Banana Peels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr Charbonneau, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. Maybe you didn't notice. I'm not selling earthquake boats.

    Just because everyone lightened up, doesn't mean something didn't happen. I'm sure it just has to be that I'm the bad guy. At least that's the way the faithful followers here will see it. I would think comments like Guit-fihN just made wouldn't be seen as bullyragging to the group accused of such.

    Cynical? Yes. Sarcastic? Always. Bipolar? Gfn doesn't really understand what any of that means. I suspect English isn't his native language. What does it matter. In reality I did my job. I delivered a serious message to people who want to survive.

    BTPost has in his signature something that suggests he believes in the Bible. I find it amusing how so many thump that issue (not sayin' him necessarily) but don't believe in the prophecies. They really don't have a clue, because they don't really believe in Jesus, they believe in going to church.

    Be glad I'm NOT bipolar like James Holmes or one of those brilliant, but unstable, types. I just carry on and think of the rest as fools. Maybe i'm the fool, but just maybe they are. Time will tell, but I'm going to post some more quake reports on the escapodule site. As you might notice there, I responded to the wake up call. I've raised the rent in my offer. As I said, unlike sooooooo many others I encounter, I do what i say I will, I don't do what I say I won't. I don't make false claims to something I can't.

    Ghrit really doesn't have a clue. My BScME was earned through Univ. of Maryland thru USAFES while I served. 1974. They didn't drop the little c till around the 80's. Do the math. Someone's lying and it isn't me, but lots of liars have sheep who follow them.

    I thank you folks for the inspiration. Talked it over with my old lady. She's a psychologist. Disabled with MS, so doesn't practice, but that doesn't matter. I don't have time to waste on mockery. Neither do you.

    Ban me if you so desire. It'll be your loss. I'll still have my small group of friends and I'll continue to do what I can to stop cybrebullying. What's cool about that site is the way a thread C&P comes out so well. This PhP script doesn't do that. I don't tolerate it there. If one of my longstanding members was to do to another what went on here, THEY would be the one disciplined, not the person wanting to offer a message thaat just might have some real value. So we differ there.

    You run your site as you see fit. I'll do the same. I tend to think my site will look better in the eyes of the agencies that are starting to crack down on bullyragging.

    have a nice day

    Dr. C.
    Mortimer Adler Moose likes this.
  2. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    Love this guy.
  3. Pyrrhus,

    (root = fire house or fire hut or hut on fire),

    (Tidbit: the root of Hitler's name is like shepherd' hut or good hut)

    As a child, I used to take an old thread spool, put a couple cardboard caps to secure a rubber band through what could be considered a cheek/trunion, constraining the motion with a toothpick. I notched the lips of the spool for traction. Wind it up, set it down and watch that little guy go. Of course I was 3 or 4 then.

    ever made one of those?
    Mortimer Adler Moose likes this.
  4. many folks were skeptical of me when I first joined the monkey and some still seem to have a taste for the flesh of mooses with some product called "Moose Helper". I do not try to change them or their prejudices, they came by them through their life experiences and upbringing. If they were mean to me, then I just figured it was because of their environment and maybe a bit of myopia; some folks just can't see the mooses for the trees. The point is that dissension is foundation of learning and understanding. You learn as much about heat from touching the red eye on a stove as you would from reading about it in a book, only much quicker. Some even try to tell me that the plural of Moose is moose and not mooses but I think I have just a tiny bit more knowledge of mooses then most of them so I just ignore it; after all, I spend a significant portion of my life trying to get a little s. If they get mean, I just remind them "You do realize that you are arguing with a moose? right?"
    JABECmfg, Seacowboys and BTPost like this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Ah, a good night's sleep served me well. En Garde, charbie.
  6. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    My goodness, what a lengthy thread that apparently has nothing in it? Mr. Ghrits, I think you would make an excellent attorney! Now I have to add volcanoes to my list of worries...I might be interested in something tasteful to decorate my cave, Dr. Chardonay. Perhaps we could arrange a swap of legal assistance for your painting skills? Maybe a patent on your volcano boat? or perhaps. legal defense if your antipathy towards monkeys progresses to the point of forced cyber-egress?
    BTPost and ghrit like this.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    It's Charbonneau, Frank; like the French-Canadian explorer. Not Chardonay...must have made an oenophillic-slip...LOL
  8. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I do remember that a light California Chardonay is much more suited with crayfish than the muscadine stuff I have fermenting in empty bleach bottles.
  9. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    This is quite strange, apparently Dr C has this crusade against cyber bullying (just read a few threads at his forum) and it seems to me that he travels forums trying to become a bullying victim, screen shots the 'abuse' and then archives it on his forum.

