I was listening to Glenn this morning around 9:15 when he starts talking bout the info he just received on the 3rd ID being used here in the states for a National Disaster( I know old news for us). Then he starts talking about a friend of his that gave him some information that could be related to this. After he goes on and on about some stuff he starts talking about his friend having a meeting last week with the President. This guy and the Pres are talking about some serious stuff when the Pres says "we'll help you as much as we can IF we're still alive"!! My jaw just about dropped. I know we've been reading and hearing about some heavy stuff coming our way but to hear the Pres say something like that is too much. Makes me wonder what's about to happen?
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod Lotsa envoys with North Korea, Chavez making noise. First US Based Military regiment, Elections looking funny. Economy tanking, civil unrest rising. Last time I checked DC wasn't the safest place in the world. Its a take your choice, best to wait for Tango3 to come back so he can scare the pants off you with his Web crawling.
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod Talking to the prez of what, the doomsayer's guild? There is the odor of dead fish about this one; "friend of a friend" is always that way to me.
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod A mission ("nekkid monkeys")! ...haven't quite loaded the bike trailer yet, grabbed 200 more rnds7.62x39, more peanut butter,honey, ,oatmeal, and tuna.ATM limited to $200 max but I don't know when exactly that changed from $300.00 Stopped in to checked the dow 10,365. Latoc financial doom thread has the same incredulous thoughts most folks do: "So they passed yer damn bill, and the markets are still trying to find bottom..???" That beck thing is really scary(and sounds a little fishy,doubt the prez has many casual chatswithlinetrooops where he coughs up " "TS classified"iintelligence info)..
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod It wasn't line troops. It was with someone higher up on the food chain than us. Glenn won't say who, but it's someone big.
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod Nope, not buying this.. They have a better chance of me buying a Flowbie for 49.95 without the free shipping than taking this bait. I don't do this often but I'm flying the flag on this one. Let's see during this troubling time the Pres has a meeting with someone no one knows who. Then says his little line? No way! Anything the Pres says to anyone short of a select few he knows that it will more than likely get leaked. So he says it while the stock market is going down like a bat headed for hell, confidence of the general public isn't far behind the bat and with a upcoming election he's gonna pop off with this knowing that it will bury the Rep. Nominee's. I'm sure GB said this but I don't think it's true and if it was said then I would like to know what the rest of the conversation was. Take care Be safe Poacher.
Re: Was anyone else listening to Glenn Beck on the radio tod Yes, I heard him also. He sourced the Army Times for the troop info and he alerted us to get the hell out of the stock market. Earlier in the year he was urging us to stock up on food. He has, thus far, a100% track record, so before anyone gets into the mode of Tin foil Hats, look at the track record an look at the words of potential attackers. Have they changed??? In my humble opinion, it is when, not if and we eat what we have set aside- just rotate it! Overbore