Literally, LMAO and had to super-glue it back on when I heard this! Somebody spent the last 4 years preparing for this and now the plan is coming together. Stock up on popcorn now!
I love it the community organizer unbeknown to Obammay opened the door for Trump and Trump is a genius for using it. Winning just gets better every day
At last, SOMETHING good to actually come out of the massively failed obummer criminal misadministration. Trump's legal eagles were geniuses to find this, recognise it and recraft it for Trump's use in helping to drain the swamp! And the thought of it so peeving off the democommies is so wonderful!
The TRUE beauty here is that Musk isn't a part of the system, he operates under exclusive presidential mandate, therefore, he is untouchable, NOBODY can haul him before a committee, or congress, or court and demand anything of him! He and Trump are playing this at next level, and they wrote the rules so that NOBODY can challenge them! Most of this came from Vivek Ramaswami, he is the unspoken genius who found the loopholes and whispered to Musk, who took it all and ran with it, and combined with his own genius, found ways to make it untouchable!
I believe our top military brass pretty much demanded that. obummer went easy on the tangos whenever he could.
Just imagine once Elon starts digging into the "Military Industrial Complex" just how much waste they find, and how many fingers get slammed in that cookie jar! It's worse then many folks imagined as it stands now, and we're just getting warmed up now! Imagine the whole Pentagon just sitting there vacant after so much corruption is discovered, and Trump/Hegseth cleans out the senior coaster's, it's going to be epic! Social security, Education, FDA, and all the rest of the Gov. Agencies, exactly as promised, gonna be a much leaner and meaner gov. Who knew that the immigration situation would prove so handy at getting rid of so many politicians in one fell swoop, look at the growing list the DOJ are going after, all the lefties States government, governors, and mayors, as well as attorney generals, and then there are the courts, Pam Bondi is on the war path, and she demands scalps! This year is gonna really be one for the books, makes the 4th of July and extra special day to celebrate our freedoms, thanks to 47 and co!
Obummer is a Muzzi, so he had to go easy on them whenever he could, there was a whole lot of knashing of teeth with all the things he refused to do or to act on, thankfully his handlers kept him from handing over far more than he did! Bad enough that he changed the "Rules Of Engagement" when he took office, and continued to change them to suit his "Brothers" in the sand box, that got a lot of good Americans killed for nothing but his pride and commitments to them! Thankfully, he is now gone and soon to be forgotten, he cannot ever influence anything or anyone ever again, about as useless as Billory Klinton, may they all burn in that hot place alongside Ol' Scratch!
Ya'll should look up Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR and designer of the Oculus owns a company called Anduril that has been named prime contractor (replacing Microshaft) for a $30B defense contract that is building a networked solder system.. kids a real version of Tony Stark..
Hoping some of the real leaders Obama purged from the military come back, even if it's in advisory roles. We need more mustangs that know hoe everything really works to replace the rubber stamping bureaucrats that Obama foisted on us. Make the Military Great Again!
In 30 days Trump will have worked more hours and accomplished far more than 2 PM lid beach bum Joe did in four years.
You can always tell which media whore is CIA when they ask a question and insinuate something sinister at the same time. Pete handled it well and chose to avoid even getting into it. The question should have been simple, but the hack chose to insinuate that Elon had "a conflict of interest", when he's one of the richest men in the world and isn't named Biden, the compromised career criminal. It's really a shame we aren't investigating the CIA and their control over corporate media.
Give President Trump time. He's going through all the alphabet agencies in turn. The CIA will have their time on the rack.