OREGON STATE TAX DAY TEA PARTY COORDINATOR Geoffrey Ludt geoffludt@gmail.com **State coordinators serve as liaisons between this national effort and local events and not as the organizer for each individual event. If you want to attend or volunteer for a listed event, contact the event coordinator. If you want to organize a new event, contact the state coordinator AND email teapartyinfo@gmail.com. Thanks!** The following is a list of CONFIRMED Tea Party Tax Revolts planned within the state of Oregon. Please note that we ONLY list events happening on April 15th. ———————– City: Astoria When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: US Post Office 750 Commercial Contact: Email Phone: 503.640.8265 Other Info:Meet at the corner of 2nd & Marine Drive @ 5:00pm, we will park there & walk to the Post Office. Facebook Group: Click Here ———————– City: Beaverton When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: TBA Contact: Email Phone: 503.516.8793 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ———————– City: Bend Event Organizer: Lucy Brackett When: April 15, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Where: Troy Park, Next to McMenamins on Bond Street Contact: Email Phone: 541-390-4486 Other Info: Email Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ————- City: Coos Bay Event Organizer: Chuck Holloway When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: TBA Contact:Email Phone: 541-888-0870 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ————- City: Corvalis Event Organizer:Linda Weimer When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: the Courthouse, on NW 4th and Monroe Contact:Email Phone: (541) 740-1736 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ————- City: Dalles When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: TBA Contact: Email Phone: 541.298.2393 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: Enterprise Event Organizer:Susan Roberts When: April 15, 12:00 Noon Where: Ward Park Contact: Email Phone: 541-398-2282 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ————- City: Eugene / Springfield When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: 3198 Gateway Street; Springfield, OR Contact: Email Phone: Jay Bozievich 541.953.6555 Other Info:Meet @ Gateway Buffet @ 5:30 pm then, walk to Gateway Post Office @ 6:00 pm to have our Tea Party Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: Grants Pass Event Organizer: Jack Swift When: April 15, 5:00 pm Where: Josephine County Courthouse, 500 NW 6th St, Grants Pass Contact: Email Phone: Jack Swift 541-474-2553 Other Info: WEBSITE Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: Klamath Falls When: April 15, 12:00 pm Where: Veterans Memorial Park Contact: Email Phone: Other Info: Click Here Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: La Grande When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: Momacita’s Restaurant 2003 4th St.(Next to Max Square) Contact: Email Phone: Rae Anderson 541.898.2235 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: McMinnville Event Organizer: Conservative Friends Yamhill County When: April 15, 4:00-6:00pm Where: McMinnville public library flag pole arena Contact: Email Phone: 503-857-0542 Other Info: WEBSITE Facebook Group: Coming Soon! —————————— City: Medford Event Organizer: Jerry McCauley When: April 15, 9:00 am Where: 236 N. Front Street Contact: Email Phone: 541-778-3540 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ———————– City: Milton Freewater Event Organizer: Sandy When: April 15, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm and 4:30pm - 5:30 pm Where: Dollar Store Parking Lot Contact: Email Phone: 541- 938- 3850 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ———————– City: Oregon City Event Organizer: Sara Seale When: April 15, Arrival 4:30 PM, Event begins at 5:00 PM Where: Oregon City Post Office 19300 S. Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR. 97045 Contact: Phone: 503.998.6299 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ———————– City: Portland When: April 15, 6:00pm - 8:10pm Where: Pioneer Courthouse Square Contact: EMAIL Phone: 503.320.4399 Other Info: WEBSITE Facebook Group: CLICK HERE ————- City: Reedsport When: April 15, 12:00 Noon Where: Hann Park (across from county annex 680 Fir Ave) Contact: EMAIL Phone: Monty Stewart (541) 271-3290 Other Info: Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ————- City: Roseburg Event Organizer: Rich Raynor When: April 15, 5:30 pm Where: 423 SE Jackson Street Contact: Email Phone: 541-643-6292 Other Info:We will go directly to the county courthouse for the rally, then on to the post office, before returning to Willie D’s Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ——————- City: Salem When: April 15, 11:00am - 2:00pm Where: Steps of the Oregon State Capital Building Contact: EMAIL Other Info:http://www.resistnet.com/group/oregon Facebook Group: CLICK HERE ——————- City: Tillamook When: April 15, 5:30pm Where: TBA Contact: EMAIL Other Info: 503-842-2216 Facebook Group: Coming Soon! ——————- Have an event planned for the state of Oregon? Email Amy and let us know! Also, be sure you join our Facebook group.
