Aladdin Kerosene Mantle lamps

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Model 1 Flame Spreader

Aladdin model 1 flame spreader (1909) Manufactured by Plume & Atwood, USA Brass, 7/8" diameter top disc, 3/4" overall height. 1/4" hollow brass tube 9/16" long from base of bottom disc and 1/4" dia. Used on the Aladdin model 1 lamp

26 Aug 2022
hot diggity, Aug 26, 2022
    • hot diggity

      Most people are fabricating their own mantle frames out of wire for model 1/2, but if you have a lathe you can make yourself a mold to match the dimensions and taper of the burner cone, and spin some brass to make a cap mantle base. Use some brazing rod or brazing silver solder to affix the wire.

      Model 1 flame spreaders have been offered in Bill Courters newsletter over the years, by several people. I have also seen them on eBay in various forms.


      On Mon, Aug 29, 2022, 7:09 PM Imperial Lighting Co. <> wrote:
    • hot diggity
      Correspondence with Eltice 9/11/22

      Happy to help.

      I took a look at all the galleries that Imperial Lighting has available. Their Heelless gallery looks nice. It locates the R-150 mantle with the inner tabs like the Cone Cap adapter does.
      I can't get a look at the bottom of those galleries. If it's open, they should fit without much fitting for the flame flange. I'll send Rex a message and see if I can get a look at the bottom of their N239AN gallery. If you're missing the flame flange you can move straight to fitting.

      It won't be a beautiful turn to lock fit like the Kero-Lite, but it can be fitted to a secure push fit like
      a Farmor lamp. I didn't modify the B gallery at all, but the later Lox-on required removal of the inner shell. The one I got was $5 and smashed, so I very unceremoniously knocked it through the bottom with a big punch and hammer. That left ten little nubs sticking out around the rim where it wanted to fit over the Kero-Lite burner. Smoothed those off with a Dremel and it was of a diameter that would just fit over the Kero-Lite burner flanges and can be pressed into place and lifted by easing it up from under the lower flange. Remember, no jerky movements with a burned in mantle. Best to practice without a mantle first. This is easier with a chimney in place, and since I'm no fan of Lox-on chimneys I installed a heelless adapter to allow use of more available chimneys.

      Let me know if you run into any issues. It will be beautiful when you get that mantle lit up. [​IMG]
    • hot diggity
      I fitted a Brazilian manufactured Aladdin 23 wick to my Model 1 Home Supply Company (P&A) Beacon burner. It compares well in size to the original, although the barbed clips and external wrapper have to be removed. Sits just slightly above the inner fabric liner when seated and set all the way down the top of the wick is just above the outer wick tube. Wick is ready for a long happy life. Would still love to see if you can find replacement wicks that look more like the original and don't need to be brutalized with side cutters. Thickness on the original wick, without mashing it too much looks like .112"

      My barbed wick carrier doesn't have the finger joint like an original and the barbs were on the wrong end. This would've made fitting the wick nearly impossible. I swapped it around and it works smoothly now. An interesting history problem that probably really frustrated anyone that tried to install a new wick.

      Could also use two 1.5" flat wicks sewn together for the last 1.750". This seems ideal to get maximum wick life.
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