Odd that he supposedly supports trump and sets off a bomb at a trump hotel? https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local...ails-at-in-las-vegas-new-years-day-explosion/ Fellow Servicemembers, Veterans, and all Americans, TIME TO WAKE UP! We are being led by weak and feckless leadership who only serve to enrich themselves. Military and vets move on DC starting now. Militias facilitate and augment this activity. Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds of thousands. Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge is complete. Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country to avoid collapse. -MSG Matt Livelsberger 18Z, 10th Special Forces Group \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are terminally ill and headed toward collapse. We are crumbling because of a lack of self respect, morales, and respect for others. Greed and gluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them. We have strayed from family values and corrupted our minds and I am a prime example of having it all but it never being enough. A lot of us are just sitting around waiting to die. No sunlight, no steps, no fresh air, no hope. Our children are addicted to screens by the age of two. We are filling our bodies with processed foods. Our population is too fat to join the military yet we are facing a war with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran before 2030. We must take these actions if we are going to make it past the next few years in one piece: We must end the war in Ukraine with negotiated settlement. It is the only way. Focus on strength and winning. Masculinity is good and men must be leaders. Strength is a deterrent and fear is the product. Weeded out those in our government and military who do not idealize #2. The income inequality in this country and cost-of-living is outrageous. The number of homeless on our street is embarrassing and disgusting. Have some pride and take care of this. Stop obsessing over diversity. We are all diverse and DEI is a cancer. Thankfully we rejected the DEI candidate and will have a real President instead of Weekend at Bernie’s. We must move on from the culture of weakness and self enrichment perpetuated by our senior political and military leaders. We are done with the blatant corruption. Our soldiers are done fighting wars without end states or clear objectives. This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives? Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I’ve lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took. Consider this last sunset of ‘24 and my actions the end of our sickness and a new chapter of health for our people. Rally around the Trump, Musk, Kennedy, and ride this wave to the highest hegemony for all Americans! We are second to no one.
Shawn ryan seems to be a deep state plant. Figure everything that comes out is because they want it to come out. This whole thing is sketchy as hell.
hmmm... who was really in the vehicle??? was there a drone statement in the info??? aren't tesla vehicles hackable??? thing is seems many of us no longer trust the MSM or the initial gov orgs... seems to be a long track record of to many lies and distortions and misinformation... could this have been a drugged body in a drive by wire drone ground attack??? as I recall there were reports of a date rape drug that has been in use since the 60's??? they sneak the drug into a drink and... you wake up later somewhere else???
That email is really 'sketchy' also...strange it didn't come out anywhere except this Sam Shoemate on Shawn Ryan. The whole thing stinks to be honest. He writes, "Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary" but then kills himself after Trump and loads of Republicans are elected and his bomb really doesn't do anything yet he's Special Forces trained so would have some knowledge of how and where to place it and what exactly was he trying to blow up? None of it makes sense to me. Ryan McBeth, an intel analyst on Youtube who is a pretty straight shooter, went even farther and called Shoemate a liar, the email a lie, and Shawn Ryan an enabler.
Seeing the depth of corruption the democrats have taken our country, and the strangle hold the government has over the media, He likely did not feel that his message would be heard any other way.
excerpt from a reply in another thread Tesla Inc. can disable Tesla vehicles remotely. Kia plus Hyundai vehicles can be hacked n stolen [ a human thief / driver is required ] unmanned self driving IED? nope dere is no known way ta do dat currently wid a Tesla**** oder brands are easier ta hack however dere are no known hacks uv da self driving systems**** at dat level Tesla charging stations record everythin, dey have video uv da driver charging da vehicle n drivin it from several charging stations, da videos have been turned over to law enforcement [ da driver was alive fer sure at those stations n was recorded on video at those locations, da vehicle cannot charge itself n self drivin systems aint perfect ] da hotel must have video uv da driver as well, if dey had a half decent surveillance system .. ..
Intel analyst, software architect, cybersecurity guy, Content Creator, NEWSMAX commenter, Author. Typical SIG guy. https://www.youtube.com/@ryanmcbethprogramming The official Ryan McBeth Substack | Substack dis is da video Sir @Bandit99 was talking about title [ Shawn Ryan and Sam Shoemate Are Lying ]
Lets see if Shawn reports that he was duped or not , if not then I will no longer trust anything said from his podcast . Sloth EDIT add He must address this , If BS then set it straight . As I have listen to him set things straight before S
Not seeing anything substantive that supports either Shawn Ryan or Sam Shoemate being liers or even just simply wrong, everything they shared has been corroborated by actual independent sources ( the kind that carry TSC or higher and are held to very strict standards as such) not these hucksters claiming to know the "Real Truth" behind all this! As of now, I recommend everyone take a deep breath and wait to see what else come out before tossing Shawn Ryan under the bus, supporting unconfirmed "evidence" as truth ain't getting us anywhere! Here is something else to think about, Shawn Ryan has one of THE most powerful attorneys there is in his corner, Shawn contacted that dude before releasing his video and got tons of independent confirmation on this under the advice of his attorney! I suspect that there is going to be some serious back and forth between these parties, with a couple of them getting their ass's sued to oblivion!
