Can anyone confirm this. So far no word on the MSM. *BREAKING* Lawsuit Being Filed Today in Philadelphia *MEDIA ALERT* [Update] August 21, 2008 · 58 Comments I have just received word that a lawsuit will be filed today in Federal Court challenging Barack Obama’s qualifications to be President. I am told that ALL MEDIA should report to the U.S. District Courthouse in Philadelphia in approximately one hour. US District Court, Eastern District of PA 601 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1797 Ph: 215-597-7704 It is currently 3:30 PM EST. UPDATE: The motion will be for an emergency temporary restraining order prohibiting Obama from running for president, and enjoining the DNC from nominating Obama as the Democratic presidential candidate. ************************************************************ A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States. Phillip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. According to Berg, he filed the suit–just days before the DNC is to hold its nominating convention in Denver–for the health of the Democratic Party. “I filed this action at this time,” Berg stated, “to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated.”. Berg cited a number of unanswered questions regarding the Illinois senator’s background, and in today’s lawsuit maintained that Sen. Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen or that, if he ever was, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia. Berg also cites what he calls “dual loyalties” due to his citizenship and ties with Kenya and Indonesia. Even if Sen. Obama can prove his U.S. citizenship, Berg stated, citing the senator’s use of a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii verified as a forgery by three independent document forensic experts, the issue of “multi-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegiance to other countries” remains on the table. In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii as the senator maintains. Before giving birth, according to the lawsuit, Obama’s mother traveled to Kenya with his father but was prevented from flying back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her pregnancy, “apparently a normal restriction to avoid births during a flight.” As Sen. Obama’s own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham–Obama’s mother–gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth. Berg cites inconsistent accounts of Sen. Obama’s birth, including reports that he was born at two separate hospitals–Kapiolani Hospital and Queens Hospital–in Honolulu, as well a profound lack of birthing records for Stanley Ann Dunham, though simple “registry of birth” records for Barack Obama are available in a Hawaiian public records office. Should Sen. Obama truly have been born in Kenya, Berg writes, the laws on the books at the time of his birth hold that U.S. citizenship may only pass to a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent and non-citizen parent if the former was at least 19 years of age. Sen. Obama’s mother was only 18 at the time. Therefore, because U.S. citizenship could not legally be passed on to him, Obama could not be registered as a “natural born” citizen and would therefore be ineligible to seek the presidency pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution. Moreover, even if Sen. Obama could have somehow been deemed “natural born,” that citizenship was lost in or around 1967 when he and his mother took up residency in Indonesia, where Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen. Berg also states that he possesses copies of Sen. Obama’s registration to Fransiskus Assisi School In Jakarta, Indonesia which clearly show that he was registered under the name “Barry Soetoro” and his citizenship listed as Indonesian.
Hmmm. "Barack Hussein OBAMA was born on 4 August 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein OBAMA, Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann DUNHAM of Wichita, Kansas. His parents met while both were attending the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a foreign student. When Barack Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father moved to Connecticut to continue his education before returning to Kenya.When Obama was six, his mother married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil manager. In 1967, when Soetoro's student visa was revoked because of political unrest in Indonesia, Dunham and Barack, then in first grade, accompanied him to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia. Four years later she sent him back to the United States to live with his maternal grandmother." No mention of adoption. His mother didn't always go by her full name (who can blame her? A woman named Stanley? Men are quite fond of the name Sue, as well .) They have access to all records...........
As of 1630 EDT, this has not hit the MSM. What troubles me is that he is a citizen unless he renounced it along the way, simply due to his mother's citizenship. Whether or not he had to pledge again when he turned 18 is an open question. No matter what, he is not qualified to serve due to his loose interpretation of law. He forgets that he is not qualified to even think about interpretation, that is out of his bailiwick both now and in the Office. Economics is not his strong suite, either. In fact, I can't think of anything he is strong in other than parroting "change" left, right, and center. He is pretty good at worrying and stirring over houses that don't belong to him, but not expert.
Now ghrit, you hit on what has bothered me about Obama all along. He goes on and on and on about "change" but never really pins down exact plans and strategies. His ads say things like "change the economy" .... ok, that's nice, but HOW? I don't give a fat rat's ass about his father's race or religious preference. I don't care where his mama lived. I don't even care whether his wife is "proud" or not. I just want him to come out and say, "THIS is what I plan to do to change XXX" (No, I still don't know who I'm pinning the tail on come election time. Doubt if it'll be either Obama or Bush Jr - errr, McCain.)
Ok the suit is predicated on his loss of citizenship when his mother took him to live in Indonesia after marrying a foreign national and living in that country with her son for over four years according to the laws on the books at the time. Even the remedy passed later by INS laws state he had to take an oath of allegiance when he turned 18 to become a “naturalized citizen”, not a natural citizen again. He’s had divided loyalties and can not be a natural born citizen again. This is the federal statutes. He didn’t even do that to regain his citizenship.
So, because he lived in a foreign country for about 8 years when he was little (from roughly ages 2 until 10ish), he's no longer considered a US citizen? That doesn't make sense. You'd think someone would've noticed this (IF it's true) before now - when he ran for Senate, if nothing else.
IIRC, even if he naturalized, he is still ineligible. I think the Constitution requires a born citizen. This could get interesting. Back to Hildebitch?
Nobody thought to question it. He speaks American, whether or not he is. I'll bet that has some knickers in knots, that question will be asked in the future, you betcha.
