Obama lawsuit filed (unconfirmed)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jonas Parker, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Jonas Parker

    Jonas Parker Hooligan

    It's also interesting to note that Obama was traveling on an Indonesian passport at the age of 19.

    He also signed a sworn statement for admittance to the State Bar of Illinois that he had never gone by another name other that Barak Hussain Obama. At the very least, he's guilty of perjury (same thing that cost "Slick Willie" his law license in Arkansas).
  2. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    The bloggers and the lawsuit (part of which, remember, has already been proven false) state he was travelling on an Indonesian passport. That makes a little sense since he'd lived there for several years BUT it bears closer scrutiny to determine if it was a citizen's passport or a visa of some sort or (?).

    As to the name - and again I remind you, I do not necesarilly support Obama or any of the others, only have disdain for ignornace and lies - he reportedly informally went by the name Barry (his stepdad's last name). In a cultural sense, that is perfectly acceptable and perhaps preferable. "Barry" is a diminuative of Barack and (whatever that damned name is) would be more acceptable, especially in a paternalistic society where another child is involved. Cultural conventions do not always translate across culture.

    His own mother alternatively dropped or used her own first name, her first married name and her maiden name. Maybe not legal but of no consequence unless someone wants to derride other circumstances. "Going by" and using aliases are not always the same thing. Therefore his sworn statement to the bar may not be perjury at all.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Is there any confirmation yet that this suit has really been filed? [dunno]
  4. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Apparently it has. Mainstream media hasn't picked up on it, which is surprising (at least it hadn't first thing this morning).


    Here's some info and you can find .pdf of the complaint at obamacrimes.com (gotta love the hate-mongering there, huh). Most of what I saw at that site is a bit .... questionable in its rather blatant and unapologetic agenda but :shrug: you get info where you can and winnow out the truth as best you can.

    Oh, by the way, the court DENIED a temporary restraining order against Obama's candidacy
  5. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Falcondance...... just a quick note about Obama's plans. Keeping in mind I'm no particular fan of his and certainly not McCain, Obama has actually been very specific about his plans. I've watched the speeches, it's true. The part of the media that is Anti-Obama refuses to accept that still, clinging on to the "he's not specific" thing.

    Both sides of the media lies horribly.
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