He's right, I guess, so far as getting on the confiscation list. That said, until that happens, you don't have a weapon if something else comes up. You can always cache something later on after the, um, "border run" if that becomes an identified need or possibility. Disclaimer: SurvivalMonkey does not condone nor recommend violation of laws and regulations. --
Gun registration isn't to bad in my opinion, I was born in England and now live in Germany so I don't know any better. If things go pear shaped and you do need to bug out/in I personally think that the authorities will have other problem's bigger than the whereabouts of your weapons. I could be wrong, in a natural disaster they be trying to sort it out asap, but in the case of an all out CRBN type attack by a foreign country, it will be over so fast, that they themselves will become survivors over night. After using a CRBN attack that country will more than likely have very little interest in invading and occupying that country. C = Chemical R = Radiation B = Biological N = Nuclear CRBN is the current phrase in the British Army for NBC. Tony
Really? I always thought they were different! Well thats a good thing to know. I am curious as to what Battle rifle I should get. Its either going to be a AR-10 style rifle, or a M1a Standard fully loaded. Also what optics should one get with a .308 rifle? Where I live there is a huge variation of landscapes, I could be going from Mountainous Rain forests to Total Prarie land... I am going to get a .223 for my good lady friend, maybe a set of matching XCRs for us lol. Also who knows what company sells Pre-pinned (as in already pinned) Ar style mags. I would like to get the pinning style of just a piece of bent metal. they would have to be 5/30 for the .223 and 5/20 for the AR-10/M1a Anyword folks?
Okay, here goes. M1A=Pros 1. AK 47 level of reliability. Employs a "Short Stroke Gas Piston" system. 2. Accurate for most of your needs, aka battlefield, hunting, plinking needs. Can be further accurized, but at a large expense. 3. Magazines are still plentiful, 5 rd hunting mags are also plentiful. Cons 1. Longivity, of your gas piston op rod assembly, M1A's/M14's are known to losen up quite a bit after around 1000 rounds have been fired. OP Rods are expensive to replace due to the fact of the stock of original Mil. surplus parts has dried up quite a bit. 2. Scope mounts for the M1A/M14 can be quite expensive. I know there are some cheap aluminum mounts, but they do not last. 3. If a scope is mounted, you will have to Rezero after evey time you disassemble and clean and reassemble. AR10=Pros 1. Longevity, The only part of any "Stoner" AR weapon that I have seen wearout is the bore itself, after around 20,000 rounds, the throat and rifling were completly eroded clear to the muzzle. 2. Accuracy, is more than you will ever be with it unless you are willing to achieve that level of skill. 3. Parts are becoming plentiful with the new makers. 4. Magazines, Okay, here is where it gets a bit complicated. The Armalite's employ the M14 mags, Rock River Arms employ FAL mags, inch or metric. KAC/DPMS employ the the origanal pattern mags. All these types of mags can be had in 5 rd hunting law limits. 5. Scope Mounting is built into the flat top models, all you need is a good set of rings. Also, I can completly field strip and reassemble witthout losing my Zero Cons= 1. Reliability is not like the AK/M14. New gas piston system nowcoming out will correct this. 2. Parts enterchangeabilty between the different makers. "FORGETIT" 3. Cost, these AR 10's can reach the stratisphere on price, what is your flavor and how much $$$ do want to spend. If I had to make a hard choice between a AR 10 and a M1A, I will chose the AR 10 solely because of it's level of accuracy, but a stickler on weapons cleaning. My choice of maker is DPMS, they are the best buy for the buck. As for your pinned Hicap type mags, I cannot find any because of the 5rounders already manufactured. Hope this helps a bit, but the final choice is yours to make and as far as I can see, you can't make a wrong choice with either one.
I would (and have) go with the M1a. The AR10 does not seem to be too reliable based on what I saw with our local police department. They kept having feed problems, so they dumped it. West Texas Armory put my M1a system together for me; a fine job was done, indeed. One concern for the M1a is the reverse slap, if you actually put a scope on it. If your scope is not designed for it, the gun will tear it up.
I figured the same til all the stories started coming out of New Orleans after Katrina. The authorities illegally confiscated hundreds of guns which they are yet to return to their owners. Youtube it or do a google search and you'll get a few stories. I agree though in the case of a CRBN they wouldn't give two spits. They'd be too worried about their own butts
Do you know which model they were, I know that the Bushmaster 308's had the same problem, but was due to the magazines (FAL Type). I have put well over 1000 rounds through my AP4 without a single hickup yet. The one thing I do here about on feed problems with the DPMS/KAC is because the magazines are only supposed to hold 19 rounds, even though they can hold 20.
I know most of it, and I don't mean to belittle what happened down there but it was not a national emergency, and effected only a small part of the US. I apologise in advance to those who personally lost family and friends or were directly effected by Katrina. Tony
Well thats too true, Jayde, What you need to worry about are the environment, and what it'll do to us up here. Imagine if we got another nasty windstorm that swept in with all that rain, like a few years ago. Many places were flooded, and people were completly cut off from the "civilized" world. I personally have alot of ambitions to stay prepared, but I dont know how much I could do if that situation arose again, especially in the winter. How badly will My city shut down in case of another mass snowfall. The ferries dont run in bad weather, and neither do the jets. If that situation mantains for more than 5 or 6 days, I think most people will be on the verge of collapse. The only "Bonus" I could see is that on the island, we have many military bases. the navy base is just down town. The airforce base is about 30 miles from the town and there are multiple army bases strewn around the southern half of the island, including one spec ops school. So Jayde, what about Vancouver, What are your risks as you see them? Is it the weather? The Gangs? The Military and government? What are you worried about? Riddle me this and we might be able to fix things up for yah CB MS Out.
