Guns and gardens

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Kannonman, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    Being a Southern Boy (old Man)

    Like many who have posted on this OP, I grew up with gardening and farming as a way of life. I left the farm in my late twenties to go see the world and was gone for 15 plus years. It took me that long to see that living with the earth is what I like best. There is nothing as sweet as your own home grown tomatoes eaten while sitting in a porch swing listening to the sounds of the evening. With that said, it took me years to get back into the habit of being a gardener/farmer. Years of cussing, throwing my hands up in defeat and then returning to try again. I feel true saddness for those who think that a few seeds in the ground and a few days of work will produce a bounty that will feed their families for months on end. They are dooming their families to a slow death.
    As to the gun ownership, without a weapon you are a serf or a slave.

    If you can not protect what you own, you won't own it long.[freedom]
    Sapper John likes this.
  2. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    I know what you mean. But in all seriousness should I mount the GE Minigun or the automatic nade launcher to my 4-Runner? Or maybe just a flame thrower or rocket launcher, so much to think about and prepare for.

    Seriously though, I think it goes hand in hand to have the skills to garden, repair etc. and defend yourself. I think a lot of people just really like guns so sometimes they like to talk about them.
    STANGF150 likes this.
  3. prepperdad

    prepperdad Monkey+

    Having gardening skill is extremely helpful. You can feed your family with almost no money and very little land when you can garden. This can be a life saver in an economic collapse scenario.
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