A Tactical Umbrella

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by chelloveck, Jan 12, 2025.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    jim2 and Tempstar like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Unlike the tactical wheelbarrow of gunkid. there is a good reason that the tactical umbrella works as a means of thermal isolation. The ribs and the thin covering will quickly reach air temperature and not show up. It may however be different than the background temperature and in fact stand out. Can't really hurt and the video's coming back from the Ukraine's drones show soldiers sleeping in trenches and patrolling show up well in the IR cameras they are using. It is a new war and the front combat area is now with drones, several miles deep and dropping a mortar shell in your fox hole may ruin the rest of your life.

    The concept of IR spoofing brings up a whole lot of other things. What is the impact of the cameras that work into the lower light conditions by using IR sensitive detector cells? Will that make your defensive position stand out like a light bulb? No matter how well it is painted and what effect it has on the human eye, concrete is going to absorb and reject heat differently than grass and dirt and any opening will be at a different level also. We know that trying to hide and move if under attach by helicopters with a good IR system is nearly impossible. You can hide under shelter, but not move. In any conflict with a modern combat unit with training in actual civil unrest, sand box, you are not going to do well unless lead by someone with years of surviving in such a system and some third country supplying you with equipment, In the following clip from the Ukraine, it shows that differences are detected. Creating a hot spot will get you killed, but so will a cold spot. To avoid detection, you have to blend into the background. Not an easy task as you only know the surrounding air temp, not ground temp. They are using a mortar shell as an anti personal bomb. Miss by a few feet is still fatal. Effective but very graphic.

    Video Shows Russian “Invisibility” Cloaks Failing Against Ukrainian Drones

    Real Effectiveness of Thermal Camouflage on Full Display in Ukrainian Field (Video) | Defense Express

    Some comments on the development in the Ukraine that is good background for any prepper. What you may do or face.

    How Suicide Drones Transformed the Front Lines in Ukraine
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
    jim2, Tempstar and chelloveck like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    A thoughtful and well reasoned comprehensive response to the OP. I thank you.
    jim2 likes this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I just have no intention of standing the desert with my tactical umbrella. It and the field it is involved in, are still in its early days. I have high hopes of not being a dead early adopter of any devices in the area.
    jim2 likes this.
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    The same may be said of veterans confronting the spectre of chemical warfare in WW1 with pee soaked rags...it was better than nothing, until something more effective could be developed.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
    jim2 and mysterymet like this.
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