U.K....islamic convert.....BOMB BLAST IN SLEEPY TOWN! Exeter, a sleepy English town......whats the last thing you would expect there? Well it certainly would NOT be a white muslim convert, who BOMBS a family restaurant!!!! Yet this is what happened yesterday 22-05-08. WHAT A BLOODY DISGRACE!!!!! Anti-terrorist police are today examining the home of a Muslim convert who allegedly detonated a nail bomb in a family restaurant. Nicky Reilly, 22, who has a history of mental illness, suffered serious facial injuries after one of two devices exploded in the lavatories of the Giraffe eaterie in Exeter. He is currently under armed guard in hospital. The team of detectives from Scotland Yard's Counter Terrorism Command are also trying to establish if he had been radicalised. Devon and Cornwall Deputy Chief Constable Tony Melville said Reilly appeared to be a "vulnerable" individual who had been "preyed upon" and "radicalised". He said: "Our investigations so far indicate that Reilly, who has a history of mental illness, had adopted the Islamic faith. "We believe that he was preyed upon, radicalised and taken advantage of." Reilly was arrested by police at the scene of the explosion. He suffered lacerations to his eye and some facial burning after one device exploded. Another device found in the vicinity of the restaurant did not explode. None of the customers or 15 staff at the restaurant was hurt. The £230million Princesshay shopping complex, where the restaurant is situated, together with a number of shops and offices in the adjacent High Street, were evacuated for several hours after the blast at lunchtime yesterday. The Plymouth first-floor flat Reilly shares with his mother is currently being searched by police officers. It was from here that he'd travelled by bus to Exeter. Scott Allen, who lives in the flat below, said Reilly could have come into contact with groups of what he believed were Muslims who gathered in the area. Mr Allen, who said he'd grown up with Reilly, said there was sympathy in the local community for the 22-year-old and added: "I would say they picked on him because of his vulnerability. "He had always been a follower and had always wanted friends." Mr Allen added Reilly, who is about 6ft 3in and weighs around 14 stone, had become more reclusive over the years. "When he did go out he would not speak to anyone," said Mr Allen, who added that his neighbour used to collect James Bond model cars and played games on his computer. Another neighbour, 17-year-old Aly Turner, said he understood Reilly was "into" the Muslim faith, but did not talk about it to him. UPDATE: today at around 3.30GMT another two men were arrested in Exeter (same town centre) by armed police in what police believe was another attempted Bomb explosion!!! Just a bit of news from this side of the water London calling to the faraway towns Now war is declared - and battle come down London calling to the underworld The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin London is drowning and I, live by the river
Where is this going to lead to??? I'll give the Governments laws one thing, the wannabe terrorists are struggling to get their hands on really effective explosives & weapons, thank god. They only need to be lucky once, we need to be permanently lucky. Tony
Tony..i think we know the answere to that one mate? Yeah..but i wonder sometimes, espicially with the gun laws in the UK, well, we are NOT allowed to have them, but the criminals can, how long will it be before "they" are armed with more "deadly" weapons? As it stands at the moment because of the laws surrounding "weapons" (of any discription) "they" are more than adequetly armed against joe-public (the citizens) and to some extent the services!!! Couldnt agree with your more mate!! CURRENTLY AT DEFCON 5: INSIDE THE "OCCUPIED - ZONE" London calling to the faraway towns Now war is declared - and battle come down London calling to the underworld The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin London is drowning and I, I live by the river
I really feel for the decent people there. Hands tied and unable to defend themselves.... Is archery still legal there? I know broadheads are illegal, but field points could still do some damage. Better thn nothing. jim
Cheers Jim2, mate. Yep archery is still legal, but you cant walk about the streets with a Bow and Arrow (lol). Crossbows, the same although both fall into a regulation where you cannot manufacture or sell to persons under the age of 18. Lockblades of any size are still illegal ! Sections 1 and 2 of the Knives Act 1997 prohibit the marketing of a knife in a way which suggests it is suitable for combat or otherwise encourages violent behaviour using the knife as a weapon. (Archbold, 24.133) Section 43 Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 amends section 141A Criminal Justice Act 1988 and raises the minimum age for sale of knives etc. from 16 to 18. The Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959 prohibits the manufacture, sale or possession for sale or hire, of 'flick knives' and 'gravity knives'. (Stones, 8-22469) The Crossbows Act 1987 prohibits the sale to, or possession or purchase by, a person under the age of 17 of certain types of crossbow. (Stones, 8-22660) Section 44 Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 increases the minimum age for sale, letting on hire purchase and hiring of crossbows to 18 with effect from 1st October 2007. CURRENTLY AT DEFCON 5: INSIDE THE "OCCUPIED - ZONE" London calling to the faraway towns Now war is declared - and battle come down London calling to the underworld The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin London is drowning and I, I live by the river
F@@k, I'd hate to live in the UK and be helpless to the insane and criminal minded! I hope that the USA gets wise! Gun laws leave the honest citizen screwed!