Mobile, Alabama April 15th at 12:00 at Government Plaza. What God has granted, let no man put asunder!
I am planning on being at my state capitol tea party but am tempted to go to San Antonio. There will be a big one at the Alamo. Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris will be at that one. Don't know if it will do any good tho. One days coverage in the MSM then forgotten. But it's a start. If God forbid the day ever comes that we have to resort to the last box option then at least I can say that I participated in the others first.
<base href="file://C:%5CProgram%20Files%5CCommon%20Files%5CMicrosoft%20Shared%5CStationery%5C"><style><!-- body,P.msoNormal, LI.msoNormal { background-position: top left; background-repeat: repeat-y; background-color: "#FFFFFD"; margin-left: 4em; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em; color: "#427D64"; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; font-family: "Arial"</style>I saw this in the Oregon HTF at ARFCOM and passed it on. I am going to the one at our state Capitol. It'll be interesting to see how many will show. I haven't heard back from my boss, hopefully I'll see him there. City: Salem When: April 15, 11:00am - 2:00pm Where: Steps of the Oregon State Capital Building
Got this today. Seems like the prostiticians are trying to jump on board now that this thing is starting to take off. Warning: http://tinyurl.com/c4u4at Globalist Newt Gingrich desires centerstage at Grassroots Tea Party efforts - please don't help the bailouters inadvertently! More info on some bailout supporters now pretending to be leaders of the teaparty efforts: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/09/gingrich-now-ba.html http://www.heritage.org/research/economy/wm2091.cfm =========================================================== "Grassroots Teaparty Efforts and You" has been posted on multiple sites and is yours for sharing to warn people about the insidious effort to make globalist Newt Gingrich our leader and future president through the teaparty effort. I object strenuously to using the grassroots to do that. Please share this piece with everyone in your teaparty team so that you will be able to appropriately respond to questions.
Newt is the leader and Al Gore invented the internet and Monica desexed BJs. I am always amazed at the origins of some of these things. I wish a cigar was still just a smoke.
The wife is a great artist and she wants to make some signs to take with us. We have been trying to think up slogans. My idea was a checklist with the first being " Ballot Box" checked off with a big red check mark. Then "Soap Box" checked off. And last "Ammo Box" without a check mark. Anyone have any other ideas? Wish I had a three cornered hat!!
I have been researching slogans and came across these. My wife is making posters. The ones in red are ones i really liked. I think I am going to go with my original idea tho. First They Came for Joe the Plumber… I READ AS MUCH OF THE STIMULUS BILL AS MY CONGRESSMAN DID FREE MARKETS NOT FREELOADERS First they came for the person earning over $250,000… O sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people! ~ Patrick Henry I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents…-James Madison When there’s a single thief, it’s robbery. When there are a thousand thieves, it’s taxation.-Vanya Cohen Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either. What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue.-Thomas Paine “If this be treason make the most of it.” -Patrick Henry 3 Simple Words: WE THE PEOPLE Can We Bankrupt The Country? YES WE CAN Don’t Tax Me Bro DOWNSIZE D.C. Give us liberty; not debt GOD Only Requires 10% I Will Keep my Freedom, my Guns, my Money. You Keep THE CHANGE! If YOU Voted Yes to Spending, Consider This Your Going Away Party I’ll keep my freedom, you keep the Change Party Like It’s 1773 Remember Us: WE THE PEOPLE TEA = Tyranny Elimination Army Revolution is Brewing The Answer to 2009 is 1776 Trickle Up Poverty USA 1776 - 2008: RIP We Don’t Need No Stinkin Socialism ! WE The People: YOU Our Servants
The one sign I wish I had seen: PASS OUT THE AR-15'S WE WILL MAKE THE CHANGE! It was a pretty good crowd, one of my favorite signs was held by a 5 year old boy "I'm five years old and I already owe $34,000 and I have no job." Another: "Honk if I am paying your mortgage!"
