New to survivalism

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Quantrill, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    And so far, we've all forgot to mention something to start fires with if needed along the way (unless I missed it in a quick scan.) I mean, what good is the ramen without the heat? (Ever try chewing it right out of the pouch? Don't bother, it'll pop your fillings. Don't ask.)

    ALL OF US!! GET BACK TO BASICS! Geezeepeezee, how easy to forget the simple things?

    [troll] [booze]

    Speaking of popping fillings, one might have a small cotton ball or two or three soaked in clove oil for temporary relief of toothache pain while hiking out of a trouble area.
  2. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    All good advice but with no disrespect to BlackJack I will disagree on the handgun issue. Here in gun hating NY I have absolutely refused to beg the governments permission to own a side arm and get on their list of people to steal from in the form of taxes renewal fees and eventual confiscation. I don't own a handgun and don't plan to as long as I need a license to do so. But to each their own. A shotgun and 30-30 will take you where you need to go. The only advantage the side arm gives is concealability. Stay out of law enforcements way and you won't need to hide the long arm. IMHO.
  3. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Keep in mind that each scenario is going to have to be area specific regarding to laws. I don't blame you at all, NY gun laws suck, and only allow the illegal to be armed. Get out if you can.
  4. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    Though I cannot answer all your questions, I can answer a few. Question 2. For the regular folks who cannot afford any big honkin firearms like FAL's, AR's and such, your .30-30 is fine. Lever actions were the "assault rifles" of the American West. The cartridge itself can cave in a mans chest cavity and incapacitate him quickly. Ammo is also very available and cheap, cheaper than .308 and .30-06. Some LE use a Marlin 336 as their main rifle here in the country and can dispatch any critter on the planet if loaded with 170 grain bullets. The single shot shotgun will save ammo more than a pump or auto and the ammo is also cheaper and easier to find.

    Since I don't live in an apartment, can't comment. The 4th is a standard to have at least 72 hours worth of food. Some have more than that, but if you are on a budget, 3 to 5 days worth is just fine. Now, since you have mouthes to feed, each person should have the same amount if at all possible.
  5. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I'd like to add my love for the 30-30 lever as well. A cheap semi like an AK clone or SKS might suit you more in a defense situation, but .....there Aint nothing wrong with that rifle. You might check in to Hornady's new "leverevolution" ammo for it, it's really impressive stuff!

    Me and Groovy Mike will be disagreeing on the pistol issue. I understand his point about living in New York and it being a pain in the butt, but I firmly believe that in a SHTF situation, a concealable firearm ranks right up there with food and water.
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    1 additional comment its real easy to get overwhelmed! I need to prepare fo rhow many YEARS of food storage???!! Like any plan make small bite-sized( no punINTENDED) goals; shoot for 72 hours self sufficiency , then a week, then two, a month it adds up ...

    btw got a legacy "thutty thutty"in the closet myself. nice manageable rifle, Guns are important but buying a$1000 plastic wonder doesn't guarantee anything...
  7. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Along with the ghrit's suggested cloved cotton (or your child's teething medication), SuperGlue is good for emergency dental repairs.
  8. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    I'll go along with that. Chances are good that post SHTF I'll aquire a concealable firearm pretty quickly myself as there won't be anyone keeping a list of who has them at that point.
  9. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Everything has been pretty well answered so I'll just add one thing on the weapons issue.

    A few years ago I read a story about a man up in Alaska that held off several state troopers with a single shot 45-70. IIRC it was 10 or 12 troopers and he put the hurt to them. IMHO it's not so much what you have it's how you use it. [beer] Although I really do agree with getting a pistol. It can go where rifles and shotguns can't. They are tools and all have their purpose.

  10. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    A tube of super glue is in my BOMB kit and another in my IFAK. The glue works perfectly on cuts and abrasions, and waterproof to boot. Good thinking Tracy.
  11. Quantrill

    Quantrill Monkey++

    Thanks, guys. I added a magnesium fire starter and a maginfying glass to the kit. I will get super glue today.

    Heading to Aldi in a few hours to stock up on canned goods.

    I picked up a used copy of the first and second Fox Fire book for .50 this week, now those people in that book could survive.

    Good info on food preservation, soap making, making a log cabin, hell anything one could imagine. I think I may try to get the whole set.

    I think that in a post teotwawki situation you could probably rebuild society with these books.

    As weird as it sounds I am not as freaked out. Some say knowledge is power, I say knowledge and a .45 is peace of mind.
  12. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Thats a #&!! of a buy there. [touchdown] [chopper] They are great books well worth the worthless FRN's that it takes to get them.

  13. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Actualy I must not have explained that very well. You can get brackets from the hardware store that bolt into the door frame and then slide a 2x6 or 2x8 into the brackets that hold them in place, just like in the old west cabins or in forts and castles of old that used a bar to lock the door or gate from the inside. So the bar is very easily removable from the inside but cant be removed from outside. Just the steel brackets are lag bolted into the frame of the door. So to have a bar high and another low would use about 6-8 bolts to secure the brackets then drop the bars in place and no one comes in without first splintering the door so they literaly go through it. Bolting boards into place to secure doors or window could inded be a bad idea if didnt retain quick emergency exits in case of fire or other threat inside.
  14. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    *waves at Quantrill*

    I'm sorry. No one should be subjected to having to live in Kansas (born and bred MO girl here ;))
    If that's what you have, then it'll work.
    Personal opinion - no child over the age of two (18 months, really) should still be in diapers or those wonky psuedo-diapers! We've taken this whole "extended childhood" thing way too far in this country. Finish training the little one and you don't have to worry on that front.
    Trust me, she won't think you crazy if it ends up saving your lives.
    All the better. YOu already have important skills under your belt.
    Do it at first opportunity. Make sure you have an emergency exit plan.

    Not if there's chlorine already in it (as someone else said). Might want to get some purifier tablets for the just-in-case-ofs, though.
    Better than a spatula or a pointy stick! Use whatcha got, plan for better.
    The guys have already given you ideas. Locks on doors and windows types of things. Ideally, move out of said apartment ;).
    Standard is 72 hours or three days per person. Only pack what you know will be if you hate Ramen with a fiery passion, do not pack it! I'd suggest peanut butter if there are no allergies, the vacuum packs of tuna, trail mix type of munchies. In an ideal situation, you can hunt, but how often do we get an ideal situation? MREs can be your best friend--IF you can afford them (have you seen how the price has gone up?!?) Pack small pkts of herbs - chamomile and/or lemon balm for upset tummies/minds, activated charcoal tablets for upset tummies/mild poisoning, mint for a pick-me-up, tea tree oil for anti-septic/anti-bacterial, goldenseal for internal anti-bacterial/anti-viral and for external would packing with similar qualities. Don't forget such non-food things as a bit of toilet paper, a tarp (shelter if the car goes kaput), emergency alien blankets, a small notebook, emergency candle(s), a small non-battery flashlight, small crank radio if you can get one and have room. For the little one, plunk in a favorite stuffed animal or book for comfort in the scary situation.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    "a small notebook" And a pencil. Felt tips and ball points dry out.
  16. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    ( I carry no less than three writing implements at any given time. Guess I forgot that not everyone else does, too. Sorry. ;)
  17. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    Actually, a great survival writing implement is space pens which can be had just about anywhere. They write over finger prints, in rain, snow, cold, and upside down. They don't freeze, dry out or leak/explode. One may want to look up "rite-in-rain" products as they sell notebooks too.
    Brokor likes this.
  18. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Great details to learn here... and many links to check out!! [winkthumb]
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