Didn't mean to offend you Tony, but one of our ancestors (Samuel Colt) made the math much easier by a factor of six. One unarmed liberal just don't carry as much impact as a handful of 230 grain lead equalizers. Some of us actually believe that "From my cold dead fingers" slogan.
Thats what's worrying me, they also know that, hence H.R.45... I wrote this on another forum, and think it is worthy of being repeated here. The fact's of life for myself are plain and simple. I want to be a good father and maybe later grandfather, I enjoy shooting and hunting with a passion, but if the powers that be decide that I don't need gun's then I'll accept that, I won't be a happy teddy, and I will never ever as long as I live defend that country with weapons again. I will get over it, and love and cherish my family, you can't do that when you made a stand and was shot down in a blaze of glory, there is no glory in death, dignity maybe, depending on how you go. Any armed stand that you may take will only affect LEO's and any other unfortunates that get in the way, but not those that passed the legislation that you felt so strongly about. Have a think about it. Tony <!-- / message --> <!-- edit note -->
There's your sign. The difference is that my children were raised to be independent and my grand-kids? We'll see. The only thing I know for sure is that this is my home and I am not going anywhere. The only fraternity I belong to are the few that believe as strongly as I in the worth of saving this country. Afghanistan did it to the USSR, the NVA did it to us, so I know the fight can be won and I know the costs. The next shot heard around the world will not be fired by one of us, but rather by some local National Guard wannabe just following orders to assist in the arrest of some poor rancher down in Texas that was only defending his land and birth-right and the dogs of war will be unleashed like never imagined.
Depending on exact date It is in the same year that Boy scouts of America is turning 100! Lots of tan uniforms will be out there if its in the summer . Depending when it is I will either be at a closer satelite march, or at the big one. Has Glenn beck or any Major Mainstream Media spouted this? Remember Phonecalls and letters folks.
Toemag I understand your stand and I am not so in love with the machines that are my firearms that I could not live without them as you stated.My problem is once they are gone there is nothing to stop them from removing the other luxuries of life you mentioned:i.e." fatherhood; grandparenting" etc....I don't trust the bastards to stop at registration.
The last time we had one of these was back in 1996 if my memory serves ,we got a bus together and took 64 people with us . There was suppose to have been a million there then but we only ended up with about 75,000 . They posted in Shotgun News and everything about 6 months before it was to happen, they had guest speakers from the NRA, JPFO and G.Gordon Liddy . So how many of you guys were there back then. I hate to say this but I don't expect there will be anymore this time than last!!!!!!!! JMHO
Tango3 Your right on the money, look what's happening in the UK today, 1 in 9 residents weren't even born in the UK, they have a pole tax, and they are being dumped on left and right. Political correctness is paramount, there are people up in court on hate crime, the country has lost the plot. What makes it worse is that normal Britons are just to busy or apathetic about it all to get involved. One of the things that I have noticed in the last few years, is that Governments are introducing more and more self serving ME law's that don't help Joe the plumber, in fact they take away from Joe and his plumber buddies, increasingly making their day to day life more difficult, and their future's bleak. If you are to march or have petition, you have to have a set goal, that you can reach and that will be recognised by the People who are trying to invoke these changes, otherwise it will be as fruitful or as futile as that what we in the UK experienced. More recently with the march on the houses of Parliament to stop them banning that English age old tradition of fox hunting with hounds and horses. I hope that you are right in the assumption that you'll be successful and achieve all of your goals through marching on the capitol, and that that young national guardsman that may or may not fire the shot in Texas, remembers that he is an American first, and a National Guardsman secondly. Tony
We also had representatives from the Patriot/ Militia community. J.J. Johnson gave one of the best speeches I have heard. And we only had 75,000 then but we made the news, local and national, and C-Span covered it in it's entirety. But the climate in the country was much different at that time. We were fresh into the Patriot smear campaign by the Clintonistas. The general sheeple were still blissfully unaware and being spoon fed their paranoia of anyone who was sounding the warnings of encroaching fascism. The sleeping populus are being jarringly awakend to the things we knew back then. Our "fringe", "kook", warnings are now being heard on MSM. Sheeple don't believe it until they hear it on the news. Until Rush or Glen say it it isn't real. I might be over optimistic but I think that if things continue like they are until next year that we may well see a massive turnout. And those who can't make it to DC can attend rallies at their State capitols. Today there are thousands gathering at State capitols for a "tax tea party", inspired by that guy on MSNBC last week. We'll see how many turn out for it across the nation. And that came together in just a week. We'll see.
Preacher I sure hope and pray that you're right about all of this . And yes I remember the coverage we got ,hell we even took two local news people with us at my expense . They were so uneducated that didnt even know who G Gordon was ,at that time I knew the MSM was out of touch and had no clue about anything .Just spoon fed by the education system on what the agenda of the day was .And yes until they see it on the TV it's not real ,back then about the only one we had was Rush but now we have several out lets for the sheepl to listen to if only they would open their ears and take it in . I'll be there again and will do my best to bring as many as I can ,we only live about 3.5 hours away ,we've lost seveal of our Brothers since that day to old age but we have gained some youth to the ranks . This time I'll be able to take 3 of my grandsons with me all teenagres now and getting smarter by the day . If we could just get some of that oldtime spunk back in this country we may be able to get back on track . It remains to be seen !!!! HOPE TO SEE YA THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot can happen between now and then. We may be marching cocked and locked. Or at least with pitchforks and torches!!!
We have a march on Harrisburg (PA) in the planning stages up here. Might gather a bus load or three. PA Federation of Sportsmen is sponsoring the do. I don't have all the details to hand yet, but I think it is mid April.
SECOND AMENDMENT MARCH on Washington (April 19, 2010) picking up steam, you can help or coordinate within your state, learn more: http://www.secondamendmentmarch.com
I most certainly plan on going to Washington D.C. for this, but I hate the date they chose on many levels, and feel the date itself "brands us" in a negative way. JMHO of course