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Tips for Survivors 2023-04-09

Basic, illustrated guide for surviving local, national and global emergencies.

  1. Qwertyportne
    Every natural or man-made disaster foreshadows the possibility that The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) could be just around the corner—an asteroid collides with the earth, a nuclear power plant melts down or a world-wide exchange of atomic weapons brings death, destruction and nuclear winter. Even small, local emergencies can temporarily bring the end of the world as we know it – earthquake, fire, flood. Most of us have enough food, water and supplies in our homes to survive a short-term emergency without water and power, our televisions or the Internet.
    If fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane or flood compels your family to evacuate their home, do you know where to go, how to get there, and what to bring with you? And whether you stay put or evacuate, do you know how things work and how to fix them if they stop working? Are you sleep-walking into tomorrow? Will you shrivel up and die without gas, groceries and gadgets? There's a time in the life of every problem when it's big enough to see but small enough to fix, and not being prepared for emergencies is a problem you can solve now. So acquire the Supplies, Skills and Mindset of a survivor before disaster strikes. Then Get Home, Stay Put and Network when it does. All three of these stages will rely on your supplies, your skills and your mindset. survivors icon.
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