Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wildbilly, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Idahoser, SB21, Cruisin Sloth and 4 others like this.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    SB21, Ura-Ki and Seawolf1090 like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    It's always nice to see the First Lady Melania, such an elegant and poised example of what a first lady SHOULD be like, and so few have occupied the "People House" over the years, i'm glad to see her back!

    That she is Beautiful is icing on the cake!
    3M-TA3, SB21, OldDude49 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    SB21, Seawolf1090 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  6. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  7. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++


    Oh yes, you will.
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    At times like these, I enjoy watching CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the Fake Media just to get a balanced perspective...and to watch them bleed from ALL of their orifices! :D Does that make me a bad person?:unsure:
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    And a Pure Lady , First at that many can't hold .
    SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Joe and Jill, Fuck you very much and your crooked family too, there will be a reconning soon enough, and yours will be among the first to Reap the Whirlwind, your day will come, as it will for those who propped you up, prepare yourselves, Judgement day is coming!

    Tell Ol' Scratch, Fuck you too, I'll have his head!
    SB21 likes this.
  12. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    47 just revoked their security clearances....

    (1) James R. Clapper Jr.
    (2) Michael V. Hayden
    (3) Leon E. Panetta
    (4) John O. Brennan
    (5) C. Thomas Fingar
    (6) Richard H. Ledgett Jr.
    (7) John E. McLaughlin
    (8) Michael J. Morell
    (9) Michael G. Vickers
    (10) Douglas H. Wise
    (11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen
    (12) Russell E. Travers
    (13) Andrew Liepman
    (14) John H. Moseman
    (15) Larry Pfeiffer
    (16) Jeremy B. Bash
    (17) Rodney Snyder
    (18) Glenn S. Gerstell
    (19) David B. Buckley
    (20) Nada G. Bakos
    (21) James B. Bruce
    (22) David S. Cariens
    (23) Janice Cariens
    (24) Paul R. Kolbe
    (25) Peter L. Corsell
    (26) Roger Z. George
    (27) Steven L. Hall
    (28) Kent Harrington
    (29) Don Hepburn
    (30) Timothy D. Kilbourn
    (31) Ronald A. Marks
    (32) Jonna H. Mendez
    (33) Emile Nakhleh
    (34) Gerald A. O’Shea
    (35) David Priess
    (36) Pamela Purcilly
    (37) Marc Polymeropoulos
    (38) Chris Savos
    (39) Nick Shapiro
    (40) John Sipher
    (41) Stephen B. Slick
    (42) Cynthia Strand
    (43) Greg Tarbell
    (44) David Terry
    (45) Gregory F. Treverton
    (46) John D. Tullius
    (47) David A. Vanell
    (48) Winston P. Wiley
    (49) Kristin Wood
    (50) John R. Bolton
    Idahoser, 3M-TA3, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  13. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    We The People might not get to hang The Toxic Dwarf, but God will judge him tightly, and send the bastard to Hell. Still, I'll be happy to chip in for some good rope. :mad:
    SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Damn if he ain't swingin that glorious wrecking ball in the swamp but good, Hot damn, he is on the job once again, and he is pissed and keeping promises of action that the left should be VERY scared of, cause assholes like Fauxi and Shiff are about to get Completely Wreked!

    Collecting Scalps, Calling Coup, and Drinking Pepsi from his enemies Still Bloody Skulls, GLORIOUS!
  15. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I though Trump was a Diet Coke man?
  16. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    Here is the list of presidential actions Trump signed on Monday following his inauguration:
    1. Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization
    2. Application Of Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act To TikTok
    3. Granting Pardons And Commutation Of Sentences For Certain Offenses Relating To The Events At Or Near The United States Capitol On January 6, 2021
    4. Putting America First In International Environmental Agreements
    5. Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis
    6. Hiring Freeze
    7. Regulatory Freeze Pending Review
    8. Return to In-Person Work
    9. Ending The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
    10. Restoring Freedom Of Speech And Ending Federal Censorship
    11. Securing Our Borders
    12. Protecting The Meaning And Value Of American Citizenship
    13. Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program
    14. Unleashing American Energy
    15. Clarifying The Military’s Role In Protecting The Territorial Integrity Of The United States
    16. America First Trade Policy
    17. Memorandum to Resolve the Backlog of Security Clearances for Executive Office of the President Personnel
    18. Declaring A National Emergency At The Southern Border Of The United States
    19. Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information
    20. Restoring Accountability To Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce
    21. Protecting The American People Against Invasion
    22. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Tax Deal (Global Tax Deal)
    23. Organization of the National Security Council and Subcommittees
    24. Reevaluating And Realigning United States Foreign Aid
    25. Temporary Withdrawal of All Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Wind Leasing and Review of the Federal Government’s Leasing and Permitting Practices for Wind Projects
    26. Declaring a National Energy Emergency
    27. Restoring Accountability for Career Senior Executives
    28. Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture
    29. Restoring The Death Penalty And Protecting Public Safety
    30. Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California
    31. Guaranteeing The States Protection Against Invasion
    32. Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness
    33. Designating Cartels And Other Organizations As Foreign Terrorist Organizations And Specially Designated Global Terrorists
    34. Reforming The Federal Hiring Process And Restoring Merit To Government Service
    35. Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing
    36. Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government
    37. Establishing And Implementing The President’s “Department Of Government Efficiency”
    38. America First Policy Directive To The Secretary Of State
    39. Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats
    40. Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential
    Idahoser, johnbb, Seawolf1090 and 2 others like this.
  17. Horsegal

    Horsegal Monkey

  18. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    OMFG... I can't stop laughing at this...
    For those who don't know... Rachel Vindeman's hubby.... is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman . He was the guy who initiated the leak(s) that got then POTUS 45 Trump ‘in the soup’ so to speak for the first Impeachment. He stepped outside the chain of command, leaked private conversations Trump was having as POTUS and was protected because he aided and abetted so the first (SHAM)impeachment could happen.

    He’s traitor and should be clubbed like a baby seal.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
  19. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Save your money Sir ,,
    I'll buy the whole damned roll of rope .
    There's so many of them that needs to swing ,, 1 rope is not gonna last.
  20. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

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