Here We Go Again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DMGoddess, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Beano and Mindgrinder like this.
  2. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Beano likes this.
  3. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    has anyone heard about the 1600 dead pigs found in the river in china or all the dead ducks found in the river in china ....

    Yahoo singapore puts all types of interesting things on the front page
    UGRev and Mindgrinder like this.
  4. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Heard about it, and then it seemed to disappear, unless I missed something. Interesting that bird flus usually have to pass through a waterfowl and pig vector to be able to infect humans, or so I understand. It would be interesting to find out where those pigs and ducks came form.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  5. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    try and google a singapore yahoo page ...
    I would do it but im terrible at the computer thing ...
    but if i stumble agross it ill write it down and tell ya ....
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    check Was on there a couple days ago. Singapore didn't cover it as well.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  7. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Dead Pigs, Ducks And Now Black Swans: China's Animal Apocalypse Crosses Into The Twilight Zone | Zero Hedge

    First it was thousands of dead pigs floating in the Shanghai water supply (at last estimate over 16,000), then a thousand dead ducks were pulled from a river in the Sichuan province, and now, pushing the meme beyond even its most grotesque boundaries, we learn that five black swans were found floating lifeless on the pond of Anhui University’s old campus in Hefei, traditionally inhabited by a bevy of black swans. From Danwei: "The latest instance of floating dead animals in China – first pigs, then ducks, and now black swans– these mere five black swans became an object of heated discussion on the Internet right after the announcement was made. How did they die? Was it a natural disaster or another man-made one? As Star News tells us today, upon hearing of the news yesterday it immediately sent a journalist to the scene to find out exactly what happened. What he found was just one more filthy pond filled with oily water and garbage."

    Pics and slide show:
    Dead Pig Count In China's Waters Near Shanghai Spikes (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

    BEIJING (AP) — The number of dead pigs retrieved from waters in and near China's financial hub of Shanghai has reached 12,566.
    Authorities in Shanghai plucked 611 dead pig carcasses Saturday from Huangpu river, which provides drinking water to the city's 23 million residents. In total, 8,965 dead pigs have been found in the river since March 8.
    The swollen and rotting pigs are largely believed to be from the upstream city of Jiaxing in neighboring Zhejiang province, but Zhao Shumei, a deputy mayor, said it was inconclusive to say all the pigs were from her city.
    Jiaxing — where small hog farms are prevalent — reported Friday night that it had recovered 3,601 dead pigs from its streams, according to state media.
    US Media:
  8. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

  9. William Antrum

    William Antrum GunMetal Monkey

    Pay good attention for this is subject I know extremely well if a disease or Bio problem has a letter and # designation it is man made ....... most everything ever discovered is given proper scientific or Latin name if it has mutated it is given strain designation. So if you believe what they are saying that this naturally occurred,think again
    Mindgrinder and Brokor like this.
  10. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

  11. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Whoops - my bad...usually it's older folks who struggle with this whole internet dohickey thingamajig. I usually try my best to encourage them.
    KAS and Brokor like this.
  12. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    not a problem not a problem .....
    Mindgrinder likes this.
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