Homosexual/Gay Preppers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motomom34, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    1. Homosexuality is the norm for a certain proportion of any nation's population, as is heterosexuality is the norm for a certain proportion of the same population.

    2. Without knowing what you are meaning by deviant, it's hard to comment. However if by deviation you mean non reproductive sex.....then many thousands of millions of heterosexuals could be considered deviants: period.

    3. Without going through a whole debate about evolution vs creation (Intelligent Design) Human sexuality is not simply just about reproduction, though sexual reproduction undoubtedly is part of it. Heterosexual individuals and couples / groups engage in a wide variety of non reproductive sexual practices, many of which overlap with homosexual sexual practices....I hate to burst your bubble, but oral sex, and anal sex are not exclusive to homosexuals....nor is penis in the vagina type sex exclusive to heterosexuals.

    Humans have been quite innovative about sexual reproduction, by developing technologies and techniques to aid, or reduce the probability of reproduction...because penis in the vagina pregnancy doesn't occur in the case of invitro reproductive procedures, are individuals who reproduce in this way deviants?

    4. Are you serious??? Is that the most convincing argument that you have?? Turd babies?? I'm not sure how to classify that fallacious argument....reductio ad absurdum? appeal to moral disgust? If homosexuality was the norm...according to the logic of the argument....there would also be many heterosexual turd babies....some hetero couples love exploring the Hershey bar road.

    5. The same applies to heterosexual sexual intercourse, but I'm not sure that it's sexual copulation that you are referring to....do you mean the kind of public affection shown by heterosexual couples to each other...like holding hands...hugging...embracing, kissing?? As far as I'm concerned....the same expectations of appropriate conduct in public apply equally, regardless of one's sexuality.

    6. According to the Constitution that everyone seems so intent on promoting and protecting....GLBTQI folk are free to enjoy their Constitutional rights of freedom of association, freedom of expression, etc the same as their heterosexual compatriots....
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Chelly, you can rationalize anything anyway you want still won't change my opinion. When you see me having a heterosexual parade or walking a pair of giant Negroes on a leash like dogs dressed in spiked collars and and cod-pieces in a Walgreen's at 2:00 AM, then I might see your well written argument as valid, but I just see it as sexually deviant behavior, not something I am against, might even enjoy it, don't know and don't care to find out, but still am offended by having it brought mainstream, queers on every tv show, target market for ads, remove testosterone driven behavior from public schooling, weaken the species by creating sexual ambiguity. Rock Hudson was queer, but he still acted like a man and he had the decency to keep it behind closed doors, not nancing around on parade and protest to choose which restroom to piss in. And turd baby was funny to most folks with a sense of humor, those of you that were offended by it, well, screw you, I don't care.
    Oh, I see you didn't mention locking up the coconut oil, guess even you Brit wannabes have some good sense.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    [​IMG] It has taken 4 pages but I knew.....

    @Seacowboys post above is talking about the extreme. The ones that push the limits and ram their life style down the throats of others. We have had 3 pages of people saying, they have no problem with "alternative" lifestyles. We have great examples of people being people, but some have different sexual preferences.

    I put the second link in for a reason. It talked of a guy that was in a survival community but left because he was scared for his life because there was no tolerance for the gay lifestyle. He was a normal guy that kept his preferences to himself. I think the majority of the homosexual population doesn't parade around wearing feathers and dog chains. That is the extreme and it colors the whole.

    Somewhere along the line we have to become humans first and those that are the extreme can be ignored. Imagine if they were not promoted in the press. If a big deal was not made over the gay parade, would they stop? Would they see that their prancing was no big deal and just become basic normal people that devote themselves to living rather then making statements?

    I would take a gay person in, one that wants to just survive over a bigoted bubba with a hate for anything different.
    Seepalaces, chelloveck and tacmotusn like this.
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Bring out the children; after all, parades are for everyone.
    Seepalaces likes this.
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Along the same lines - uncensored options and not for the faint of heart. Yes, extreme, but it takes place on a regular basis in multiple metro areas: Up Your Alley 2008

    I have seen pictures from this and other events with children in the background.