THIS guy is a Shyster, Member of Meal Team Six with Extra Cheese! GO read the comments on this guys channel, tells ye everything ya need to know about his "Facts"
hold up dere fer a jus a sec, jus about all content creators on youtube are there fer profit including Ryan McB n Shawn Ryan methins Ryan McB has or had a TS/SCI clearance equal to or higher dan most operators out dere except delta n team 6, jus sayn Ryan McB n sec_monkey are in cyber we know when somethin lectronic looks fishy as heck .. .. some content creators are paid $$$$$$$$$ ta advertise some reel questionable stuff n things, some uv em have better ethics dan oders or not .. .. dere are indicators dat suggest da email wuz possibly 100% fabricated or heavily altered or forged or messed with [ edited or altered ] or created with AI in whole or in part or put together by unknown 3rd parties from real postings on the internet that may or may not have been posted by the Green Beret in question or a combination thereof or somethin else we dont know about yet I aint attackin Shawn Ryan n I aint gonna call Shawn Ryan any names, it is possible Ryan McBs headline n graphic wuz too harsh or premature .. .. I aint gonna attack Sam Shoemate either until we have more evidence .. .. bottom line da authenticity uv da email cannot be verified yet .. .. we have ta wait n see .. .. it is possible da email might be 100% fabricated, or 25% real n 75% fabricated, or 25% fake n 75% real or somewhere inbetween.. .. ya git da idea .. .. it does not appear ta be 100% authentic because dere are indicators dat an unknown person or persons messed wid it or could have messed wid it .. .. if it was really an email and was sent da FBI has da email n da email headers by now n can trace it back to da original source which may have been da Green Beret or someone pretending to be da Green Beret .. .. jus sayn
wut is dis English yall is talkin about? dis here dummy speaks merican [ reel bad merican ] aint never been no gud at edumacation
Ura-ki, I'm not calling Shoemate a liar, Ryan McBeth is. I said it is 'sketchy' and doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't. Also, I did not hear that anyone else had collaborate that email - meaning - not classified sources because anyone could claim them but public sources (FBI, police, etc.). Personally, I like Shawn Ryan, just a bit ago he had a former CIA Targeter (Sarah Adams) on who was astounding. I watch the entire episode and dug up her name wanting more. As a point of interest, I don't understand why Ryan would have to have his attorney review the episode as he made no claims or insinuations and Shoemate, right or wrong, under the Constitution is allowed to say anything he wants, whether it is true or not. Did Ryan make an assertion of some sort that could make him liable? Maybe I need to watch it again as I admit I didn't pay much attention and didn't watch all of it. Ryan McBeth, right or wrong, took a swing at Shawn Ryan because he allowed Shoemate to come on his show and say what McBeth believes are lies. He called him an 'enabler' because of this. Frankly, I don't agree with him. He can indeed call Shoemate a liar but Ryan can interview whoever he wants that he feels might interest his viewers. I believe you can see this in two different ways. 1) Free of Speech allows this, right or wrong, true or false. Or, 2) Hosts should be held accountable for what is said on their podcasts and not give their platforms to people that spread disinformation. To the latter, I ask, "Well, how do you know it's disinformation unless it is allowed to come out?" Slippery slope and think what the government could do with something like this...would we ever have known the truth about Covid if this was the case? Ryan McBeth is good, real good and is constantly countering disinformation on the internet with facts. I do think he went too far with his 'enabler' comment. What he believes is Hosts on podcasts need to vet what is being said to be true...but that many times is simply impossible and subjective.
yep yep when the FBI interrogates Shoemate n he lies to them, he is gettin arrested, charged n could get 5 to 8 years [ or more ] in a Federal resort ya can lie to the public ya cant lie to the FBI
Shoemate didn't Lie, He turned EVERYTHING over to the FBI when he got it, and it has all been corroborated by them AND the County Sheriff handling this, along with all sorts of other people who would know! Shawn's Attorney advised him to make damn sure he had everything corroborated through his sources, many of which are the kind you don't reveal/burn, including those within the Gov, which is why some names were redacted, as he explained! For McBeth to Flat out Call Shawn a Lier in his opening is LIBLE and i'm betting it's THAT that gets his pee-pee slapped around, then proceeding to claim all sorts of stuff with out offering any proof ( Either) so who is more right, the guys we know have trusted sources and can verify things quickly and accurately, or, Meals Team Six, ,some Rando Operator I.T. guy who claims to work in Cyber, but has not, cannot answer how he came across his "Intel" or how he has proof Shawn is wrong! McBeth really opened a #10 can of Bull Shit with his video rant attacking Shawn, there are a whole bunch of folks who take issue with this and are making serious noise about it online! It also says a whole lot when the McBeth's video comments are all basically calling him out, attacking his information and "Intel" as he claims, and then attacking Shawn, which has gotten a whole bunch more folks super pissed off! As to These guys being U-tube operators making tons of coin, sure, it's a full time job ifin ya want to be making big coin, but then again, it's a FULL TIME JOB that U-tube requires a certain amount of content to pay out, as do the advertisers, which is where the REAL monty comes from! So yea, I take it all with a grain of salt, BUT, as they say Trust, But Verify, as there have been plenty of content creators I have stopped watching because they have become so full of themselves that their content is nothing but horse shit and Ain't Nobody Got Time FO DAT!
So let’s look at it this way. If US and China have gravometric propulsion systens why the hell would you have a non technical gound pounder even if he is SF read in on those programs? What can he contribute to the program by knowing it exists? If the guy was an AF development engineer working at AFRL I’d be more inclined to believe that. Since I think that part is BS it just throws the rest of it into doubt. the guys went into thw army right after high school. He had awesome service record and was one hell of a warrior and I have no doubt he was a total bad ass BUT there is nothing in his background that screams special weapons development geek at all.