, the Patriot act was the single worst thing we have done in this nation in over 100 years! What's worse, No POTUS has stopped it since Bush put it in effect! Congress hasn't pushed to over turn it ether, wonder why!
    Obummer divided us worse then we were in the 50's and 60's and Pedo Joe has ensured we remain such, maybe even more then before he stole his office. Congress did nothing! Today, more then half this nations population has ZERO political representation in most offices, and those on the right have NO voice, we get canceled if we even think the wrong way, let alone speak out!
    We are forced to endure countless attacks on our morals and beliefs, we are told Gay is Ok, that our sons and daughters can pick their gender, and that buggering kids is cool. Basically we are told that right is wrong, and wrong is OK, and we should just shut up about it and let the Trans Idiot dressed like a chick sit there and read children's stories to our kids!

    I cannot drive to the big cities any longer, especially in my Truck, i'm now a target, someone for the nut jobs to single out and attack for what ever perceived offence I might be guilty of, subject to the whims of THAT day, it could be i'm white, or they don't like my truck, or my Vet's hat, who knows what! Then I have to drive around their filth, literally shit on the street's and endless tents and garbage all about. If I find a place near where i'm going, I then have to try and avoid some idiot in a drug induced mental meltdown ranting and raving mad, flailing about and ready to pounce on me, or all the others that suddenly appear and demand hand outs of cash, and then they follow me through the front door!

    The Cops do nothing, except show up to take photos of the body and then call the coroner to collect the body. Hell, the cops don't even show up for anything short of a murder, some dude breaks into your house, you better just step aside and let them do their thing, you shoot them, you get arrested and hauled off, and the dude you just shot can now sue you. What a world we live in when the innocent are now the victims and the guilty literally get away with everything! Nobody is held accountable, and we have the two tiers of justice, one set against you and I, and one that doesn't punish the criminals, but rewards them!

    I'm gonna stop now, pour three fingers and walk away, this shit really pisses me off to no end!
    DuxDawg, recon, 3M-TA3 and 6 others like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Frankly, I think it was happening long before Obama, but he did accelerate things and Biden has totally pushed the throttle to the wall while saying, 'I am the King! You will do as I command or else and the hell with Congress and the people!" In truth, I think China, among others, have Biden in their pockets. I mean, look at the state of him, what the hell does he have to lose - nothing - so they are going for broke.

    I don't expect a fair election but even by a miracle if we got one (if Trump survives to stand election), I wouldn't expect Biden to step down. Yeah, I think it is that bad.

    The country was lost long ago, not all at once but little by little by erosion and like erosion, the longer it goes unchecked the greater the falling pieces.

    Personally, like @Steverino and many others, I think each day we move closer to conflict. I believe there is no way to get back to even a resemblance of an honest government that's in line with the Constitution without bloodshed. Don't believe me? Look what happened to Senate Impeachment trial which by Constitutional rules was supposed to occur for the Mayorkas. They simply ignored it. The kangaroo courts against Trump. The economic corruption, incompetence and outright mismanagement...how can a President, Senator or Congressman enter service with a worth of $1M and leave 4 years later worth 50X or 100X that? I could go on and on but the fact is nothing, not Trump or even if the Republicans held both houses, is going to change a damn thing. They are just stripping the remaining meat off the bones of America's carcass and there is damn little left.

    Once everyone understands that to change this country back to the rule of law that pertains to all and not just the serfs and truly have the country ruled by the People cannot be done by voting since it can't be trusted then we will start to see change caused either by threat of force or actually force.
    DuxDawg and Tempstar like this.
  6. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    A buddy of mine and fellow Vietnam vet have had the same conversations --we both agree the country is lost and even if Trump wins it will only slow the fall as Trump will have no support from the demoRATs and there are two many spineless RINOs. We both agree revolution is the only answer but will never happen. The Tree of Liberty has been starved--poisoned--burned-- and pruned to death and the majority of Americans are either too stupid or just don't care about what their children or grandchildren will live under. As uncle Ho said we can wait out the Americans for however long it takes --the left has been doing the same bidding their time for years slowly taking over the media, education, and every government agency, and now they blatantly do it
    DuxDawg, Tempstar, Bandit99 and 2 others like this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Have you seen the movie 'Civil War"? I'm leaving for the theater in about 30 minutes!
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  8. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Do we have a population of morally sound, community focused critical thinkers capable of choosing and maintaining the government we received from the Founding Fathers after years of financial ruin, starvation, disease, and war in the streets?