    Obviously this is offensive behavior to most regardless of sexual orientation. There does seem to be a much larger contingent of homosexual men that participate in this type of public activity than straight men or women of any orientation - Mardi Gras as an example where there is public sex by heterosexuals, but no where near the activity that happens at gay parades.

    That said I don't think the vast majority of gay men would be caught dead doing this. All the ones I know pretty much share the same values I do outside of sexual orientation and likely politics.
    Seepalaces, Motomom34 and Ganado like this.
  7. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I believe that the most basic truth is that what exists in human nature will exist until the end of time so, if SHTF, you can expect to encounter every permutation of of the human condition. What I expect is that if the occasion arises when our most critical thoughts are of survival, there will be neither time nor inclination toward parades or frivolity. Maybe that's when our private lives and desires can remain our private lives and desires to be acted on or not.
    Motomom34, Seepalaces and chelloveck like this.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    This has been an interesting thread, and thank you @Motomom 34 for starting it. In the realm of Prepping, the probability that there will be GLBTQI folk within your family, among your neighbours, within a MAG, or militia group that you may be a member of or allied with makes the issue, more than just an issue of academic interest. It would seem from the responses in this thread that some have no issue with a person's sexual orientation provided that they offer survival value to the prepping group, pull their weight, contribute to the group's survival, subscribe to the group's core values and help maintain the group's effectiveness and cohesion. Some others look upon GLBTQI folk with such moral disgust, that it would be difficult to see how they might themselves contribute to group cohesion that had GLBTQI folk as members.

    Some here have addressed the issues raised by Motomom in the opening post, while others, have instead, decided to indulge in a bit of "poofter" bashing....which says as much about themselves as about the folk that they are showing contempt for.

    1. Your opinion is your own...I have no intention of even trying to change your opinion...that is something that only you can do of your own free will. What I write is, I hope, for the benefit of others who visit this site...both straight and gay. I see no reason not to offer an alternative opinion to some of the commentary that passes for opinion about what is "deviant" and what is "normal".

    2. Why at 2am?? If you're gonna strut your stuff, do it on a Saturday midday....oh, and by the way....post your selfies here for all to enjoy. ;) Just make sure that the brothers on a leash are from the 'hood....ya don't wont tame ones from the plantation

    3. So, only heteronormative presentation is to be seen and represented in mainstream society??? So much for personal liberty in a democratic republic where citizen's rights are enshrined in a sacred Constitution. Are non heteronormative folk to be second class citizens, not accorded the same rights assumed by heteronormative folk?? Why should hetero folk's sensitivities be given special consideration at the expense of the liberty of GLBTQI folk who wish live lives authentic to their identity?

    4. Homo Sapiens has probably always had a proportion of homosexuals in the population, despite the best efforts of Judeo-Christian-Islamic believers at eradicating them. Homosexuals are no more infertile than heterosexuals, and have done their bit in helping to overpopulating this planet with humans. The species is no more weakened by seeing gays being represented in sitcoms, or seeing a transgender Cailyn Jenner wearing fabulous outfits in a "reality" TV. than by heterosexual emos or meth heads. I am sure the species Homo will survive the homos. ;)

    5. There is no contradiction between being queer and being masculine, just as there is no contradiction between being hetero man, and presenting as "effeminate" you're just plumbing gender presentation stereotypes that are just pure and simple balderdash. Who gives a toss whether you thing that men should be masculine, and women should present as feminine....plenty of very feminine lesbians....and very butch looking hetero women....why should any of them conform to what you feel constitutes your ideal of the masculine or feminine gender presentation for either sex? Rock Hudson kept his sexual identity closeted, not to save the sensitivities of precious petals such, but simply because it would have killed his acting career. Had heterosexuality have been a career killer, I am sure that there would be many heterosexuals nancing about while keeping their heterosexuality in the closet.

