Border wall proposal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TnAndy, Apr 8, 2019.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    TX should not have to bear the burden on its own----every non demoRAT state should be mobilizing their states militia and sending them to TX. The invasion of TX affects all of us
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    SB21, Zimmy and CraftyMofo like this.
  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Feds place an app on that free phone that they give to illegals that lets them board planes within the USA without ID! o_O:eek:You and I have to show a Star ID, Military ID, or Passport to get on a plane.:mad: What could go wrong?:ROFLMAO:
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I surely won't be doing any type of public transporting in the future,, no planes, trains, boats ,etc . My own modes of transportation, or I won't go.
  4. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    And proves the tsa is bullshit .
    johnbb likes this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    That and they do what they are told to do by Biden...or whoever is calling the shots!
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    @oil pan 4

    DKR's point about needing to actively patrol and defend an obstacle (border wall) is still valid. The addition of mines to an obstacle just means that the defender is potentially providing their opponent with the means of using mines against the defender, even if anti lifting devices are incorporated into the minefield.

    This Brigadier dickhead [​IMG]thought it would be a splendid idea to lay a 10 kilometer minefield in South Vietnam (against the advice of his senior Engineer Corps subordinate and others) to obstruct a Viet Cong infiltration route in his Taskforce AO, which gave the VC beau coup mines to counter mine Australian and allied troops with.:rolleyes: was ineffective,them up from our minefield.

    This is just one example of a bad mining policy that went wrong.
    The Minefield: An Australian Tragedy in America's Vietnam War

    The disaster of Brigadier Graham's own making didn't prevent him from being promoted to Major General, and being awarded a bunch of gongs, but his infamy became a (bad example) teaching point thereafter in TEWTS where tactical considerations of obstacle placement and defensive integrity were explored.
    Stuart Clarence Graham - Wikipedia
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Yes always booby trap some mines with a grenade.
    Plus there's whole new gerations of sensor triggered mines. If some one walks near it it will send up an s-mine.
    If something bigger is detected like a vehicle then sensor fused submunition can be sent up these can be frags or spin stabilized skeets that are a top attack shape charges.
    I don't think the US has mass produced these mines but they have at least tested them and sensor fused submunitions already are used by the air force and navy aircraft.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    1. The VC were able to defeat anti lifting devices, and redeploying them to devastating effect against ARVN, US and allied troops. VC and NVA forces were prepared to accept casualties in lifting mines, in order to cause the American military, unacceptably high casualties, and indirectly causing the American civilian population to become weary of the war....

    Naturally, non lethal casualties including those requiring amputations would have been considerably higher in number.

    2. Yes, there are sensor fused aerial sub munitions, but they are specifically designed to defeat vehicles and similar targets that fit within the munition's target parameters, and failing to locate a suitable target, are designed to self destruct before landing on the ground. Naturally there will be some failsafe malfunctions that may be lethal if mishandled or trodden on, but that is not an intentional design feature.

    Neither suggested option totally obviates the threat of breaching and counter mining using mines recovered from minefields that are not under surveillance / patrolled. Mines are not a set and forget solution.

    One would do well to study the doctrine on Mine / Countermine operations, before offering glib one word solutions to a human migration problem that requires more nuanced and effective solutions than simply planting 'devils gardens' of shoo mines (pun intended).
    [​IMG] 20-32 W CH 1-4.pdf

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I've said this before and I will say it again ---this is an invasion of men 18-30 4 million since Bidumb took office ---mines are cheap and effective and we don't have to build a wall. Kill a fw and the message will get out in a real hurry DON"T CROSS TH BORDER!!!
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I guess one can fantasise....I just wonder how sanguine about land mines the MAGA mob might be when lifted mines are relocated to school yards, country roads and other places? It all sounds Jim dandy until civilians on one's own side of the border start becoming victims of some fools' notions of sowing minefields willy nilly. Mines don't care who they harm.
    Tempstar likes this.
  11. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Well ,, I'll bet ya just about any amount of money,, that sooner or later. , we will suffer the reality of some of these illegal border jumpers ,, booby trapping , bombing, or shooting some of us born and bred natural citizens.
    And yes it would be a shame for some mother with kids walking thru a booby trapped field just wanting a better life,, but why wouldn't they just come thru a legal entry point and announce their information and intentions .
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Yes, I guess the North American first nations folk felt the same when white fellas kept breaking treaty after treaty. 'Why don't they just honour their legal agreements?'

