Gas mask information.

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by survivalmonkey360, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    A buddy of mine did the same thing. Someone I don't know who put it into his head that the damage was so severe by the consintration of medicine in his thumb, that they would likely have to aputate his thumb. [whistle2]

  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    That's funny!
    Here I thought I was the ONLY person to place my thumb over the tip and push, "the safety was still intact", didn't matter!
    That needle shot up, then all that wonder juice hit the ceiling!
    There were 6 members of my squad on the floor, with tears in their eyes!
    Thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen!
    Afterwards, I did too!
    Man that smarts!
    I don't like to carry epipens in a pocket now after that!
    It feels really good to know, I am NOT the sole person really that stupid to try that!
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Not sure what the differences are ....
    Just buy the standard "adult" size.
  4. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    What you really need is a gumby suit [fart]:oops:
  5. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    For lack of a proper fitting procedure, whatever size uniforms you wear, get that size mask. Size medium uniform, try a medium mask. If you look like Glen on the "Family Guy", then you might need a larger mask. If you get to try it on first, then loosen the head straps. Put your face into the mask, pull the straps over the back of your head and tighten in sets. Using both hands, tighten the two middle straps, then the two top straps, then the two bottom straps. Once the straps are tight, you will know if you are close to fitting right. Then put a hand over the filter intake and breath in. The mask should collapse against your face, if there is a leak, you will feel it. Shave before you do this and if you have a beard, you are SOL, masks don't work well with hair. For the final test, come visit me, I will get some CS gas, lock you in my garage, cook up the CS and we will know if it fits or not. Then you will take your mask off and recite your SSN, Name, Birthdate, and I will pee myself laughing as you trip over my mower trying to get out!

    Oh, the M-45 is the aviator mask that I wear. If you find one, you will pay for it, they are not common on the market yet. Keep to the M-40 as it has a butyl rubber outter cover to protect it against rough use and cuts and tears. The M-40 is designed to be an Infantry mask.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Do NOT wear wool clothes when you go to Sniper's garage for the finishing test. For some reason, wool holds CS a LONG time and will cause you to cry for hours afterward. So will your beard, head (and other) hair--. You will believe in the power of the mask.

    I might add that they taught us to start with the middle pair, then the lower, and finally the upper. No idea of what it "right" other than go by pairs, middle first; if you try one side at a time, the fit will be destroyed, and your eyes and lungs will not be happy.
  7. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++


    A safer way to check is get some ammonia. It has a very low odor threshold so if there is a leak you'll be able to smell it.
  8. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    True, but where is the fun in that?
  9. No butyl rubber, I saw one on ebay with some other stuff and the guy was trying to get $1500 out of it, That definitely cuts it down to the m40.

    You can make CS gas? I’m intrigued.

    I’m not sure what uniform size I wear, I do have a US mill warm weather jacket I’ll have to see what size it is.

    For testing I read someone recommended banana oil, but I think skunk essence would work the best, my dad’s a trapper so I have access to strait skunk juice doesn’t get much smellier than that.
  10. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    CS gas that is used for mask testing is used from heating tablets of CS over a flame.
    Banana oil works well because the nose is sensitive to it, so it doesn't take much to find a leak. Ammonia inhalers work just as well. If skunk musk works, you will have to find someone elses garage to do that in.
    Also, just so you know, when looking at M40's, they are a green silicon, when you see them and they are black, that is the butyl outter cover.
  11. I looked and my military pants are medium, my “Coat, Temperate” is large but it’s a bit big. My head seems normal so my guess is I’m a medium.

    Thanks a lot everyone for all the info, I really appreciate it. :)
  12. I appear to have run into yet another variable. :rolleyes:

    I found a good deal on a second skin, but it’s weird apparently it’s an older style and the second skin is attached to a hood (instead of being separate) is it as good, better, or the same as the newer style second skins that aren’t attached to a hood?

    thanks. :)
  13. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    A bump with more questions. I have a bid in on several M-40s on ebay, but I am thinking I need something more geared towards civilian application. There is a refinery behind three of my offices, within a quarter mile. Not too long ago there was a fire there, and while they stated that nothing was released in the air, I did acquire a headache before I was able to leave the area. I would like to find a gas mask that I could keep in my car that would filter out the toxins used in civilian applications such as those used in oil refinery and in chlorine use as several of my plants utilize chlorine applications.
  14. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    OK, here we have a problem that most people are not aware of. Military gas masks are designed to filter out large organo-phosphate molecules. These molecules are large and the filters don't have to have very small "pores". Most industrial chemicals on the other hand are single small molecules and the filters for these chemicals are much tighter and thus much more expensive. If you are wanting to filter things such as chlorine and single item particles, then you will need a civilain "industrial grade" mask. For these chemicals, you will probably need a civilian mask, such as a 3M that can take different filters for different functions. Here is a website for 3M that covers all civilian contingencies, to include bird flu!

    I hope that helps a little.
  15. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Stay away from the attached hood ones, they will tear away at the most inoportune time, that is why they didn't hang around long.
  16. I just read, “C2A1 filters will not filtrate chlorine, ammonia or smallpox virus”
    NBC Masks (Sarge)
    [​IMG]Is this true?
    If so the filter seems pretty useless since the Russians have tons of it.
  17. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I am getting ready to order a few of these, this place has the best price I have seen so far. Any comments?

    Emergency Supplies - Gas Mask Filter Cartridge


    M-95 NBC Long-Life Gas Mask Filter
    The M95 Cartridge is manufacturer-certified to provide protection against all known chemical and biological warfare agents including the nerve agents tabun, sarin and soman, mustard gas blistering agents and blood agents, radioactive and highly toxic nuclear particles; aerosols and micro-organisms; bacteria and viruses. It further protects against a multitude of other hazardous chemicals, many industrial organic gases and vapors, inorganic gases and vapors such as chlorine dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, organic and inorganic acids, such as formic acid, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, and hydrogen sulfide and features a 10-year storage life.​

    • NOISH Approved for SGE 400/3 & M95 Masks
    • Full protection against all known biological and chemical agents
    • Third party tested against chemical warfare gases
    • Excellent protection against Sarin (and its surrogate DMMP)
    • Nylon body offers valuable permeation resistance to mustard gas
    • Particulate filter is over 99.99% efficient against all particulates and is appropriate for protection against all biological aerosols
    • Exceptionally high particle-filtration capacity and low breathing-resistance.
    • Manufactured in a sealed bag with a long 10 year shelf life.
    • This is the only filter that is actually called the "M-95".
    • 40mm NATO threaded NIOSH-Approved (TC-84A-3320) P100/0V/AM/CL/HC/MA/CS/CN, for protection against P100, Organic Vapors, Ammonia, Chlorine, Hydrogen Chloride, Methylamine, CS, and CN.
    • Dimensions H90mm D109mm
    • Weight 250g. Thread NATO/EN 148-1, 40 mm.
    • Casing material- Reinforced polyamide.
  18. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Go back and read post #35, that is what I was talking about. The problem with using industrial chemicals is that it takes a fairly large concentration to make you sick, let alone kill you. They dispearse and disipate to quickly to have good effect. That is why during WWI, the Germans quit using it and developed the real chemical weapons we are used to that has the large organo-phosphate molecules.
  19. Sorry I forgot to put it was the small pox I was worried about, not chlorine, or ammonia.
    I don’t have any industrial sites near meso I don't need to worry about the first 2, but small pox freaks me out.[peep]
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