    Or will these ignorant emotional children go for security, greed, and self-gratification instead?
    DuxDawg, Tempstar and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No, not yet; however, I doubt it can do it justice - yet - sadly there is absolutely no other way. None. My greatest fear is it won't happen...but I do think Americans are at the edge and as usual our politicians are out of touch and don't see it but let them do something stupid, make the mistake, and I think we could see all hell break loose. I hope and pray.

    I know strange but there is no other way. The corruption, greed and lust for power has gotten to the point that they don't even try to hide it, instead they shove it in our face, do as they will, without any limits or regards for the People or the nation's Constitution.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  10. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The movie was great! I recommend it! But I'm really hoping for a sequel! Texas and the South vs California and the PNW!
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    After Stealing $60 Billion for Ukraine - Dem Tweets Threat to MAGA

    Were in the same situation as you folks in USA or in the western .
    I did post up info on the UN & WHO on the inferno . 4 views and 1 reply .
    So this is now the Meme site, as I have noticed ...
    MAY is when all of the countries sign on /// OR NOT . Doing so were all FUCKED.
    Watch above and see the snakes leaving !!YOU and your kids / grand-kids pay with their souls!!!!
    Enjoy all the Memes , get your booster , watch TV . MY posts are upsetting but INFO .
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
    DuxDawg, Bandit99 and Tempstar like this.
  12. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    A point of clarification from me.

    I do not believe the republic is lost... just that we're gonna have a fight "to keep it."

    I'm 62, a native Californian, and lifelong conservative. 3 years ago I left the Bay Area and hightailed north to a rural, geographically isolated small town in a county of 30K. I've been self-sufficiency minded my whole life, and realized that as appealing as the Great Redoubt was/is, moving to the prepper/conservative locale du jour just wasn't logical. At least to me. I came to the conclusion that broadcasting ideology just isn't smart, and that any locale doing so is just painting a big target on itself... and I'm just not interested in being a target or a martyr at the onset of "FPS related activities". :sneaky:

    It's my belief that geographic isolation is key. Not in the "lone wolf" sense, but in the Golden Horde having ingress to where I live sense and those seeing my location as a potential target. I'd rather be "outta sight, outta mind." Where I live is fully conservative.

    The uber-left has no choice but to continue their push to its ultimate end. They are overt now, and cannot relent. If they do, the blow-back will make the McCarthy era look like a Sunday church social. They are well past the Rubicon... and they know they cannot win unless and until they disarm the population. There is an immense legislative war going on to marginalize the 2A. It is now in full swing, and we are rapidly approaching the time when the SCOTUS is going to have to show their true colors and allegiance to the Constitution and the People, or the federal government. The 2A is the only thing that protects the whole of the Constitution. The SCOTUS knows this. We know this. The Left knows this. So here we are, watching the frog-boiling-pot racing to a precipice that historically speaking has ALWAYS resulted in tyranny losing... violently.

    I've always been a fan of John Adams... these days I'm more a fan of his cousin... Sam.

    The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men. ~ Samuel Adams

    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki, Bandit99 and 4 others like this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Very good write up! Summarizes it well... I do hope you are correct in that, '...immense legislative war going on to marginalize the 2A...' as I think this would be the spark to unite and we'd see something like the '2nd shot heard around the world' so dearly hope they make this mistake. The only thing that keeps us from being subjects and having to completely bend the knee is our firearms, we've lost all institutions, agencies, even the branches of government to the Leftists.
    BTW John Adams is also my hero - yet - like you, more and more I am sounding like his cousin Sam Adams.
    Steverino and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Just remember, it was only 3% of the population who tossed the Tea over the side, told a King to go fuck himself, and then fought the brits and won! 3% of our population accomplished those feats and bought our freedoms with their blood and fortunes! Yea, we had some outside help from France and Spain, but we did the heavy lifting and formed a new nation all by our onesom!