    6. You are confusing sexuality with gender identity.....Rock Hudson was a cisgender male homosexual....he had neither an inclination nor a reason to pee anywhere other than in a male rest room...perhaps doing a bit of research on the topic may better inform your opinions and your assertions. More gay actors are open about their sexuality than in the dimmer, darker past when homosexuality was criminalized. Some of them play straight, or gay characters....just like heterosexual actors do. :D

    7. There was a time in my life when I used to think that jokes about "c00ns", "yids", "poofers", "dinks", etc were very funny....and then I grew up. Jokes that play to stereotypes and are at the expense of the targeted mark, I no longer find funny, even if the joke is cleverly crafted with a snappy punch line. The, "I was only just funnin'" or "can't you take a joke" lines are what bullies use to defend their dickishness. If you and others found "turd babies" uproariously funny, I don't give I toss what you and others think about me not finding your dickish humour hysterically funny.

    8. Evidently.

    9. I didn't bother dignifying the cheap shot with a reply....besides, coconut oil has many practical uses....for gay and straight folk. 39 Manly Uses for Coconut Oil in Your Bushcraft Kit

    20 uses for Coconut oil

    Agreed.......many gay men are still in the closet ;)

    Agreed....though some fancy dress parades are likely to persist, well into the darkness of SHTF

    Of course some of those too may be very well closeted gay men....a perfect disguise for a gay man...that or a televangelist preacher. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
    Motomom34 and Ganado like this.
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Between my wife and I we have counseled hundreds of gays and lesbians over the years. The vast majority, I would say at least 95% have had a traumatic, sexually oriented event happen to them in their past. Either molestation or rape. They turn to homosexuality either to feel safe with their own gender, which is the case with most lesbians or to dominate and thus feel in control and ergo safe as is the case in a lot of gays. Thus it is not a "lifestyle choice" or a physical inborn trait. It is a mental disorder. It is treatable but this trying to mainstream it and make it "normal" is doing irreperable harm to millions who are in need of help.
    Of the other 5% there are some who engage in it for the thrill factor. For the rebellion. As evidenced by many who as they get older and more mature they return to a normal relationship. Then there is a very few who have some DNA defect that causes them to produce more estrogen or testosterone which brings out feminine traits in men and vice versa. These are the ones who were "born that way". But again unfortunately in liberal academia it is academic suicide to pursue the root cause or look for a cure.
    kemps, Brokor, T. Riley and 1 other person like this.
  10. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Agreed, it's almost certain that some Democrats will survive SHTF to preserve their cultural traditions ...
    Motomom34 likes this.
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Well, that is mighty admirable of you Chelly, . You have expressed your opinion well and made a good many points but the problem is that history is written by the victors. Take the Klan, for example, all you will have ever read about them was written to ignore that it was formed by Nathan Bedford Forrest and the like, as guerrilla action during a very abusive reconstruction, when Yankee carpet-baggers came to loot their spoils of war and was demonized by the Government as simply a bunch of rednecks burning crosses and hanging black folks. That is the only way the KKK will always be remembered. And once more, your sense of humor or lack there-of, what whatever reasons, is your choice and I still don't care that you like it or not. As far as queer bashing, I still say it it their business behind closed doors but the parades dressed in cod-covers and feathers goes way beyond socially acceptable and i will not amend my opinion of that and if my humor offends you, I don't care, beats driving a truck through them.
    BTPost, Minuteman and Ganado like this.
  12. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    What he is trying to say is that we don't allow strippers to ply their trade in public. Why let a bunch of gays (hetero men typically have a biological aversion to the sight of gays, fyi) do what they can't, plus more, any damn place they please?

    That is the crux of what is being discussed. The use of language is being used to express an idea, instead of being a word puzzle of "intended meaning" that so many people live for these days.