Hmmm....good question CBMS. I've been going for just general preparedeness till now, covering all my bases as it were. True, the winter does make the preparations a bit more difficult, but not impossible Gangs are a non-issue here as much as the media likes to big them up. With the exception of two recent high profile incidents, the general public is rarely caught in the crossfire. They keep the fighting amongst themselves. Military. Well there's no reason for Vancouver to get hit. I've always joked that the only reason a foreign power would hit us is if they miss Bremerton and Seattle Don't really have any substantial bases or naval ports to worry about here. I guess the biggest concerns would have to be environmental or pandemic. The "big one" is always on everybody's minds here. The airport would sink, and with all the bridges out, the Fraser Valley would be nicely cut off. I think it would be pretty similar to your projections - 5 or 6 days and people would be in dire straights. The big storm we had a couple of years ago was a good example. I was overseas at the time, but I remember my parents calling and laughing about all the people who were panicking because they had to boil the tap water or had their water cut off. There's no such thing as a water shortage in Vancouver in winter - stick a bucket out the window for 5 minutes and you've got water Where I just moved to - in a really worst case scenario my primary food sources are seafood, rabbits and squirrel, maybe a racoon or deer if I'm lucky. My last apartment I would've had bear - no such luck in the new one. For a catastrophe/environmental issue I'd be bugging IN as long as possible, so the main concern would be defending my supplies and family. If it's a pandemic or military concern I'd be I'm still undecided for a bug OUT location, but I think it's a fair assumption that I'd head north and likely hug the coastline. But as I've discovered, doesn't matter what you plan for. What actually happens is always the one thing that wasn't on your list!
Mt suggestions are those of th Equipment Chairman for new PD plus about55years of shooting: 1. For a shotgun; #1 priority in 3" 12ga chambering. Dual action bars if pump but for combat I would go with a semi-auto like Remmy as stuff happens under stress and you may not "shuck the corn" fully.. 2. The Luger had the best ever grip angle and the Glock is within 1/2 degree of that same angle. We are going with the G-21 third generation in .45 as the 45 may expand further but it never shrinks and almost always is a one round perp stopper while the 9mm will penetrate but not stop the bad guy. I personally use 185 gr Gold Dots. 3. The M1A with a Comp red dot is about as good as it gets unless you purchase rack grade M1 from DCM but recoil is for those who can "ride through it". Overbore
rather than a large bore rifle I would chose a 12 gauge pump shot gun forget the hand gun unless you have concealed carry and get a 10/22 rifle .but that's just me .
This is like which family member would you choose a on life boat. Too painful to contemplate. Situation dictates the tools. Urban Survival-.45 Auto, 12 GA Home Defense- Same SHTF-Home-.308, 12GA SHTF-Bugging Out-.223, 45 Auto SHTF-Survival BackWoods-.22, .38/.357
I'm going in a different choice here for a rifle how about a savage 24 v for your rifle? Its conbo rifle/shot gun under and over in 12 gauge over a 22 rimfire. I use for a camp gun and there not a thingon 2 or for legs or with feathers it can not handle. As for hand gun gor with a ruger gp101 stainless 6 inch tube in 357 mag lotts of ammo selctions in both weapons and if you scope the Ruger it can be a 50 yard pistol and not bad for self defense.
"phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range..."lol jes kidding.. one? hmmm like saying you have a mechanics tool chest you get to fill it with only ONE tool,and it's ahammer(its an interesting armchair exercise but really kinda pointless. One long gun won't meet all situations though ashotgun with different ammo comes dang close. partial to the .45/.38, 12ga,.22, one centerfire bolt gun; what else do you need? hmmm surprisingly I see 7.62 x39 is not represented? I disagree about the limitations of the handgun,I think it is uber-importante' and each adult will be wearing one like underwear:.out to the barn, headed downtown, answering nosey peeping toms at the window... As far as concealed carry permits, should things get to the point where I feel the need to carry 24/7, I'd carry anyway,even if it is a "bottom folder" in a gym bag...
T3 I have to disagree on the pointless. It gets things perking along in the old noggin, always a good thing. What we've seen here is a bundle of different views from different situations to heat the perker. Armchair? Maybe, and we can hope it remains that way even tho' the odds are long against. So Jayde now has things to consider --
I think what she should have asked is what would be the best calibers to have instead. By the above post to this thread the 30cal/45 auto come in 1st, with 22lr/12gauge running a close 2nd. There is just as many types of firearms as their is flavors of ice cream, and each and every one of us has a different favorite flavor. What works for us as an individual is what counts.
Yeah, I knew when I started this thread that it was gonna be opening a big ol' I think you're right about going for calibre though RouteClearance rather than specific firearms. I've been getting out to the range a bit, trying out different handguns the last couple of weeks. I'm slowly figuring out what I don't like, so that's a start! As for rifles, there's a bit of change in the wind up here, so I'm holding off for a bit. There's some very loud chatter coming from Ottawa about finally scrapping the long gun registry. Since I really dislike the idea of registering my firearms, I'm gonna wait and see for a bit before I buy anything. So, assuming the conservatives stay in power after the election in October, we could finally be getting some good news for gun owners in this country .
Well, you could start with a high quality air rifle. Or do they register those, too? Try here: Rimfire Shooting (We Are All Things Rimfire)They have an active air gun forum. If that link fails, let me know. I have a few others. Alternatively, do a search on member/user ricdoug, he has several posts on the subject.