The grandpoobah of the north country (prime minister?) has dissolved parliment until jan 27th.the canucks are getting all "tin foilley"... Canada right now is going through major political up... Canada right now is going through major political upheavel. Our current Prime Minister (equivalent to your President) released a new budget, in his budget he did not put in a stimulus package which all other political parties were calling for. The only thing he did was on numerous fronts cut the funding to all our other political parties. This was a very calcuated move on his part. By doing what he did, he forced the other parties in our Parliment to form a coalition to oust him as the leader. Why would he do that? Well, as Prime Minister, when he feels Parliment (same as your congress) is disjoined he can call a prorogation, a prorogation is a closing of Parliment (congress). In doing this, he has NO oversight by them, and can do as he pleases. He has called for and received his prorogation. The Prime Minister has 6 weeks before he has to call Parliment back - Which takes us to January 27, 2009. Now, lets move onto some key facts that are relevent: 1. Colin Powell stated on national TV there would be an event either January 21 or 22. 2. Joe Biden stated in a $25,000/plate dinner, thinking he wasn't being taped "Mark my words, Obama will be tested, if you only take one thing from my talk here tonight, take this, January 21, or 22 there will be an orchastrated event that will test Obama...." Not exact words, but I am sure you have heard this speech. 3. I don't know if you know what the SPP is, but in its most basic form it is this, Canada, US and Mexico are collaborating on many fronts to utilize each countries strengths to "help" each other, Canada's resources, US security forces, and Mexico's manpower. 4. A document that was just released yesterday, but dated February 14, 2008 was a part of the SPP, it was signed by the US and Canada, stating that either, nuclear, chemical, or biological attack, or PROPERTY DAMAGE, would allow for troops from each country to enter the other, and police the citizens. 5. Our Prime Minister, can do this without oversight of Parliment for 7 days AFTER Parliment has seated, if they are in session it must be within 7 days, if they are out of session, they have till 7 days AFTER they have seated. Going on the 21st date, adding they will not sit till the 27th, and then 7 more days If there is ANY type of reason for our countries to "help" each other it will be done without any approval until February 4th. After which time it may be to late to pull back on any agreements we have been involved in for 14 days at that point. 6. The constitution, the congress, and senate, have essentially lost all power through presidential directives already in the US. 7. I live near a heavily populated city in Western Canada. Starting today, we have seen an HUGE increase in military. Let me be clear here, we NEVER see military around. It is being posted all over the place, people don't know what is going on. Even craigslist has people writing posts about it, ( I don't know if you know what craigslist is). Although I know you KNOW that the shit is going to hit the fan Martin, I want to make you aware, that I have been waiting for signs other than what is going on in the US. I KNEW it would required more than stuff going on in your country, it HAD to involve my country as well to be successful. I could see no way for that to happen, I did not disbelieve, but our country has been extremely stable, and would have NO REASON WHATSOVER, to going into the NAU, and further the One World Order agenda, Propogated by our common enemy. I could see no reason for Canada to enter an agreement to police each others countries, to require your military, for your country to require our resources. That reason has been created, we have MASS unstablitiy now, we have had MAJOR protesting starting today here, and the time is shorter than most think. We have very very little time. I just wanted you to know what is happening here so that we may all understand. I have taken it on assumption that you would be interested in my thoughts, if you are, and have any questions please feel free to contact me. I realize your countrymen are your utmost priority, but we may, like it or lump it, be countrymen soon as well Please make it clear, that ALL road blocks to a false flag attack, are now cleared! Harper delays confidence vote, appeals to federalists (Type in the title to get the video) Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (Reply) ----- Original Message ----- From: J> To: "Bellringer, Anne" <> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:43 PM Subject: Canada Hi Patrick and Anne! Please post if you think it can help. Boy, the bad news just keeps coming! I read the article on Dec. 8, about Canada's government problems (Sh*t hitting fan in canada). That night I was up most of the night watching video clips about their government turning into a dictatorship. I saved the videos in my "favorites' so my truck-driver husband could see them when he gets in. Today, Dec. 11, NONE OF THOSE VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE!! I've checked other websites, CNN news, BBC news, CBC news, and there seems to be an information black-out on what the dictator-government is doing in Canada. From the videos I had watched, many of the folks in canada are very scared of what's happening, and some warned Americans that this maybe happening in our country, VERY soon. Has anyone heard any updates from Canada? > In Love and Light, and a prayer that Nesara is announced and Sanada & Hatonn land VERY soon!