    Today, we have more then 5 times those numbers just in retired Vets, dudes with the Skills that Kills, If you could get half those dudes to take up arms and fight, things would turn very quickly, and we could restore this nation to it's former glory!

    That will take a lot of work, and it will cost a LOT of Blood, but at this point, it's inevitable, the only question now is when will it kick off, and I think the answer to THAT question is the next few months, especially with the first 6 week fake trial of DJT, preventing him from campaigning whilst Pedo Joe is out there schlepping and the dems keep him in ice cream, then there will be a second fake trial, another 6 weeks worth, and one of them absolutely WILL find him guilty and sentence him to 20 years!!!! THAT would kick things off, and I bet more then 3% of this nation would stand up with rifles held high and do patriot shit! If that doesn't kick things off, November 7th sure will, when the Dems steal the election and install their puppet Joe the Pedo once again, THAT absolutely WILL be the shot heard round the world! With DJT out of the running, likely behind bars, there is NO ONE ELSE to fill in and take his place, so the Pedo wins easy, and we finally get the fight we have been for waiting for!

    I will add this, once the fight does start, I say we cross the northern border and join our friendly neighbors in Ottawa and help them clean house, and we kick the RCMP's ass in the process and help our friends install a PROPER constitution and B.o.R! There will come a time when we're all going to need each other like never before, so the sooner we can help each other, the better!
    We also need to cross the southern border and kick Mexico in the teeth, route out all the cartels and their corruption and put an end to that nonsense! We do the same, help them see the light, give them a proper constitution and B.o.R, and the world becomes a little bit safer!

    All of this needs to also take China to task, we ( North America) need to kick China out of every aspect of our lives, from imports and chips and all that, tell them to go fuck themselves, and be done with them, if they don't like it, FUCK THEM, they can send a few million of their boys here to bleed and die, most would end up feeding the fishes before they could ever land on our shores, so the only thing left is NUKES, and they better be willing to trade a city for a city, we have several Wet Coast Cities I would trade, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Fran, Potland, I would trade any of them for Beijing, and maybe sneak a few extras in, just for shits and giggles, I mean, while were at it, make it hurt BAD enough, maybe they will stop and think it through a little more! As to Russia, Vlad had better watch his little corner, lest we send a few boys in green with their faces painted up to give him a proper tune up!
    Rocket Man, needs a few thousand 16 inch High Capacity rounds dropped on his head, end of problem, change his address to Hell, and call it good!
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    DuxDawg and Dont like this.
  16. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I suspect Russia is already drawing on the pipeline bill that FJB got us. Munitions plants on fire here and in the UK points right at Russia. China probably has a pretty sizeable group in amongst us right now. How many food plants and agricultural plants have burned over the last 3 years.

    We have until about September until the UN world guv. is established.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  17. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    DuxDawg and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. OzVegus

    OzVegus Monkey

    Just remember, that was a foreign power with a small army and little hope of getting reserves. Now you have a highly militarized state with more organs of enforcement than the Nazi party fielded. But that isn't the real issue. The real issue is that now nearly everyone is beholden to the government for their welfare, their retirement income. It's not like they can just walk away from all that and start making wagon wheels, growing cotton for export. The government has control of nearly every aspect of life so to overthrow it first you have to overthrow social security and the entire system or half the people you're depending on to join your ranks will fighting against you!
    DuxDawg, Tempstar, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  19. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    1776 we were self sufficient farmers independent of government --now we are dependent on the government a government that has their tentacles in everything we do
    DuxDawg, OzVegus, Steverino and 3 others like this.
  20. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

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