Don't know how true it is, but I saw that his birth certificate from Hawaai is a forgery, flat out........ so they say. Here is part of what I had found: Even if Sen. Obama can prove his U.S. citizenship, Berg stated, citing the senator's use of a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii verified as a forgery by three independent document forensic experts, the issue of "multi-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegiance to other countries" remains on the table. In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii as the senator maintains. Before giving birth, according to the lawsuit, Obama's mother traveled to Kenya with his father but was prevented from flying back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her pregnancy, "apparently a normal restriction to avoid births during a flight." As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham--Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth. Suit also indicates he was adopted by his Kenyan father.
Well if naturalized and NOT born then he would be a no go, just like the Govenator cant run for president without a Constitutional amendment. As I recall same is true if he currently or ever has held citizenship in another country and IIRC felons are also barred IF pretty much any of the and presenting falsified documents would be a felony. SO IF pretty much ANY of the 'facts' presented are true, then he would inded be barred from the office of president as things stand but as little reguard as there is in Washington now days for that 'Goddamned piece of paper', if it becomes an issue they may just change it so he can play too.
I've been following links - and the original post is a link to a BLOG (which every link has been so far!). It gets a bit confusing - and the confusion just brings up more liklihood of hate-mongering and lying by the bloggers, in my opinion. For example, this lawyer supposedly says Obama was born in either of two different hospitals. But one is clearly listed as the one he was born in all the reports I can find. Another blog states emphatically (and as truth) that "U. S. Senator Barack Obama is a citizen of Kenya and became a citizen of Kenya under the Independence Constitution of Kenya in 1963. Obama has never renounced his Kenyan citizenship. He is also a U. S. Citizen. “Under the Independence Constitution of Kenya, Obama became a Kenyan citizen on December 12, 1963. He has never renounced his Kenyan citizenship." yet in 1963, 2 yr old Obama was living with his parents in Hawaii. So, we're to believe that, presumably about the time his parents divorced, little Obama - who was still reportedly living in Hawaii with his mother, suddenly, mysterioiusly became a Kenyan citizen? Something's fishy here, guys, and I"m not too sure it's the cat food. As trigger-happy as Homeland Security has become (and the CIA has always been), you'd think someone would've pegged the black man if he wasn't on the up-and-up, now wouldn't you? Curiouser and curiuoser.
Yep, just read all the petition/lawsuit filed. Everything hinges on a bunch of "ifs", many of which could be relatively and easily investigated and either proven or disproven, I should think. such as the matter of the birth certificate (which the OP states that "3 independent experts state is a forgery" [sic]. Interestingly, nowhere have I been able to find the names of those supposed experts. Something this important, you'd think the accusers would be glad to document their sources. But, alas, not. The birth certificate appears to be legit, according to I looked at all the pics and they are consistant with what I know to be legitimate documents. The rest of the accusations levelled could be proven or disproven with travel records, visa entries, etc. But instead, we are left with a (online) media feeding frenzy that insinuates and suggests rather than proves definitely. Either there is a Kenyan citizenship record for the 2 yr old or there isn't. (Interesting how only his Kenyan relatives and the opponents are saying he's Kenyan.) Either there are adoption and citizenship documents for the very young Obama or there isn't. Either he held an Indonesian passport (which presumably would be tied to citizenship) or he didn't. So, when do we get to cut and paste some nice skeletons about the old white conservative Christian man? Or would that be too politically insensitive? :innocent:
I guess Hillary is just a 'rathissss'...LOL! If this actually knocks Obongo out of the race, you can bet there will be a buch of rioting primates out there!
Another angle to consider is the basic fact that in our country unfortunatly absolutely anyone can sue absolutely anyone for absolutely anything (or nothing at all) and with our media, if their fancy swings such then with a suit like this filed they could make it a big deal and the case could be dragged out long enouph to be sure it wasnt settled in time for the election. In that senario it wouldnt matter if it were true or not since most likely the DNC would put him ouut and use the runner up to keep from winding up with NO candidate if the case went bad for them and even if they kept him in the running (IF the media hyped the case) then it would have people thinking he wasnt likely to win and most folks in the US now days think an election is like a horse race and you are supposed to vote for who you think will come in first reguardless of who you want or think would be best for the job so could still easily cost the election. Again that would mostly all depend on the mood of the MSM and how they choose to spin, hype or ignore the story.
Unfortunately, mm, you have the right of it. The suit was allegedly filed yesterday, in August, not even three months before election. The timing in and of itself is highly suspect yet because of the absolute ineptitude of our legal system, there is little chance it will either be tossed out for the dross it is (if proven false) or upheld (if proven true) before then. The person filing, whom the blogs are all careful to name all his prior accomplishments (former senatorial candidate, etc), is a CLINTON SUPPORTER. Not an independent Joe, not even a member of the Republican party. Now, it could be argued that this should have been filed a lot earlier as to boost Hillary's run for the White House - and with some merit. But it would actually work better this way - with Obama under scrutiny and possibly too 'tainted' to be the primary candidate any longer, the Democrats would naturally (presumably) fall back on the original runner-up, Ms. Clinton. No way she could not be the primary candidate then with her only other contender out of the race for the duration. Of course, that is all speculation. Perhaps I am simply too calculating and cynical - and all my speculation requires a heavier tinfoil beanie.
obfuscation is the mandate for present day politic. If they ask to many questions, confuse them and they'll shut-up to keep everyone else from thinking they are dim. It's kind of like carrying a clip-board around for a disguise.