I attended one at the State Capitol. Crowd estimates are ranging from 3,500 to 7000 people. I think the upper end is closer. I took my daughter out of school and took my two oldest granddaughters. We had a great time. It was awesome. I was proud of the organizers, they refused to allow any politicians to speak or to even sit with the organizers. There were many there but they had to stand out in the crowd with everyone else. A sea of yellow "Gadsen" flags. One sign I saw that got a lot of laughs was a young girl about 9 that had a cast on her arm. Her sign said "My arm is broken and so is my government" I was glad to see a lot of young college aged twentysomethings in the crowd and many of them were the most vocal. I talked to many people who said that they had never attended any kind of protest or political rally before. One middle aged woman told me that she had told her son she was going to a protest rally and he said "You! Your not going to carry I sign are you?" She told him she already had made it. Saw a lot of kids. I thought it was important for my daughter to see people assembling to protest. It was a great civics lesson for her.
I went to one in Honesdale (Wayne County, PA seat, in front of the Court House.) About 400 folks showed up, most over 50, and one old gal that had to be over 70. (She spoke of some jackass paying for Girl Scout cookies with a counterfeit 20 and imagined that it and the real thing were worth about the same.) I'd guess 25% female, and half the men showed their hands when the MC ask if there were any vets there. 3 cops, stayed in the back. One TV station (Ch 13, don't know which network) had a camera and reporter on site, they left right after opening ceremonies were done. Some ten speakers, three of which were quite as eloquent as zero. Four politicians were blasted, by name. Zero, Barney the fruit, Allen Spector, and that cabbage (Collins) from Maine. (Dunno how Fat Ted avoided the hammer, but he did.) Several Gadsden flags on site. There were no cat calls, meaning they were preaching to the choir, with the expected messages: -Inadequate representation -Passing the bailout when not one rep read it first -Term limits, UP, perpetual professional politicians DOWN -Reduced pay for reps, and send them home more often to learn how to make a living -Reduced government -Too much debt (one guy estimated that the US now owes over half a million per household of FRNs, no matter what they are actually worth.) -Call, write, e-mail your reps at all levels. -Vote all incumbents OUT next opportunity Took a few pix, will post if any of them are worth it. (Still in the camera.) 5PM local news on NBC showed another party in Stroudsburg, about 150 people, and the one in Scranton was mentioned, no body count. Then zero was featured telling everyone how he's going to cut a couple dollars out of the budget. That'll be a change we can vote for.
ABC News just reported that the Tea Parties were organized by Corporate lobbiest. What a crock of BS!. Our local station kept saying that there were at least a hundred, maybe two hundred people at the Mobile Party today; I counted over two thousand signs and I can assure you most people were not carrying signs.
Guess Wisconsin state capital madison (motto: We're so far left we need passports; it's like another country) had 8,000+. I attended one downtown Wausau; organizers were hoping for better than 200;we got 2 to 3,000 in the town square. permitfortheeventwas bought (paid for out of pocket by the local "housewife" who stepped up to the plate and put it together...(not some lobbyist)..
"vote from the roof tops " abit too radical? Saw a tshirt: " I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job...
chaplain here's your sign: " far right wild eyed anti-federal activist A genuine borderline Neo Nazi Racialist A Mossad Jihad Christian Fundamentalist That's the enemy