    Yep, I know that the British colonialist invaders in Terra Australis didn't much respect the local indigenous inhabitants either, and that unsanctioned immigration (as opposed to humanitarian / genuine asylum seeking immigration) has been a vexed question over the past several decades, which has been used as a convenient political football to be kicked regularly by mostly conservative political parties to stoke voter support at Federal elections by exploiting ignorant racist xenophobic fear.

    It never ceases to amaze me when some of my American confreres countenance sowing minefields as a magic solution to their immigration problems without factoring in the unintended consequences to their own people.

    The sad thing is that the USA is reaping the whirlwind of unwanted immigration of desperate people of South American countries which have been destabilised by US foreign policy and CIA ops, overthrowing regimes that successive US governments have disapproved of, or installing authoritarian dictatorships that are considered useful to American political and economic interests.

    As a reservist undergoing infantry assault pioneer training in the mid 70's I learned the basics of mine and boobytrapping warfare as part of my field instruction, and there are risks to the safety and well being of those who have to lay mines and boobytraps, (more so for those who are charged with recovering and delousing minefields). My suggestion is that those who are vocal advocates of installing minefields along the US southern border be the ones conscripted to the task...and then see how enthusiastic they might be in advocating for that particular solution. :rolleyes:
  13. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    We just need to finish, and after, patrol the wall. Then we need to remove all of the freebies that make it so worth coming here. I worked for a man once who came here from Lebanon in the 40's, built a very successful business and died rich, leaving most of the wealth to the city that he made his fortune in. He used to tell me about buying apples and selling them for profit even though he was hungry and wanted to eat them, and how there was nothing given to him when he arrived here.
    It can be done right by those truly wanting to make a better life, but I am of the opinion that the current border rush is about coming here for the hand-outs. Cut out the freebies and see how quickly the crisis ends.
    Zimmy, Jerry Fisk, chelloveck and 2 others like this.
  14. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    How much US dollars are take out of the US economy by illegals sending our money back to Mexico
    "Feb 2, 2021· Migrants sent $40.6 billion to Mexico in cash transmissions, known as remittances, including $4 billion in March alone, a record for a single month."

    This is from 2021 I am sure it is higher for 2023
    Do you really think the Mexican government has any interest in stopping illegals I'd say hell no ---Mine the border
    Zimmy and Tempstar like this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I wonder what Jesus do???

    A Christian Response to Undocumented Immigrants - Theology in the raw

    I guess it would depend on which flavour of Christianity one prefers, and the political / social affiliations one is inclined towards....a liberal unitarian may see the issues differently to a conservative prosperity gospel evangelical. The thing that bemuses me is when folk with no real effective answer just impotently bleat...nuke 'em or some similar absurd bromide, as if that will actually solve the problem.
  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    So Chello how many of these South American refuges is Australia willing to accept. The US could start sending boat loads to your country just say the word---I'm sure Australia would decline to accept them. Prove me wrong
    gii shi kan dug, Zimmy and Jerry Fisk like this.
  17. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I never realized how big a role shittsville had in a the Vietnam war.
  18. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    years & years ago - we had a huge sod farm operation in the area that legally employed all kinds of shipped-in Mexicans - the farm ops provided for their care on the property and they stayed almost indentured the whole season ....

    they'd get their Friday paychek and the sod farm would provide bus transportation to the bank - they were restricted to a one-at-a-time service and a bank window dedicated to servicing that single Mex worker >>> like $10 pocket money and the remainder a money order home - sod farm employment almost no real use to the town - problems at times that washed out any benefit
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Until we get funding for a real wall and system to patrol/enforce I'd like to see Trump 47 send the Texas ANG a bunch of these along with a string of hovering surveillance drones as a mobile fence.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not against legal immigration nor those legitimately seeking refuge and asylum. When someone's first act in a new country is to violate it's laws of sovereignty that person is not likely to become a valued citizen.

    Per International Law those seeking asylum and/or refuge are allowed that in the first safe country they go to. For our southern border that safe country is Mexico. I have no issue with the US and Mexico supporting joint refugee camps while those that are US bound go through the LEGAL process to enter the US.

    What I AM against are drug and Human traffickers as well as just plain criminals looking to exploit a soft target. I'm also opposed to people swarming in illegally to take advantage of all the free stuff that awaits them. There certainly wasn't any free stuff when my Grandfather emigrated here from Norway. In fact, he had to spend a year in Australia to establish citizenship there before being allowed entry into the US. Once here he and his brother became indentured servants on a farm in Canada to raise funds to bring the rest of the family over, No free shit for any of them! They followed the rules and became good citizens not looking for every one else to pay their way.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2024
    Zimmy, CraftyMofo and johnbb like this.
  20. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

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