Just like on this website I listed some guns for sale on a few others and I received a few PM's from perspective buyers . A few of them claimed to be local Missouri residents and wanted to know if they could just pick the guns up , I told them sure but they would have to go with me to a dealer and pass a NICS background check before I would sell them the guns all of which were pistols . Oddly it's been a few days since I sent them this and not one single person has re PM'd me to buy a gun . I am thinking doing it legally has scared them away . Is the internet a hotbed for Illegal gun sales or do the Feds use it to set people up ?
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre I do understand what your saying. Many criminals will want those pistols more so than a rifle as you well know why. Also, many people really want to avoid all the federal bull crap that goes with obtaining weapons these days. If I was selling a firearm of any sorts to a mere stranger, I wouldn't do it online. You're just setting yourself up for a world of pain either from a private person or the feds. On a different note, I buy directly from home owners as I do not wish to deal with the gov't...nor let them see what I buy. However, before I make a purchase on anything, I call a friend who works for the State Police and he runs a background check on the numbers while I wait on the phone. I feel this is the best way to keep me from ending up with a weapon used in a crime or stolen.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre It COULD be folks excluded from buying them but unless they are telling you (or at least implying) they are not allowed to buy them then it wouldnt be Feds. We got rid of the permit to aquire here in MO last summer and so there is nothing any more to prevent even handguns from being sold to a Missouri resident over 18 (yup private sales is 18 for handguns to, FFL they would have to be 21) by another private MO resident without any paper work. So it would be totaly legal to sell it face to face to a MO resident without a NICS check and there for would do cops no good to try to set you up unless they said or at least hinted they were prohibited. My guess is its just folks that would prefer Uncle Sammy didnt know what they had. I have known several folks who only liked to buy through private sales for just that reason even though they had spotless records and could buy with no problem from any FFL, they just didnt like the idea of records being kept of what they had. Now just to cover your own a$$, you can do up a bill of sale and if you want include on it a statment they have to sign that says they are not prohibited from buying firearms and make sure it is signed and dated.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre I try to do ftf when ever possible when purchasing firearms.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Now just to cover your own a$$, you can do up a bill of sale and if you want include on it a statment they have to sign that says they are not prohibited from buying firearms and make sure it is signed and dated.[/quote] good advice^
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre You can legally sell to them without going through the b.s. Gov. background check. I would have them show you their drivers license, if it is issued in the same state that you live in and they are not a known felon then I don't see any problem what so ever. Don't let the Gov. bully you into following laws that are not on the books. The only way I buy a used firearm is through a FTF transaction. It is none of the Gov.'s business.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre FTF is the only way to go, with caveats: On selling, you may not know if the buyer is on the right side. On buying, you may not know if the gun is hot for some reason. I've been fortunate in knowing the folks I've dealt with before the deals went down.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre If I am not severely mistaken, "doing it legal" does not require a background check in a FTF private sale. If you are not a dealer you do not have to do any paper work. This is the much touted "Gun Show Loophole" that the anti's cry about. Most people buy FTF for the reason of avoiding the .gov bs checks and de-facto registration. If I was told I had to do a background check I would decline also. Might as well go through a dealer.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Wisconsin is a tad different, actually much different. Laws here are that WI has an OPEN records law that all records can be found ONLINE in a database through the court system. Therefore, anyone, even a home owner can do a check and then report to the police about the individual. When I first attempted to buy from a home owner, he stated "well, I will just have to look this up online." I said " go ahead and while you're doing that, I will call a friend at the State Troopers HQ and confirm this gun isn't stolen"...he refused to sell it to me after that LOL It's best to buy from people you know.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Well guys I completely understand not feeling it's any of the governments business but the way I look at it if you've ever bought a gun from a dealer and there is a record of you owning ANY gun should confiscation ever come they will be looking for you . I don't honestly think we will ever see a day they do a door to door confiscation . What I envision is they will continue with by backs and various Bans such as Semiautos and when they have them all listed as illegal they will compile a database of every gun owner and at each and every interaction with the cops after you have been ID'd as a gun owner at any time of any gun they will consider it grounds for a search warrant even if you happen to be visiting a friends home during anything that caused an interaction with the cops including a fire or medical emergency . With all of these insane shootings and the media and cops backtracking to the place of sale for the gun it would be just my luck to sell to the wrong person and have the cops and media camped out in my front yard . I would rather be safe than sorry .
