Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets note

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blackjack, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    May be of interest to any other veterans

    Some of you are familiar with my legendary bad luck...... any food recall that hits the news is usually whatever I had for lunch that day. Well, heres a new one.

    I went to sell blood plasma, filled out their questionaire..... no, I've never had sex with another man...... no, I've never used IV drugs....... no, no, no.

    Yes, I am a veteran. Yes I've been to both France and Germany. Yes I was there in 1990...... and this is what disqualified me from giving plasma!

    It seems that having been in the military, and in France or Germany during 1990, puts me/you in a high risk category for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Something akin to Mad Cow Disease.

    I was pretty stunned really, I mean, you gotta be kidding me, right. How freakin obscure is that?! 18 years ago I was in the military in a very specific region of europe?

    Maybe there is a god, and he's just seeing how far he can push me before I snap.[shtf] It's to the point now that I just laugh.

    So anyway, if you are a vet and were in said place at said time, congrats.
  2. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    +1 Lindsey airstation, Wiesbaden 1991, wife says she knew we were "disqualified"from donating but never knew the reason(cjd) why:shock::eek::eek:[gone]
    Hows that go "God looks at our plans and laughs" ...
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    I wonder what I might be disqualified for, given travels all over South East Asia. Boggles the mind.
  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    "guy returns from duty in s.e. asia two weeks later his"member" turns multiple shades of purple,
    So he goes to the small town doctor, Doc says"Lemmesee"hmm
    never seen that before have to look that one up..
    Doc comes back in says" I'm sorry Sgt Jones we've gotta amputate before the infection spreads:..
    Jones is Stunned "You're gotta cut my dick off"???
    Wait I want a second opinion...Jones tells his buddy of his plight
    "Oh man wait; we'll go see old doc xiong he's from there he's seen every form of disease known."
    So they make an appt and go see the old asian doctor.
    Jones explains to the doc "they were going to cut my dick off"!!
    ,Doc says "Okay ret me see:...hmmm. your dick is "prad"(plaid)
    Oh no, we no have to cut your dick off!
    It fall off by itself: two-tree days! :)
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    Sorry I hijacked your thread man.I don't think I'd worry too much...especially if you mostly ate on the base. U.s beef would've been at as much risk as any us civilian...
    And "schnitzel" is pork.
  6. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    I ate an awful lot of steak with Jaeger gravy!

    I don't know wether it was in the US supply or off base.

    And I'm not worried about it, my brains ate up so much already the disease couldn't hurt much.
  7. Jonas Parker

    Jonas Parker Hooligan

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    You should have just said "moo", and left.
  8. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    NOW I know whats wrong with you....
    LOL j/k
    hope you dont have it.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    Not nice. That is one bullet to dodge if at all possible. How to go from fully functional to the existence of a brussel sprout in one easy lesson.

    Onset from exposure to symptoms is long, 30 to 50 years, and depending on which variant, life expectancy is from a year or so to 4 or 5 years.
  10. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    Now a true kick to the nuts would be having CJD. It eats holes in your brain, until it looks like Swiss cheese. I remember reading about a special forces soldier who got in Afghanistan. When they were entrenched and working with the locals, he ate sheep brains with them so as not to offend them. Unfortunately for him it was a death sentence.
  11. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    True enough. I guess for all the bad luck, there are a million more things I should be thankful for. When it comes to the really big/important stuff, I've got it pretty good.

    I don't think I could get this though..... I killed off the majority of my brain cells many years ago [booze][booze][booze]
  12. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    yup,the way I figure it: alcohol kills off the weakest cells first, kind a like slow running buffalo thereby improving the remaining herd...
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    Your logic always amazes me.:shock:
  14. toemag

    toemag Monkey++

    Re: Creutzfeldt-Jakob...... One more kick to the nads. Vets

    What a put down, I'm still in Germany and have been since the British Army sent me here in 1984, ask me if I care about having CJD, no I don't. Cancer or some other disease will kill me sooner than CJD, so what if my brain looks like a Swiss cheese, it will probably send me into a delirium leaving me in a state of bliss for the rest of my natural.

    I had an accident a few years ago, fell backwards (9ft.) onto some girder's, (nearly broke my neck), then my head whip lashed onto the concrete floor. from that experience I know I would rather die of a serious head wound than some other type of illness as you just don't know about it. My last concious thought while falling was "f", it would have been the whole word but I hit the ground.

    I seriously expect them to treat my or our dead bodies as waste in the future, and cremate us as the medicines and chemicals that the medical profession have pumped into us over the years will present a Bio Hazard that will make a burial impossible.



    I'm a Brit and my humour is a thing of sarcasm and pi$$ taking.
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