I am with you, we'll see what happens Jan. 21-22. It is disturbing that Collin Powell gave pretty exact dates though. (all typed while quietly polishing the action of a riot gun and counting ammo) [whistle2]
I thought obama took office on Jan 21. I think what cp was trying to say is that as soon as he takes office, BO will have his hands full with a long list of problems and alot of work to do.
Getting closer so Is Bush going to pull Martial Law and stay in power too? Thats been screamed repeatedly here for years......
Well here we are the 21st and all's well.....<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /> And Bush didn’t invoke martial law and stick around…… .
Biden and Powell were wrong Official announcement from the "Ministry of Doom" "Bush" packed up his baseball card collection and walked to the helicopter without a marine dragging on each arm. YOU are correct, I was wrong. IMHO It will happen "someday..." I think few would disagree: Bush laid the ground work and the executive branch grabbed far more power than ever before. Once seized it is rarely returned. YOU will not hear any nwo/nau doom from me until the blackhawks and chinooks are launching enmasse with blue helmets. I said it last year , I've been weening myself off the fringe sites and the comments posted there are looking more and more crazy to me...(bwain chemistry coming back into "nominal"?)
what? take that as quibbling? hmm; perhaps you have a point. Haven't vanquished all uncertainty... whatever; you won't hear it from me.
LMAO., for the time being. Still one day left to go, if nothing has happened by the weekend we are safe, not. Tony
you know, I never heard of the canadian government NOT being in disarray. Its a huge Cluster Whatnot up here. I don't think we would know what to do with an Efficient government. We are hoping for an overturn of the "long gun registry". Probably not going to happen though.
Thea archdruid has a relevent post: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 The Pornography of Political Fear In most respects, despite the media hoopla, yesterday was an ordinary day. Amid brisk January weather, one of the world’s large nations marked the installation of a new chief executive with the usual round of ceremonies and celebrations. The transition was orderly to the point of dullness; the retiring president and his replacement had coffee together in the White House before the ceremony, and afterwards walked together with every evidence of cordiality to the helicopter that would ferry one of them back into private life. I am not sure how many people noticed that the clatter of rotor blades as that helicopter took off put a period at the end of some of the most extravagant rhetoric of the Bush era. For the past eight years, a great many voices had insisted that the weary Texan who left the White House yesterday was about to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, cancel all future elections, order dissidents to be rounded up and interned in concentration camps built by Halliburton, and a great deal more of the same kind. If, dear reader, you were one of the people who spent George W. Bush’s presidential terms insisting that these things were about to happen, grab a beer from the fridge and have a seat, because we need to talk. The rumors I’ve just described were very nearly an article of faith across large sectors of the American left in the years just past. Hundreds of websites and a sizable number of talk radio programs presented them as matters of simple fact, and vied with one another to accuse the Bush administration of the most diabolical intentions. Those who pointed out that the purveyors of these ideas never quite got around to offering the least scrap of evidence to back them tended to be dismissed with scorn. Yet the fact remains that all those claims were quite simply wrong. It’s a bit uncomfortable to be the one who points this out, because I am no fan of George W. Bush. I voted against him in two elections, and have never regretted either vote. He and the neoconservative movement that used him as its sock puppet did a great deal to damage the country I love. Yet it’s always seemed to me that a person should be criticized for the things he does, not the intentions that his worst enemies impute to him. Bush was certainly a bad president; he may even, as many of those enemies have claimed, be a bad person. Somehow, though, it seems to have been forgotten that these points do not justify telling lies about him. The enthusiasm with which those rumors were minted and spread is all the more ironic, in that some of the people who participated most eagerly were among those who complained bitterly when right-wing pundits and websites meted out the same treatment to Bill Clinton during the latter’s two terms. I think most of us who were around at that time heard more than our fill about UN troop convoys rolling down American highways, black helicopters crisscrossing the skies, and Clinton’s personal plan to put America under the yoke of a tyrannical world government that would send gun owners and evangelical Christians to concentration camps. Those stories were just as unsupported by evidence and disproven by events as the equivalent claims about Bush, or the flurry of similar stories already beginning to circulate about President Obama. The last two decades, in fact, have seen the rise of what might best be called a pornography of political fear in America’s collective discourse. Like other forms of pornography, it flattens the rich complexity of human interaction into a one-dimensional world in which abstract shapes and motions stimulate unthinking reactions from the brainstem levels of its viewers. It thus debases