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Thats why you do the bill of sale, if the cops show up looking for the gun that got used in a crime you hand them the bill of sale and maybe a description of the guy and go on. I know that question had been discussed on missouricarry.com and one of the members who is a big dog lawyer that dose a lot on firearms stuff and also has helped to write a lot of our newer gun laws here had advised the bill of sale with details of the gun, date of sale, both signatures and if possible a copy of an ID (even if the social is blacked out). I know it was screwed up untill last year in MO for handguns and we still had and old Jim Crow law that required ANYONE buying ANY handgun, private or otherwise unless it was an FFL puting it into his inventory to go to the sherif and pay $10 then get a background check there and recieve a permission slip from the sheriff to buy it then take that to the seller who had to fill in the specifics on the gun and send it back to the sheriff. It had been put in place to controle blacks getting handguns and then got used to controle and register guns for every one. We finaly got it repealed last year.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Good Lord I cannot believe some of you gutless wonders responsding. Bill of Sale, NICS, Felony check, drivers licenses, note from your mother Private transactions mean just that --- PRIVATE Too many of you have been brainwashed or are voluntarily becoming "good little citizens" under Gov Phsyops----- "Better safe than sorry"----BS Also, turn in your extra food along with your guns since it is already illegal to have more than 6 months on hand and we all want you to "be safe and not sorry" Mule
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Sorry,I tend to sell to really good friends or dealers...I don't want billy bob to lose it to his crazy half brother in a poker game who kills a quik-trip clerk and tosses it in the freezer case where it comes back to me... Seems this has been a week for bad internet. p.s. do'nt feed the trolls. Nice to meet you mr.mule. Surely you don't want to hang around with a bunch of law abiding pussies do ya??? we've all dealt with trash that'd save their ass with a lie to put yours in their place. try "warrrifles" on for size(flaming is free there ...) and that's "psyops" tough guy; as in "psychological operations"
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Oh please, give me a break. Let me guess you are one of those who feel their second amendment rights are being trampled on because somebody won't sell you a gun without a paper trail in a private transaction? Guess what it is not your right to expect somebody to sell you their property without a paper trail it is up the seller to see fit on how they sell their stuff. If you don't like it then you don't have to buy it, it's that easy. I have sold firearms through advertisements in local papers before and if the person didn't want to do a Bill of Sale then I walked away with my goods. I had no clue who these people were or anything about them other than 1st impression. Not enough for me to sell you or anyone else a gun, that's my right and priviledge since I'm the one in possesion of what you want. Don't like it, go buy from a dealer or from somebody stupid enough to sell a complete stranger a gun w/o knowing if they are able to own a gun legally. Don't get me wrong I like being able to buy from private parties whenever I can but have no problem doing a bill of sale if that's what the seller wants, besides that it protects me also if the gun comes up stolen. However, if he is wanting my social security # or driver's license # that's different but do not mind showing him proof that I'm a resident of my state. In Oregon to be legal on a private sale the person needs to be a resident of Oregon for at least 6 months and meet the feds critieria of owning a firearm. I guess I'm just one of those gutless wonders.
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Mule I had a neighbor who spoke just the way you do . Funny thing was once I got to know him I found he was a drug addict and a drunk with a few felonies and he couldn't legally buy a gun . I found it absolutely hilarious when he and his girlfriend got into a fight and she threatened to take his O so proud of pair of matching Ruger Vaquero's and sell them since they were really HERS and not his by the letter of the law . Maybe you're a rough and tough guy who doesn't mind spending time in a cage but I'm rather proud of the fact that I have never seen the inside of a jail cell and want to keep it that way thank you very much .
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre That's what I was getting at; very little of my stuff is not on a 4473 somewhere, it aint about the buyer, its about the name address, and numbers the locals and feds will photocopy.Tennis raquets are one thing a .357 is different...
Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre Is it gutless to get a bill of sale or title for a car when you buy or sell it? If you dont have the bill of sale when you sold it and the guy who bought it dose a hit and run later the cops come to your door and since you have no way to show you sold it its still YOUR car and you are financialy responsible. I dont think most are saying to file stuff with the gov or anything else. Its just the matter that if you have never met the buyer in particular then to be prepared in the event that they may not be the nice guy you thought and if they shoot the clerk at 7-11 be able to show you did NOT have the gun at that times. Up untill last year here in MO if it was discovered you sold or bought a handgun without a permit to aquire it meant a big fine, prison time on a gun conviction which could laso keep you from owning guns in the future. If protecting ones self from liability (both financial and criminal) is gutless though then I guess I must be gutless because yeah I try to be prepaired for bad things to happen and to have what I need to deal with them and in a better way than serving the prison time for someone elses crime.