Seems LA a bastion of blue wealthy liberals are experiencing a red shift ____________FIRE One way or another they will find a way to blame Trump. God works in mysterious ways
Burn! Baby! Burn! I'm not a damn bit sorry for fools that are going to rebuild on the same damn site as soon as the ashes cool down!
It could have been prevented. But controlled burns, clearing brush and removing dead vegetation is politically incorrect in California. So, they'll rebuild. Those of us who carry homeowner's insurance will pay, and in ten or twenty years we can do it all over again.
Horses being escorted out of massive fire in LA County Idiot 'newscaster' doing a live interview in the middle of fire-storm
@stg58 "Like the folks in Flo-Rida who get wiped out by hurricanes and other storms rebuild and pay the highest insurance rates in the USA which we all subsidize via FEMA." Well, not only FEMA but I would bet via our insurance rates too. I'm not sure about that but sure seems reasonable insurance companies would raise rates across the board to cut their losses. My damn rates have increased these past two years to unbelievable amounts. I am about ready to say the hell with it and go without insurance since I own my home and could do so. Yeah, it's a risk and something I don't like to do but I don't like getting robbed either.
Newscum is probably already on the blower getting a few $$$ Trillion $$$ from Biden - needs that ca$h before the 20th
Which is why some insurance companies will not insure in Florida, along with some not insuring in California. Glad I live in a "green" area on the map.
Our premium which is due in February is a little over $500. Of course, we don't own a McMansion either. 1048 sq/ft, with a 2 car attached garage.
Mine's about $1100, 3 br 2 ba 1400 sqft in the yellow which looks close to the norm. Now of course that'll be increasing by the time I pay the premium around the end of October. Might be time to sell anyway and go move on to the BOL with the "family" which consists entirely of two cats. No water or electric bills to increase at the whim of some flaky company.
If I owned properties I didn't absolutely require, I'd sell them off now as long as I had a far off grid location in mind. This economy is going to burst like a pressurized pinata and there's a little rascal with a baseball bat lining up for the swing. Sellers market for long as you already have a fallback property paid for or a great place lined up already. The only way they can get this economy to stop convulsing is to raise property valuation, and with it taxation. But ultimately what ends up happening is complete collapse as the value of the Dollar gets so bad it becomes completely worthless in the matter of weeks. But it will be too late for people to do anything by that time. And I mean prepare, not to "fix" the economy, that's a lost cause and has been since 1933. All in the plan.
It's all paid for, house, BOL property, 3 vehicles, travel trailer, all except for $400 on a credit card and that's going away in a couple of weeks. Banks hate me.
If it wasn't for them little fish ,, the Smelt ,, California would have better use of their water reservoirs. A good number of homes are gonna burn to the ground ,, over a couple cans of sardines . Good move Cali. That ,, and I saw today that some Cali politician cut 17 point something billion ,, or million ,, can't remember which offhand, but dont want to tell the wrong info ,, but cut them dollars from their Fire departments budget ,, and gave it ,, and a bunch of fire equipment to ,, guess who ,,,, Zelensky and Ukraine. So there ya go . You vote for stupid people,, you get stupid consequences.
Yeah mine tripled or abouts, since I'm the one that made claims it was on me from like 1700.00 to like 3525,00 Fired that company whom included Flo's Shopped around and put the insurance in the wifes name...back at around 1500.00 range
I saw a utube video a little bit ago,, it was a politician from Cali. He said when he was a young kid ,, 17 - 18 or so ,,, he was looking for a job,, said he went to his local Fire department,, asked if he could get a job as a fireman . The Cheif at the department gave him an application, the guy asked how long it would take to get a job ,, they told him ,, about 7 years . He put in his application,, and went and got a construction job. He said right about 7 yrs later ,, he got a call to come try out for the fire department. He went ,, and was standing in line with men , women, Latinos, blacks ,, etc. He said he asked a black lady behind him , how long ago had she filled out her application to get the opportunity to try out for the fire department ? ,, she said,, Wednesday . She filled out her application 3 days prior , and he waited 7 yrs . He said he stepped out of line and left. . He said that white folks at the time were the last folks to be hired .
^^^Went to an interview in 1990 for a job with a well known controls company, and the interviewer told me first thing, "Damn man, I was hoping you were black. I have to hire a black man for this position".
Whatever happened to MLK judge a man by his character and not the color of his skin. Damn the only criteria should be are you qualified. Speaking of insurance Paying over 2 grand for hurricane insurance never made a claim and it keeps going up. When I built my house a put 40 year asphalt shingles on my house had 24 years on them perfectly good. No insurance would cover my house until I had a new roof put on what bull shit. Roof told me he tells everyone o with 30 year shingles cause insurance won't cover a roof 20 years or older. House is paid for if it weren't for the wife I'd drop the damn insurance. Car insurance SC it's a law you have to carry uninsured motorist insurance --what the hell do I need uninsured motorist coverage when it's a law you have to have insurance.