I saw this on subguns. RDAIS for under $10K. WOW! Prices are falling. http://www.subguns.com/classifieds/index.cgi?db=nfafirearms&website=&language=&sessio n_key=&search_and_display_db_button=on&results_for mat=long&db_id=12870&query=retrieval People who are desperate to make house or car payments wait till it is too late and must sell valuables for less than market value in order to have the cash NOW.
This will be the nation's largest firesale ever, I just turned down a 50' HDTV for 500.00 bucks, the seller was so desperate he was on the verge of tears.
I can't wait for the prices to fall. If an MP-5 falls to that.......I will have to take the leap. Then again, I have better odds of winning the lotto......without playing it.