    Am I wrong?
    T. Riley and Seepalaces like this.
  13. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    You are being snooty and arrogant, both things I have come to expect when liberal worldviews are challenged and I'm sure this thread has challenged your worldview. This thread is completely full of preppers (mostly conservatives) proving they are not homophobic. The over arching theme of this thread has been precisely what I have come to expect from libertarians: we don't care, leave us alone. There is a reason the klan has always been affiliated with liberals. In order to affect the kind of change racists want, they must have control over personal decision making. This is why even the most strident SJW is ultimately working for the klan, because once you have your giant government in place, you cannot guarantee who will take charge of it.
    Also, deviant, normal, and aberrant are statistical terms. Homosexuality is both deviant and aberrant statistically. Period.
    Along those lines, your virtue signalling is noted, all hail king of political thinking Chel, and whatever feudal point system you want to transfer your snootiness through. Down with patriarchal hegemony! Up with group think!
    Motomom34 and T. Riley like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Having watched the Youtube clip through its entirety....most of what people were wearing would not be out of place at a street block party/BBQ....yes there were a few...a very few men who wore what we in Australia call budgie smugglers....popularly worn by a certain former Australian Prime Minister regularly...[​IMG]

    They would not have been out of place in just about in any public beach in Australia, and probably America also.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    It has made me happy that so many SM responses show that people are more apt to accept people for what they bring to the table. IMO that is the way it should be.

    They are the ones that have brought disgust against a whole life style, thus making decent good folks targets. The ones that are into the thrill, in your face have done more harm to their cause but they would never admit it.
    Ganado and Meat like this.
  16. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    My point is that it is not a "lifestyle". It is the direct result of a psychological or physical abnormality that results in this aberrant behavior. But the liberal media and academia have made it taboo to even suggest that has a root cause. Because that implies there is a cure. And if it can be cured then it is not natural or normal.
    By making it acceptable as simply a lifestyle choice or a biological normality they do a grave injustice to millions worldwide who could be helped by research into the cause of it.
    By thier fruits you shall know them. So what are the fruits of this "alternative" lifestyle? How about 4X the suicide rate of heterosexuals? 7X the rate of alcohol and drug abuse. It is estimated that 30 to 40 percent of LGBT people will commit or attempt suicide. So this is the "lifestyle choice" that we are told we need to be accepting of. That we should not be phobic of. That our children are being taught is natural and normal.
    The numbers don't lie. It is a sickneas and a destructive force and by turning a politically correct blind eye to it we condemn millions to live a life of misery, depression and hopelessness.
  17. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I was talking to my sister who happens to be gay about the orlando shooting and how she should get her concealed carry permit. She is looking into it now. I also asked her how she can support a candidate who is also supported by big money from the mid east (where they kill gay people). It made her think.
    Mountain mama, 3M-TA3 and Ganado like this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    FYI the following is a link to an Australian Broadcasting Commission television program "You Can't Ask That" (Transgender Episode) where a panel of transgender men and women answer the questions about their gender identity that some cisgender folk are too tentative to ask, or couldn't be bothered asking.
    For those who have no personal experience of transgender folk other than as grotesque stereotypical characters in sitcoms and movies....let transgender folk speak for themselves. There is no inherent reason why any of them could not contribute positively in a prepping group or MAG with appropriate training.
    Meat likes this.
  19. kemps

    kemps Monkey

    (Warning, my post is probably gonna be long winded and confusing but I will try to explain the best that I can. If anyone has questions I can answer them! Also, yes, I am with a man now, my husband. We've been together for 5 years and he knows everything!)

    I completely agree with you. I came out as a lesbian when I was 14 and, looking back it's exactly why I did it. I was luckily not raped or molested but I had two uncles who were pedophiles/rapists and it made me very scared of men. I also had another uncle who raped his wife. I was in a very toxic family and thought I would feel safer dating another woman. Thing was, she was abusive so it was even worse. I admit there was also a bit of rebellion in there too for me and , atleast when I was young, the more it seemed to piss people off the more I enjoyed doing it. As I grew older the more I wanted to be normal. I was out of that "piss everyone off for fun" stage and just wanted to have a nice life. I developed my major back problems when I turned 24 and things got worse fast. She kept me around until I was 29, a year or so after I had to leave work and when she realized she couldn't get anything out of me. I still say, it's the best thing she ever did for me. The first few months were the worst but I came out of it and things started getting better and better. Sure I had some rocky patches but now I am very happy.

