FBI finds 150 homemade bombs at Virginia home in one of the largest such seizures, prosecutors say This guy had 150 pipe bombs in Norfolk.
HEADS UP FOLKS, this shit gonna be something! Seems Shawn Ryan has the inside scoop here on this attempted Trump Bombing!
According to this, some serious shit went down under Trump's watch in 2019, and while it's likely not directly implicating Trump, I'm betting the senior leadership who gave the orders is sweating bullets and blood right about now! Who was the Sec-Def in 2019? Who were his subordinates authorized to give such orders? There's gonna be some pretty nasty top lever shit happening in the next few days, and I expect to see a couple VERY senior level flag officers being rolled up, along with any and all subordinates who had a part in this!
Shawn ryan seems to be a deep state plant. Everything coming out now is stuff they WANT to come out. Maybe this is their next play against trump. At this point I don’t believe anything unless I know the person saying it about their personal experiences. Everything else is greeted with skepticism.
Terrorist seems like the use of fear for an agenda. It can't just be some lone nut job. Convid was like this, not a winter flu but some deadly thing that warranted special actions It all stinks.