what it claims to describe, even as it pursues whatever raw sensation it evokes further and further away from any human reality. The payoff of the pornography of political fear is different from the one experienced by those who have their hands down inside some less metaphorical pair of shorts, but it is every bit as reflexive, and its results can be just as messy. The nature of that payoff deserves some discussion here. Hate in contemporary America has much the same status given to some other words with four letters in earlier times: a great many people affect to despise it, and condemn those who practice it publicly, while thirsting for the chance to engage in it themselves. The pornography of political fear appeals precisely because it provides a culturally sanctioned opportunity to indulge in the forbidden pleasures of unrestrained hate. The intoxication of feeling justified, and even virtuous, while wallowing in hatred for an irredeemably evil Other is a potent force in today’s culture – and it may yet become an equally powerful factor in tomorrow’s politics, with disastrous results. An earlier post on this blog explored the way that terms such as “fascist” have been stripped of their contexts and turned into all-purpose epithets with no other meaning beyond “I hate you.” This common pattern of rhetoric makes it difficult to draw any useful lesson from the bitter history of 20th century totalitarian governments, but the effort needs to be made, because certain features of contemporary culture display unwelcome similarities to the conditions that helped those earlier nightmares claw their way into waking life. One of them is precisely this habit of allowing pornographic fantasies of political evil to pass unchallenged as reasonable discourse. In the decades leading up to the rise of European fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, rhetoric no more heated than today’s torrents of partisan vilification spread through all sides of the political controversies of the day. This did much to create an atmosphere of collective hatred in which it no longer seemed unreasonable, to far too many people, to single out one group within society as the source of all its problems – and set out to remove those problems by exterminating their supposed source. More than two thousand years ago, much the same process was mapped out in precise detail by a long line of Greek philosophers, who explored the ways that the republics of the classical world gave way to tyranny. The key to the process, according to many of these ancient witnesses, was the rise of bitter factional struggles over wealth and power that spun so far out of hand that the machinery of civil government broke apart and the rule of a tyrant became the only alternative to chaos and civil war. In a nation where a noticeable number of members of either party don’t seem to be able to walk past a picture of the other party’s candidate without screaming obscenities at it, we are closer to that outcome than most people realize. Such habits flourish these days because representative democracy has always been an easy target for its critics. Abuses of power and displays of rank incompetence happen in democracies and closed societies alike, but in democracies they are more likely to become public knowledge and can be denounced in comparative safety – those people who fling the word “fascist” at today’s democracies, for example, can do so without having to worry in the least about being dragged from their beds in the middle of the night by armed men in jackboots and hauled away to a prison camp. Since politics in a representative democracy requires a constant process of compromise among competing pressure groups and power centers, furthermore, it’s rare for any side to get everything it wants, and this breeds dissatisfaction with the system. That in itself is no vice – reasoned dissent is the lifeblood of a republic – but when dissatisfaction festers into the insistence that one’s own side ought always to get everything it wants, and the habit of demonizing the other side for standing up for its own interests and hopes for the future, something has gone terribly wrong. It may be one of the bitterest ironies of the next few decades that those who label their political enemies as fascists, by that very act, are helping to build a climate of political hatred, and contempt for flawed but functioning democracies, that could make something like fascism inevitable in today’s America – and a future totalitarian state, it bears remembering, could as easily arise from today’s political left wing as from the right. It may already be too late to avoid that experience. Still, the effort is worth making, and one place to start is a principled rejection of the pornography of political fear. So, dear reader, when somebody tells you that Barack Obama is personally plotting to enslave you – and you will hear that claim in the near future, if you have not heard it already – I suggest that at the very least, you ask for some evidence more convincing than the splutterings of a fringe media personality or a conspiracy theory website that made exactly the same claims about Clinton and Bush. If we are going to get through the unraveling of industrial civilization with anything like a functioning society, the bad habits of rejecting the claims of a common humanity, demonizing political disagreement, and projecting the shadows of our own frustrations and failures onto the faces of our political enemies, are luxuries we can no longer afford. Posted by John Michael Greer at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2009-01-21T16:10:00-08:00">4:10 PM</abbr> 5 comments Links to this post Wednesday, January 14, 2009