    Have you asked your wife if this is a normal obsession?
  10. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    That does this mean?
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Now THAT is nuts. (Notice how few posts other than his own?)
  12. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    We're not the only monkeys that can't understand what he's trying to string together:
    And those are code monkeys which = smart monkeys, not dumb monkeys like us.
    I've seen this speech pattern before but I can't place it now - will come to me later.
  13. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    And Thor's weapon is on stand-by...
  14. As for going to stir up trouble? No. Proof of that would be my long standing in groups like that and 2012Forum. No reason to disparage anyone there. In general I do well at a few civil places. Like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Nothing wrong there....
  15. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Billboard New.JPG
    JABECmfg, BTPost, Sapper John and 2 others like this.
  16. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I think the problems you encounter on the interwebs could come down to your presentation. There are 101 scenarios that folks like us prepare for and -typically- cataclysmic earth events are relegated into the WTF bin. I'm not saying your scenario is crazy as I live in the region of the Columbia Gorge and can readily see the effects of the Great Missoula Flood and how quickly (days/hours) an area can be stripped to the basalt. From your slightly offensive (to Christians) avatar, I can see that you are not a religious man but I'm sure you're aware that people scoffed at Noah for building an ark in the middle of a desert.

    You might do better in attracting support if your presentation went something like this:
    Rather than:
    I was quite interested initially in your ideas and your invention but after what I've seen over the past week, would not likely be one to want to join your community. There is something about the way your text waxes and wanes that would keep me away.

    Just some helpful constructive criticism since it seems like you encounter resistance to The Way quite often.
  17. I've pretty much given up.


    I did come here very much hat-in-hand. None of that second approach appeared till I began receiving a crock of BS from someone (an admin at that) who couldn't grasp the nature of the entire simple concept, so decided he had to be right. The only thing he was right about is my wating my time. His mockery inspired ll that.

    This is the first time I have heard any commentary at all about the avatar. I suppose tha point goes misunderstood as well. Is there anything to say Jesus couldn't walk his fish? Last I heard, Jesus is God and can do anything He wants.

    I think I said before. I'm an eccentric scientist. (So what?) I have shown a good number of reasons to believe there will be a flood before there will be fire. I do believe in prophecy, but not religion. I actaully believe in God, but don't believe we cn prove He (or she?) exists. I presented some concepts that are very much needed and would likely work. Not much different than if you were in my living room or the workshop, I'd sketch up the idea. If you said, "I like it. Let's build it." I'd show you the initial costs and likely total.

    I don't mind changing my avatar if it offends people. Even at the escapodule site, I plan to simply make a "Blue Meanies" page and a link to it as an option.

    The fact is I do all I can to follow Jesus' teachings. I do what the book "Just Like Him" suggests. Part of him calls nasty people "vipers." My whole take on it: If those who claim to be Christians, won't help one little guy who's really trying to help them, then why should Jesus ever help them? The Internet is a big place to communicate through. If Jesus excuses everyone for mocking a fellow with a good heart, then he owes one great big apology to Sodom and Gomorrah and quite a few others.

    If I saw my PayPal account grow by so much as a hundred dollars and could verify it came from this site, I'd certainly make that dissent go away.

    I'm not a savior, Melbo. I make no such claim. Just a guy with a decent idea that can save some lives. I get mocked and tossed into banana peels. For all the beautiful works he gave the world, Mozart was paid for it all in the end by dumping his body in a mass grave.
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No doubt, charbie, you remember the grammar school trick of hanging a "kick me" sign on someone's back and watching the resultant fun? The fun continued until the bullied kid found out why he was getting kicked, and took the sign off. There's a parallel here that I'm sure you'll see with your advanced abilities.

    Nota bene: (I can do a bit of Latin too.) There is little doubt that you are referring to me as the mocker, bully (or whatever) for taking on your claims of superior thinking and business acumen to task. One of the duties of forum staff is to prevent depredations by spammers, scammers, and other undesirables that might sneak past the portcullis. For the purposes of this thread, I am neither admin nor mod as I made clear. None of the rest of the staff has found you to be an undesirable; thus, you are still able to post. I can't and won't speak for any other staff members, nor exert any influence on decisions about this thread, that would be unethical.

    I have to say, I think you have something of general interest for monkey thinking. The trouble is, as presented, it gets you negative thinking and commentary rather than ideas for you to factor into your schemes.

    In sum, take the sign off your back if you are feeling bullied and disparaged, stop whining, and get something off the drawing boards and dream sheets.
  19. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I think it's pretty clear what this leech is after--"be a good Christian--Jesus would want you to help me; send some money my way and I'll remove the negative words about SM from my site." Disgusting.

    Tracy likes this.
  20. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    Dr. Charb, I think it would be evident (from the fact that you have so few who desire to donate) that there is something wrong with either your idea or your presentation. Possibly your audience. Good ideas that are presented well generally get interest and attention. Another factor to consider is that people on this forum are generally in the upper tier of self-reliant people, and you are asking us to rely on you. Go find some sheep to herd, it'll be easier.
    oldawg and Guit_fishN like this.
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