    To answer the original post (with the above in mind) I don't have any issues with an individual no matter who or what they are. I try and always judge people based on character. I do have many issues with the GLBT community as a whole though. It is a very toxic place (as @Seacowboys was trying to talk about). I know it seems really wrong to say this and I understand that. I went to pride festivals and there is a lot of troubling things that happen there. I tried talking to the people that ran them and was pretty much told to STFU. I stopped going after 2 years and never went back. They claim it's family friendly but then you see adults swinging over sized genitals/body parts in kids faces and handing them condoms. Little 3 year olds! Also there are a lot of pedophiles there who try to pick up teenagers and pre-teens. I ran into that A LOT. I looked older than I was so at first I thought it was just that. I would tell these chics I was under age and figured they wouldn't be interested. Well, they were more so. It really scared the crap out of me. And everyone seems to think it was normal, which scared me even more. I was incredibly disturbed. I think people have the right to judge those festivals. But I think people also need to separate the people who do those gross things from the majority who don't and who also walked away for the same reason I did. I know it seems like the majority but it isn't.

    From what I saw in the lesbian community there is a lot of misandry there (hatred of men for those who don't know). A LOT! I hung around with some guys and constantly got crap for it. It seems to be the majority, at least from I experienced. Most lesbians (like 9 out of every 10) that I met hated men and was very verbal about that. They berated gay guys when ever they saw them. I always found that wrong. I didn't notice this coming from any gay guys at all so it seemed to be a one sided hatred. Also there is a ton, and I do mean A TON of anti Christianity in the community too. And it spreads like wild fire. I had come out of a religious cult a year earlier so it was very easy for me to get swept up in it, sadly. It took me a while to separate what happened in the cult vs Christianity itself but that all happened after I left the community as a whole cause there was no way I could foster that being surrounded by all of it. Oh, and religious gay people get it the worst, from their own community. As a whole the community treats its own worse than any Christian person ever could. Besides that there is also a mega ton of straight hate. Ever been called a breeder? Yeah, they do that a lot. Or call straight people livestock (again referencing "breeding"). Pretty much they hate a lot of people, and I am not cool with that.

    Again, this is all referencing the community as a whole. I assume the person is a normal person (meaning not like how the community is) until they show me otherwise. Same as any other person. I don't like any kind of toxic crap so I clean it out real quick. It would be nice to see more GLBT preppers but it would never happen. As a whole they are fed the lies that this is a toxic place for them. I can say now I have never experienced even a fourth of what I experienced in the GLBT community in the prepper community. It sucks that there is that stigma that all preppers are straight white religious men, who are mean/judgemental. I know I was kind of nervous when I started prepping for that exact reason. As I started to find it wasn't true I got more and more excited. Also the men I have run into that fit the above label (minus mean) have all been very nice to me. I will have conversations with them and they are helpful, polite not judgemental at all. They are very gentlemanly to me. I think having that stigma there is a way for "the man" to keep more people away. It scares away a lot of people and makes the prepper community seem like a toxic place for almost anyone when the reality is so far from that. Keep the sheep unprepared and reliant on the state and you can control them better. It's so sad! Sorry if I strayed away from the original topic. I tried to stay on point. And again, if you have any questions I am open to talking about this stuff. = ) I know, I have had a really weird life!
  20. It is high time that homosexuals are accepted by the society. Time to take a totally different look at homosexuality. Americans have moved dramatically towards accepting homosexuality. Though there is sharp division they have been the most accepting. With ideological tug of wars happening inside the catholic church there has been different views on Pope Francis words on homosexuality. Francis' words, "Who am I to judge?" in 2013 has pushed the church to accept gays and lesbians, though a gay's fate depends a lot on the diocese or individual pastor. Afterall what matters is being a genuine man , like it is said in this article How to be a genuine man? | Bespoke Matchmaking. It's not the amount of weight you lift or the abs which determine what you are, it's his inner strength and ability to trust and be trusted. Christian countries should open their eyes to the fact that Bible says even the eunuchs will be brought into the kingdom of God Isaiah 56:3. Who are we to judge them as Francis said!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
    Ganado and Motomom34 like this.
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