White House Website Calls for Permanent AWB

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by hacon1, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I guess I was fuzzy on person to person sales after a ban is in force...
  2. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    If it was like the 1994 AWB, weapons manufactured before that date were not effected and would still be legal to sell/trade in the states that still have person to person sales. The new morons in charge might figure that out in a new AWB and change that. That is unless they have a ban like Commiefornia put into place in 1989, then all assault weapon sales are screwed after the start date.

    Really does not matter to me any more, I have all the guns and ammo that I need and like I said, they can pass all the anti gun laws they want, I am not giving up anything and will not register anything (for future confiscation). I've had it!!!

    [finger] Obama, Biden and all you anti morons!!!
  3. hacon1

    hacon1 Monkey+++

    There have been three bills introduced already this year. One of them, does indeed, do away with private sales and would close the gun show loophole. One of them is designed just to ban "assult weapons", and the other one would give the new Attorney General, the power to single out any guns that he see fit to do away with. I believe that the last one was stated something like, any firearms that can be used by the military or LEO. We all should know by now, that the new A.G. is Eric Holder. He is the person who did all of the Clinton pardons and filed against Heller. His statement in the Heller case was, "People do not have the right to have working firearms in their homes". Holder has also stated that he disagrees with SCOTUS and will work to get this over turned.

    The people are now all in place and the attack on our personal rights has picked up speed. They have no intention of stopping until they have us disarmed and re-educated. The commercials have already started on t.v. for everyone to volunteer in their community and be the change that we need. They are already in the process of setting up Huesain's idea of a "Service Corps", that he would like to make manditory for everyone ages 18-35. They are wasting no time on pushing the messiah's agenda. Everyone seriously needs to think about how they are personaly going to handle all of this before it's too late. If they get their way with firearms, it will be too late.
  4. mecdac

    mecdac Monkey++

    IF a protected right in the Constitution can be attacked and or marginalized. Then the Constitution is effectively 'null and void', and that is the end of the game.
  5. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    A mandatory service corps is basically a slave labor unit and that would cap it for me.
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Find myself trying to keep a lower profile, but this administration is like an unrestrained fire hose nobody knows which way its gonna go.. I'm not the "new socialist man",guess that leaves me out.outright bans and confiscation are gonna cross that line... Mandatory service is right up there too... I can easily see this dividing the country. Is congress even part of the government anymore?
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I'll make it simple and easy to understand here at Casa Seacowboys; the line is clearly drawn in the sand and if you further assault my constitutional liberties, I will forcefully decline to cooperate. Called it "Civil Disobedience" with lots of ammunition.
  8. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Alternatively, as Holmes would say, "The game's afoot!" [gun]

    When they have destroyed the use of the ballot box, there is always the bullet box. King George in 1776 learned the hard way. Some lessons need to be relearned now and then. :rolleyes:
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