big blades...

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Tango3, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Nrey

    Nrey Monkey++

    A large knife is not the best survival tool, actually one that has multi functions it much better, a swiss army knife for example, works out better than rambo's knife
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Very true, but the type of "survival" that Les Stroud and the others have not and will not explain is the possibility of combat survival, and if this is in any way misunderstood -the cost could be your life. That being said, "Rambo" knives are not the best style for every fighter, and each person is different. Their body types, muscular disposition, and stamina play a role, as well as fighting styles and preferences.

    Even so, a huge freaking knife will undoubtedly be more of a burden than a blessing, no matter the circumstance of survival.
  3. Nrey

    Nrey Monkey++

    i carry a swiss army knife with a 3 inch blade, gutter, and saw, i use that for practical uses in the wilderness, but i carry a 5 1/2 inch knife for hunting. I use the smaller one a lot more
  4. What would be a good large knife that is in the $175 or under price range?

    I want it to be non-reflective (not shiny), usable for chopping, prying, and digging small holes if necessary, hammering and just all around tough.
    And as a 3rd line of defense (if the AR and 1911 fail).
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Offhand, I can only recommend any of the multitudes of ColdSteel blades and tools, which have multiple uses, or a camp axe...possibly a tomahawk. I use a tomahawk (wooden handle, average type) for what you have described. Ebay has an excellent assortment, most times you can pick up a decent Cold Steel tomahawk for less than $30.
  6. jawilliams0425

    jawilliams0425 Monkey++

    Well here if my two cents. I have a couple of cold steel knives. But not the huge ones. I carry the bushman and mini bushman. A small hand ax by gerber an buck that I can throw in a pack and go is great. I can cut more with it than with a knife. Even if I carry it on my hip it isn't that heavy. But most of the time I just carry my mini bushman and a very small hand ax in my pack and a pocket knife. I have found more uses for each one of these than a knife with a huge blade. But I do make knives and so many people want blades 8" or more. I used to try and reason out why they didn't need something that big and lost business. So I quit. Well that is most likely a nichols worth.

  7. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I've carried a Kabar Marine Corp style 7'' Bowis for decades now. I've gotten good use out of it, and did also carried smaller Bucks and the like during that time also. I used the smaller ones most, but wouldn't want to be without a large bowie.

    I've also got a Cold Steel Spetsnaz shovel that makes a dandy combat axe if you have the bent for that. I have a hawk also that I carried a lot too. Now, I'm getting too old for all of that, but when younger, used them all.

  8. shadetech

    shadetech Monkey++

  9. SHavis

    SHavis dedicated fire poker

    I got my wife one of these for her birthday. Very disapointed. The bevel & grind were that of an axe. great for chopping, but little else. I had the edge reground and it is a much better cutter & chopper (bought it to use as small mechette), but that hard steel chips rather easily.
  10. Sherman

    Sherman Dog Eat Dog

    I like big knives, my dad used to say "use the biggest tool for the job" meaning let the tool do the work for you. Pick the big wrench with lots of leverage to free that bolt. He also said the "the right tool for the right job".

    Small knives are light and concealable so you can always have one in addition to a big tool. Big knives can be used to dig, chop wood, pri-bar (entry tool), to smash bone and skull.
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